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24151208 CO duty log Cmdr McKeon

Posted on Wed Dec 9th, 2015 @ 6:13am by Captain Alistar McKeon

305 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Rules of Acquisition

Alistar leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the edge of his desk. Taking a deep breath he picked up a mug of coffee and took a sip. The coffee was his favorite blend, a result of hours of trial and error. Every Starfleet officer knew how to tweak the replicator recipes and improve the generic bland food and drink the replicators provided, but there were some things that always required extra tweaking. Coffee was one of those things that one almost had to have a masters degree in computer programming to work out. Fortunately, Alistar had found a recipe blend that worked.

Setting the mug down, Alistar took note of the remaining padds on his desk. It was all general comm traffic and news, none of it interesting. Things had settled down in the Klingon Empire and were back to whatever passed for normal there. Diplomatic relations with the Romulans were continuing along. Even the Cardassians were being nice by sending an ambassador to Earth to open diplomatic relations. On the Endeavour, things were going along as well as they could. The ship was humming along at warp, repairs had been completed and even the personnel issues had settled down. There were no complaints to be had by anyone to his knowledge.

And the cynic in Alistar had to wonder what horrible surprise lay in wait for the Endeavour. Years of experience had taught him that if things were going good and there were no complaints then something bad would happen. Something always did. But that something wasn't happening at the moment so Alistar decided that the only thing he could do was to try to relax and wait for the impending horrible thing to happen. With a shrug, he reached out and grabbed the closest padd and started reading.


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