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SD 241511.28 Joint engineering log: Lt Ros, Ens Walker

Posted on Sun Nov 29th, 2015 @ 8:11am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker

770 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Jera muttered under her breath as she traced the hand held welder across a line that had been drawn on the support beam she was working on. She hated welding, and that was an understatement. Engineering had been working around the clock to finish repairs on time, and they were almost done. The shield system had been repaired along with the fusion reactors and the integrity field system, so all that was left was the boring mundane work. Jera had delegated roughly half of the nitpicky detail work to herself and her favorite engineering officer, Walker. "Alright, try the scan now," Jera said as she thumbed the welder into standby mode and leaned back. It was cramped in the access way, but whoever had designed Jefferies tubes hadn't thought of having to work in them.

Kev sighed as he held the engineering tricorder up to the weld that Ros had just finished and scanned it. After a moment the device beeped and he turned the device so that he could see the readings. It looked good, but that didn't mean anything sometimes. "Chief, we've been working on this one weld for half an hour. The tricorder says it's good."

"Oh, ready to go get that hot shower and a meal already are we? It's only 1700," Jera teased as she slid the welder back into her engineering kit.

"Yeah, and we've been working on this crap since 0500," Kev said with a growl. "I think 12 hours is enough, even for you."

"What else do we have to check on before repairs are done?" Jera asked as she sat down and stretched as much as she could. The thought of a bath was actually appealing to her.

"Let's see," Kev said as he dug out a padd with the list on it. "All that's left on battle damage repairs is some kind of check on the phaser emitters and the power cell to the main phaser array," he said. "Everything else has been logged as complete."

"Who is checking the phasers?" Jera asked.

"No one. It was done right after the battle," Kev said.

"It wasn't logged," Jera said with a frown as she grabbed the padd and brought up a log history from the engineering department. "In fact, that's been on the list this whole time and no one has bothered to check it."

"Chief, I know it was checked. Whoever checked it probably forgot to log it. The phaser system is always checked after any combat situation. It's SOP," Kev said.

"Well, you go get your shower, I'm going to check the phasers," Jera said as she tucked the padd into her engineering kit and picked the kit up. "I want to make sure that it's done."

"You know, one of these days, I'm going to shoot you in the foot with a projectile weapon," Kev said as he gathered his tools and threw them into his tool bag.

"And why it that?" Jera asked as she started crawling towards the access hatch.

"So you'll quit working 16 hours a day and making the rest of us work alongside you just to make sure you don't hurt yourself," Kev answered as he followed the chief engineer.

"You know, threatening a senior officer has consequences, ensign," Jera said as she reached the hatch leading out into the corridor. Once outside, she stretched, happy to be out of the cramped enclosed space that was known as the Jefferies tubes. She knew that she could go further and actually write Walker up, but she knew that the smart comebacks were simply a part of being in a close knit team. As long as things didn't get too far out of hand, Jera was willing to ignore the little things. Besides, it actually helped build closeness with the engineering crew, and that was always a good thing.

Kev ignored the chief engineer as he threw his tool bag out into the corridor and then pulled himself out of the service tunnel. Being somewhat broad shouldered and stocky, he always had trouble with the service tunnels. Once he had managed to squeeze out the access hatchway, he turned and replaced the covering panel. It was one of the annoying things of being the junior officer, but he didn't mind too much. Most chief engineers would have written him up for being a smart ass, but Ros allowed it since it did help the engineering teams get along a little better. Standing, he turned to Ros and bowed. "After you, o great mistress," he said.

"Stuff it, Walker," Jera pretended to growl as she walked towards the turbolift.


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