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StarDate 241511.24 Joint Log Part II: Operations/Science Cadet, Commanding Officer, and Executive Officer, with various NPCs

Posted on Wed Nov 25th, 2015 @ 6:45am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Ensign Elanawen Valenar

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

When Valenar had finished explaining the problem, Alistar turned and stared at the civilian. "Everyone but the XO, cadet Valenar and miss Eujebn is dismissed," he said. His tone didn't offer any second guesses and it took less than two minutes before the science lab was evacuated by the NCOs. Once the doors had shut behind the last NCO Alistar narrowed his eyes. "Danea, I ordered the cadet to be in charge of this survey. That means that she’s in charge. No exceptions."

"I won't take orders from a child who is allowed to play officer," Danea snapped.

"Then you can enjoy a nice shuttle ride to the nearest Starbase and find another ship to work on," Alistar snapped back, his voice changing to a dangerous growl that had scared many others before. "Miss Valenar is an active serving officer candidate and while she is a cadet she was given full authority over the entire science department for the duration of this survey. That means she's in charge. No exceptions. You follow her orders or get the hell off of my ship!"

Elanawen flinched as the captain snapped at the civilian. She had known that McKeon was willing to step on toes in order to defend his officers and crew, but she hadn't been warned that he could be downright scary when he choose to be. She looked at the civilian and almost felt sorry for the woman.

Isabella felt her eyes widen at the lashing tone of the commanding officer. While she didn't doubt that the civilian had stepped far outside the boundaries that were in place for civilians that were allowed to work aboard Starfleet ships, she wasn't sure if McKeon was handling the situation in a correct manner. There were times and situations for aggression, but this was a situation more suited for diplomacy, and that seemed to be a weak point with commander McKeon. Taking a step forward, Isabella placed her hand on McKeon's arm as she spoke. "Sir, if you want, I think I could handle this without further incident," she said.

Alistar turned and stared at his XO for a moment before he nodded. "Fine. But if miss Eujebn causes any further problems, she's to be removed from the ship immediately," he said. Turning, he stormed off.

Isabella waited until the doors to the science lab slid closed behind the very angry departing commander before she turned towards the other two women and smiled. "Miss Eujebn, I'm sure you're aware of the guidelines set forth for civilians who are allowed to work on board Federation star ships, so I'm going to remind you that Miss Valenar while a cadet was placed in charge of the science department for the duration of the upcoming mission. You will either follow her orders, or I will have no choice but to have your security clearance revoked and you placed in guest quarters until we arrive at a star base and can safely remove you from the ship. Is that clear?"

Danea glared towards the short human woman and crossed her arms. "Fine," she finally said. "But I'm not an expert at stellar cartography."

"No, but you are an expert at chemical and bio sciences as well as several other fields, and I was going to place you on the standby away team just in case we managed to find an unexplored planet. I'm afraid I'm going to have to change my rotation schedule and replace you with someone else, because I don’t want someone with your attitude on one of my away teams," Elanawen said.

"Fine by me," Danea said. "So what burden am I to be given?"

"You'll report to Petty officer Bridges and assist in readying the probes for deployment," Elanawen said.

Isabella managed to hide her initial reaction to the cadet's response. It was much better than she had expected, given the circumstances and it showed that Valenar had a calm head on her shoulders. "You may go, Miss Eujebn," Isabella finally said. Turning to face Cadet Valenar directly, she smiled. "I take it that you've prepared you initial pre-mission report?"

Elanawen nodded and handed the executive officer the Padd she had been holding.

"This has the original schedules, but I'll have to make a few changes now that this incident has been dealt with. I'd like it if Miss Eujebn wasn't on any of my teams. I don't think she's going to be very polite to me from now on."

"Part of being an officer has to deal with situations and people you don't like," Isabella said. "I'll go over your report and see if we need to make any more changes. You did very well for dealing with your first major issue. I wouldn't worry about Danea. I'll deal with her if she decides to continue to be a problem."

"Thank you, commander," Elanawen said with a relieved smile.

"Don't worry about it," Isabella said, returning the smile. "Now, how about we get back to our duties and get this ship ready for a survey?"

OOC: I assume this part is ready to be posted, so I went ahead and posted it.


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