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241510.18 Joint log: Chief Security/Tactical and Chief Helm

Posted on Thu Nov 19th, 2015 @ 4:21am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant JG Daniel Holland

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Holland returned to quarters after his visit to sickbay and wondered for a moment if his entire tour of duty on Endeavour would be this way. On the positive side of that was the fact that things would certainly not get boring, but a negative was that the pace could certainly take a toll.

He glanced at the clock mounted on the wall of his quarters and bit his lip softly in thought. There was still so much to do, it really felt like a waste of time to sleep. He was tired, but still a bit jumpy after the dramatic events of the last mission and the climactic battle.

Akira frowned thoughtfully as she stepped back from the Security/Tactical station and allowed her relief to take over. She couldn’t help but notice that Lieutenant Holland had been relieved early, and ever since the Battle of Lambda Hydrae he had been acting . . . different. Not in a bad way as far as an Officer performing his duty, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Computer, locate Lieutenant Holland,” Akira said as she stepped into the turbo-lift.

“Lieutenant Daniel Holland is currently in his quarters,” the computer responded.

Akira nodded and ordered the computer to take her to Deck Three, where the officer quarters assigned to the Senior Officers were located. Arriving at the quarters assigned to Holland, she reached out and taped the door chime.

"Enter," Holland called and headed to the entrance to his quarters to see who was calling. When he saw who it was he smiled in welcome. Lieutenant Akira Sato had that seriousness that seemed to be an occupational hazard for anyone on the Security/Tactical track, but since working with her on that battle plan for the engagement at Lambda Hydrae, Holland had come to both appreciate that serious professionalism as well as like what he knew of the person behind it. "Lieutenant Sato, please come in. What can I do for you?"

“I was going to ask you the same thing, Lieutenant,” Akira said as she stepped through the doorway and into Holland’s quarters. Out of respect for the other Officer’s privacy, she didn’t glance around the room, something that was difficult given that her training as a Security Officer had to be curbed in order for her to not do so.

“So, how have you been? I haven’t seen you since the battle,” Akira said.

"It's been busy," Holland admitted with a small smile and motioned her to a seat in the lounge area of his quarters. He was surprised by her visit, but he was also pleased. Holland had found that he genuinely liked the somewhat overly-serious Security and Tactical Chief. He found her steady professionalism comforting, "I like being busy, it helps after all the 'excitement'. Or it did, until the XO pulled me from duty for 48 hours." Holland shook his head, "The XO has a talent for cruel and unusual punishment. I dread to think what she'll come up with if I really annoy her. Can I get you anything to drink?"

“I’d love a drink. Ginger ale, if the replicator can make a decent glass of it. As for the Executive Officer, I understand she was taught by her predecessor, who was a very strict Officer. There is also the fact that she has our Commanding Officer to guide her, and he seems to be very . . . capable,” Akira said, hesitating as she tried to think of a suitable word that would best describe Commander McKeon. She wasn’t sure if ‘capable’ was the best word, but it did fit.

“I’m also certain that Commander DeiSilvisi has to ensure that the entire crew is taken care of, even if it means she must upset those crew members who don’t see the harm they can do to themselves,” Akira continued after a moment’s pause.

Holland got a glass of ginger ale for his guest and a cup of tea for himself. He handed her the glass and then sat down next to her with a somewhat chastised smile, "I know, I know. Perhaps I haven't quite grown out of that little boy that used to be sent to his cabin by his father for some or other prank." He took a sip of tea and then nodded with a sigh, " I'm not saying she is wrong, only that I would have preferred to stay busy. I'm not as good at...handling the aftermath of...stressful situations as some. Being busy, keeping my mind occupied. It helps."

“Have you tried spending time on the holodeck?” Akira asked as she sipped at her drink. It was decent, although she wished that the replicator could add some of the fizzle that she preferred. When compared to the real thing, the replicator almost always fell short.

"Occasionally," Holland admitted with a grin, "I have a weakness for holo-novels, but honestly, I prefer building something real. So, I paint or build model antique aircraft. That activity requires a somewhat different frame of mind from the one I'm in now, though. Tell me, Lieutenant Sato, what do you do? To have fun, to relax, to unwind?"

“When I can’t spend any time on an actual planet, I use the holodeck. But, other than that, I dance, work out, read . . . anything that forces my mind to focus on something and not let it wander,” Akira said as she took a sip of her drink.

Holland chuckled and replied, "My goal is usually to let my mind wander. When I'm on duty, I'm usually focussed on my department and duties so when I get off duty, I try to just relax, not really think too much." His smile fell away then and he took a sip of his tea, not really tasting it, and then shook his head and admitted, "Though, since the battle...I'm finding it difficult."

“Was that your first major battle?” Akira asked as she set her glass down on the table and sat back in her seat.

"No," Holland said with a shake of his head and an embarrassed smile, "It's my first as the senior Helm Officer. So many lives depending on me and my abilities. It's both a rush and a heavy weight. I can usually keep my focus just fine during the action, but's like my brain goes into overdrive. I think about things I could have done differently, things I could have done better. I always feel like this after a battle, but this time is especially worse. How many lives could have saved if I had done this or not done that. It stops after a while...usually. I guess I'm just not cut from the same cloth as everyone else."

“No one is cut from the same cloth, that’s what makes everyone unique. What’s important is that you don’t blame yourself for what happened,” Akira said.

Holland looked into her eyes and sighed before shaking his head again and saying, "I'm not there yet, I'm afraid."

“Good, because from where I was sitting, I saw the chief helm officer of this ship do an excellent and outstanding job at his station, and I don’t think he could have done much else to change what did happen,” Akira said, her tone serious as she stared at Holland.

It was difficult to believe what she was saying. However, Holland knew enough about Sato to realise that she was not really the type to make statements she didn't believe was one hundred percent accurate.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Holland said taking a deep breath, "It means a lot to me to hear you say that."

“And why is that?” Akira asked, tilting her head slightly in a questioning pose as she stared at Holland.

Just for a moment, the question had him tongue-tied as it caught him off guard. He took that time to consider his statement, his feelings and the source of it all. Then he smiled and replied, "I suppose because, despite the fact that we have not known each other all that long, we have gone through something together. Something that reveals or exposes a person's character. I'm not sure I share your assessment of my performance, but I have come to admire, respect and like you. I think, with time, we could be good friends. Therefore, to me, your opinion carries a lot more weight than even my own."

“I already considered you a friend, but I do want to thank you for your honesty. I have no problem with us becoming close friends. We’re going to be serving together on the same ship for what I hope is a long time,” Akira said.

"Good," Holland grinned, "In that case, on to less serious topics. I don't know too much about your past. If you don't mind sharing, where are you from?"

“Well,” Akira said as she leaned back in her seat. After a moment of thinking over where to begin, she started talking about growing up in Japan before she had moved aboard her mother’s ship. It wasn’t long before they both lost track of time as they talked, and it was hours later when Akira finally realized that Holland had fallen asleep. With a smile, she set her empty glass down on the table and stood, quietly slipping over to the door and stepping out into the corridor. Seeing that it was late, Akira yawned and headed off towards her own quarters for some much needed sleep.


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