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SD 241511.11 Joint log: Commanding and Executive officers

Posted on Thu Nov 12th, 2015 @ 7:54am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Following her rather interesting meeting with Lieutenant Ros, Isabella had naturally decided to inform Commander McKeon of the delay in the completion of the repairs. There wasn't an easy way to approach the topic that she could think of, so Isabella had decided to simply tell McKeon what she knew. It was rather late in the afternoon when she finally stood up from her desk and walked from her office to the ready room door and tapped the door chime. Silently, she prayed that the commander had decided to stay on duty this afternoon instead of taking off early.

Alistar was finishing up the last of the after action reports from the Endeavour's previous mission and thinking on how he could spend the rest of the day. There wasn't much left to do, a few daily reports that needed to he read and some sort of work order that needed to be approved but it was an overall quiet day. And then the door bell went off. "Enter," he called.

Isabella straightened her uniform jacket before she tapped the door control and took a step forward into the ready room. She noticed the small stack of padds on the desk and hid a smile as she realized that she had caught the commander while he was trying to get rid of as much paperwork as possible. There were times when Commander McKeon was so predictable that it wasn't even funny. Coming to a stop before the desk, Isabella finally allowed a smile as she spoke. "I see you're still hard at work."

"Well, the ship won't run itself," Alistar said. "Sit down commander. You're here for a reason, no need for you to stand the entire time."

"I wanted to inform you of the update to the repair schedule," Isabella said as she slid into a chair and leaned back. "I just spoke to Lieutenant Ros, and she said that there have been a few additional problems that they have found since they submitted the original report. They're having to correct a few mistakes made by the shipyard is what I've gathered, going by the reports."

"Yeah, apparently there was a major screw up when they built the Endeavour and the Resolution," Alistar said. "I read a report that the Resolution's warp core didn't have enough output to propel the ship higher than warp five. Endeavour seemed to get all of the parts problems."

"Most of those problems have been seen to, although I would suggest we check our inventory and any replacement parts we receive in the future. I would also recommend that we replenish our supplies the next time we stop at a starbase," Isabella said. Silently, she agreed and was grateful that the Endeavour had to deal with minor annoying matters such as the ones that they had been dealing with. Replacing the warp core wasn't exactly a difficult job to carry out on an Intrepid class ship, but it was time consuming.

"Already put the request in," Alistar said. "So, for a change of subject. I imagine we're still on a course for Alpha Sigma?"

"Yes Sir, as per your orders when we left Lambda Hydrae," Isabella replied, a tiny hint of a frown touching the corners of her mouth.

"Order helm to alter course to sector 64501, best possible speed," Alistar said.

Isabella frowned as she searched her memory for the identifying name for the destination sector. Every sector had a number assigned to it along with a name in most cases. In a few cases, an alpha numerical designation was issued on a temporary basis. She finally shook her head. "I'm not familiar with that sector," she admitted.

"No one is," Alistar said. "Other than the fact that part of the Phendrana Drifts are in that sector, nothing is known about it. We'll be the first Starfleet ship to survey the region. And I hope that it's a quite boring survey."

"How long are we to survey the sector?" Isabella asked.

"Three to five weeks, more if we find anything interesting, then we'll loop around the Drifts and back to DS5 for some R&R," Alistar said.

"That doesn't sound too bad," Isabella said, nodding her head in approval. A quiet boring survey mission would give the crew the chance to relax and focus on normal shipboard duties for a change. Five weeks wasn't time enough to do a thorough survey of the entire sector, but it would be better than nothing.

"Hopefully we won't run across any problems, at least until we get the shields and other systems fully repaired," Alistar said.

"Hopefully," Isabella agreed. Standing, she nodded. "With your permission, I'd like to inform the science department, that way we'll be prepared when we arrive."

"Get with cadet Valenar and put her in charge of the project. She's the closest we have to an actual science officer, the rest of the science department are enlisted and civilians. You may want to stick around science for a while just to make sure she doesn't have any issues with anyone," Alistar said.

"Yes, Sir," Isabella said. "If that's all?"

"Dismissed," Alistar said.


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