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StarDate 241511.24 Joint Log Part I: Operations/Science Cadet, Commanding Officer, and Executive Officer, with various NPCs

Posted on Wed Nov 25th, 2015 @ 6:43am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Elanawen stepped into the main science lab at exactly zero seven hundred hours and took a deep breath. Waiting for her were the senior non commissioned officers who currently ran the science department as well as two of the civilians who worked in the department. She had met a few of the petty officers and the warrant officer, but most of the non commissioned officers and the civilians were unknown to her. Hoping that she didn't look or sound as nervous as she felt, Elanawen stepped to the head of the table where everyone was waiting and set her padd down.

"Everyone, thank you for coming. As you all know, the Endeavour will be conducting a survey of uncharted space near the Phendrana Drifts nebula. Since we won't be on station long enough for a fully detailed survey, I've requested that the lateral sensor arrays and the high powered sensor platforms be calibrated for long range scans and given priority by operations for power consumption. Warrant officer Rhodes suggested that we work in standard rotation of eight hour shifts, so we've changed the rotation schedule so that there is an even number of personnel on duty each shift. This includes civilians based on which shift they've requested," Elanawen said.

"And what about those civilians who are ordered to work shifts they don't want to work?" one of the civilians, a Cardassian woman, asked angrily.

"They'll have to request to move to another shift. But we have to have a balanced number of personnel on duty during each shift, so those requests may not be approved," Elanawen replied.

"Oh this is bull! I've filled in on evenings ever since I came aboard this ship, and no junior high school student is going to tell me otherwise!" the Cardassian snapped.

"The cadet is in charge of the survey, that means she's your boss during the duration of the mission," Warrant officer Rhodes warned as he bristled from where he stood.

"Push off! I don't take orders from you!" the civilian snarled.

Elanawen stared at the civilian for a long moment before she turned her head and glanced at Rhodes for an equally long moment. Turning back to face the civilian, she wordlessly tapped her comm. badge.

"Commander Dei’Silvisi, your presence is requested in science lab one," Elanawen said.

Isabella had woken on time and visited the gym for her usual morning exercise routine before returning to her quarters for a shower and breakfast. The morning meal had been accompanied with the overnight report, which she often didn't read until she had arrived at her office; however she had wanted to get a jump start on her paperwork in the hopes of grabbing a few extra hours of bridge duty. The report was nothing more than the usual routine activity that had become the norm for the Endeavour's night watch, so Isabella managed to read through it quickly as she ate. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she signed off on the report and saved it to the daily ships log before finishing her breakfast. Standing, Isabella had barely had time to clear the dishes and place them in the replicator return slot and take two steps towards the door when her commbadge beeped. Listening to the cadet's request, Isabella sighed as she tapped her commbadge. "I'm on my way. Commander McKeon, could you meet me in science lab one?" she said as she hurried out of her quarters.

Alistar had listened to the comm traffic and frowned over the last few requests that had buzzed through the speaker. He knew that Silvisi had spoken to Valenar before about the survey, but he hadn't expected trouble this soon. Apparently, neither had his XO. With a growl, he stood and stalked to the ready room door and into the corridor beyond. It was early enough that most of the crew was either at stations or getting ready for shift change, which meant that there were very few people in the corridors. He made it to science lab 1 quickly enough, and as he entered the lab and looked at the gathered crewmen and civilians he could guess why he and the XO were being called in. "Alright, who has decided to screw up this fine boring routine morning?" he growled as he stopped beside cadet Valenar.

Elanawen suppressed a shudder as the captain spoke. She had never dealt with Commander McKeon when he had been in anything other than a good mood, and silently she was grateful that she wasn't the cause of the morning’s drama. Pointing to the civilian who had become a problem, she explained the earlier conversation, with warrant officer Rhodes filling in details from time to time.

Isabella arrived at the science lab seconds after the commanding officer, and sensing his mood from his unhappy expression and stance she eased up beside McKeon and stood silently to listen to the cadet's problem. It was clear that the Cardassian woman had been a problem to the science department before. The others stood away from her, so that she was basically standing by herself. Since she had never dealt with any of the civilians aboard the Endeavour before, she was glad she had requested that McKeon be present.

When Valenar had finished explaining the problem, Alistar turned and stared at the civilian. "Everyone but the XO, cadet Valenar and miss Eujebn is dismissed," he said. His tone didn't offer any second guesses and it took less than two minutes before the science lab was evacuated by the NCOs. Once the doors had shut behind the last NCO Alistar narrowed his eyes. "Danea, I ordered the cadet to be in charge of this survey. That means that she’s in charge. No exceptions."



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