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StarDate 241511.30 Chief of Security and Tactical Officer's Duty Log

Posted on Tue Dec 1st, 2015 @ 5:16am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

422 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Akira yawned and stretched out in her bed, enjoying the last few seconds of peace before the alarm clock started to buzz, announcing that it was time for her to wake up. Grumbling, she slid out of bed and quickly remade the bed before turning to her closet and grabbing a clean uniform. Dressing quickly, Akira stepped out of her quarters and into the busy hustle of a star ship on the go. Her quarters were on deck four, the same as the security office. It made sense to her, since she often stopped by to go over the daily report and roster with the deputy chief of security before heading on to the bridge. Today, however, was going to be different.

Stepping into the security office briefing room, Akira gave everyone assembled a dangerous grin that made most of the officers exchange glances. As she arrived at the podium, Akira smiled at her deputy before turning to address the entire room.

"Good morning everyone. As you all know, one of the requirements of being a member of Starfleet is to remain in top physical form. It is even more important for everyone here seeing how we as security officers are tasked with the difficult job of protecting everyone else on this ship. So, since we're heading out to an uncharted sector to make the blackness of space shiver at our presence, and since just about everyone here failed their last PT exam, all security personnel assigned to the Endeavour are going to be required to take part in a daily exercise regimen that begins today," Akira said, never breaking her wolf like grin.

"Ma'am, what kind of exercise regiment are you talking about?" one of the senior NCOs asked.

"All security personnel are going to be required to complete four hours of PT each shift, including a two kilometer run," Akira answered. A series of groans echoed around the room, and that only made her grin worse.

"Each complaint adds ten minutes to every day in a seven day rotation," Akira said. The room instantly grew quiet. Letting that soak in for a moment, Akira continued.

"Shift leaders will have the training schedule for the next five weeks. I fully expect a passing exam report for everyone in this department on the next evaluation report. Dismissed."

Akira watched the security officers and specialists stand and slowly walk towards the door. After speaking to her deputy for a moment to discuss the training rotations, Akira followed suite ad headed towards the bridge.


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