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StarDate 241511.16 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Science/Operations Cadet

Posted on Tue Nov 17th, 2015 @ 3:38am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Isabella had often been thankful that she had been assigned to the Endeavour since she had first boarded the ship. Most Intrepid class star ships had the same generic layout that was designed to make the class suited for just about anything Starfleet might be in demand for, making the majority of Intrepid class ships a higher class of all purpose exploration star ships. The Endeavour and her sister ships had been a step away from that, as they had been designed and built solely for the purpose of exploration. The changes made in the Endeavour's design also meant that some things were different, and on the Endeavour Isabella had discovered that some of the major changes could be found on deck eight. Instead of a small astrometrics lab tucked away in a corner somewhere as an afterthought, the Endeavour had both a fully equipped astrometrics lab and a stellar cartography lab that had been placed on deck eight along with an additional three science labs and two hydroponics bays. While not as large as the stellar cartography labs found on the Galaxy or Sovereign class star ships, the one that had been built aboard the Endeavour was still impressive. Isabella took a step inside stellar cartography and, as always, she stopped briefly at the three large view screens and numerous side screen monitors that displayed various information. As always, Isabella stared at the center screen and the view of space in the Endeavour's immediate sensor range before she turned away and started searching for Cadet Valenar. The science cadet wasn't hard to locate, the young woman's cadet uniform and purplish blue hair stood out easily enough. Walking over, Isabella smiled before she spoke. "Cadet Valenar?"

Elanawen hummed quietly as she studied a reading from one of the long range sensor arrays. Despite the fact that most things in stellar cartography could be handled by the automatic computer systems that recorded the data and created a report that could be downloaded at any time, she liked to keep a manually written log during her shift. It was something she had found that could help pass the time and it also let her learn more about the control systems and even the individual sensors. Elanawen leaned back from the display and wrote a quick note on her padd and started to turn towards the next console when she heard someone speak her name. Turning, she found herself face to face with the executive officer. Momentarily startled, Elanawen managed to suppress her immediate reaction.

"Commander! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in," Elanawen said.

Isabella smiled and hid a chuckle at the cadet's startled reaction. She knew what it was like to be completely focused on one thing and to forget everything else around her so that when someone walked up to her she couldn't help but jump. It was mildly amusing, unless of course you were the one being startled. "I'm sorry I startled you, Miss Valenar. However, Commander McKeon wanted me to inform you that he's placing you in charge of the science department on a limited basis during our upcoming survey mission," Isabella said.

"I'm just a cadet, Ma'am," Elanawen said, not really protesting but instead voicing her concern. There was a good deal of worry in her voice as well.

"We don't have any officers in science or operations, so as a cadet you're the closest we have and technically the best choice. The rest of the science department is either enlisted or civilian. While you are a cadet and as such technically junior to the enlisted personnel, you will one day be a commissioned officer," Isabella said, trying to calm any of the cadet's fears. "Think of this as a training exercise. You'll have operational command of the department during the survey mission, with the full backing of both me and Commander McKeon. If you have any questions or concerns, you can ask either of us about either at any time."

"What if the ship is attacked or we encounter a situation that calls for any kind of an alert status?" Elanawen asked.

"In the event of any situation that calls for an alert status throughout the ship, the senior ranking noncommissioned officer will assume control over the science department as per standard Starfleet regulations unless Commander McKeon issues an order that states otherwise," Isabella replied. "But during normal operations, you'll be in charge for the duration of the survey."

"I'll certainly try to do my best, Ma'am," Elanawen said, her voice trembling to show her nervousness.

Isabella gave the cadet a disarming smile. She understood the younger woman's fear and anxiety, having been in a similar situation when she had been a cadet herself. "I know you will do your best, and that's all the captain and I ask. I've already informed the senior noncommissioned officers in the science department, and they've all agreed to fully support your appointment. You may have a problem with one or two of the civilians, but that should be minor. If they give you any trouble, let either me or the commander know and we'll handle it," she said.

"Thank you, Commander," Elanawen said, forcing herself to breathe at a steady pace. She hadn't expected any of this, which was why she was so nervous. The chance to be in charge of a survey in uncharted space was the dream job of any science cadet, and it was also one that would frighten any smart cadet. But the executive officer had promised the full support of the command team, and all they expected was for her to do her best. Bracing to attention, Elanawen saluted.

"I'll do my best, Ma'am," she said.

Isabella returned the salute and smiled before she turned and left stellar cartography. She was certain that the cadet would do an excellent job once she settled into it. Valenar certainly had to potential to be an excellent officer, she simply needed the experience and a simple survey mission would be an excellent start. As she walked towards the nearest lift, Isabella thought over a mental list of things she was currently working on and decided that she needed a break instead. To her knowledge, the forward lounge was usually empty at this time, so Isabella softly hummed a note from an old song she knew and headed towards the lounge.


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