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Sd 241606.20 Joint Log: Commanding and Executive Officers

Posted on Tue Jun 21st, 2016 @ 6:09am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

793 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

Alistar felt a little tense as the transporter beam released him. Most of the Endeavour crew was being transported to the celebration that Admiral Weber had called for by means of a ferry. The Angel Island Ferry Terminal still operated, but over the centuries Starfleet had taken over the island. The former military base had been converted into part of Starfleet Headquarters, and the former site of the visitor's center was now a social event hall. Even now, Alistar could see people walking from the marina down the sandy beach towards the shaded grove where he stood. The event hall was a series of three buildings with interconnecting buildings between them. It was also already full of Starfleet personnel, Federation and foreign dignitaries, and a few of the civilians who attended such gatherings. In full dress uniform, Alistar felt more than a little uneasy, but he took a deep breath and decided to get this night over with. Seeing his first officer, he started towards her. There was something he wanted to take care of first.

Isabella tugged at the collar of her dress uniform without thinking as she walked along the walkway leading to the Starfleet Social Hall. It was an unintentional motion that nearly everyone in Starfleet did at some point. The dress uniforms were fitted for the officer who wore them, but everyone seemed to always complain about the collars, although Isabella had noticed that the complaints were always during formal occasions. While she wasn't a complete stranger to social events, Isabella had to admit that she wasn't a fan, and she disliked being summoned to an event that was being held for nothing more than the Endeavour surviving a deadly mission. Naturally, she understood the true reason behind the event. Starfleet had unknowingly sent the Endeavour into a trap, and the Endeavour had survived. But to Isabella, the cost had been too high, and she had to admit that she hoped that the crew wouldn't be reassigned to different ships since the Endeavour would be in dry dock for quite some time. Seeing Captain McKeon walking towards her, she slowed her walking stride a little.

"Evening Commander," Alistar said as he approached his XO.

"Good evening, Captain," Isabella said, spotting the new gold rank pip on McKeon's collar. "I see that Starfleet finally got around to giving your promotion."

"There's more to come, one that you might be very interested in," Alistar said as he reached into a pocket and took out a solid gold pip. Handing it to her, he smiled. "I'm afraid that if I get promoted, then you do as well," he finished.

Isabella almost froze as she realized what her commanding officer was saying. She hadn't expected to receive a promotion to full commander so soon, but it wasn't unheard of for some officers to receive their next promotion sooner than expected due to honorable service in dire circumstances. "I must admit that I'm a little surprised," she finally said.

"Good," Alistar said as he reached out and changed his first officer's rank out. "I want you to know that we won't be getting any more for a long time, so enjoy it."

"Well, speak for yourself but I plan on being a captain some day," Isabella retorted in a joking tone. Laughing, she shook her head. "Thank you, Captain."

Alistar joined in the laugh for a brief moment and nodded. Looking out across the waters of Ayala Cove, he sighed. "I hope you're ready to keep a close eye on me tonight. It's full of politicians, admirals, and land sharks in there."

"Please don't get us assigned to a border patrol cutter. I'd never live down the shame. Besides, I happen to like my quarters on the Endeavour," Isabella said.

"Well, they're making some changes to the ship so don't get used to them," Alistar said. "Starfleet has already set the crew up with long term apartments during the refit. All we have to do is check in twice a week and we're all on shore leave until Utopia Planitia is finished with the Endeavour."

"So all we have to do is survive an hour or two with a room full of horrible people, then?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah, and I'm going to be honest. I'm staying for an hour, and then I'm catching the tram to New Orleans," Alistar said.

"Well, I promise I won't let you be left alone with the monsters in suits. Shall we?" Isabella said as she pointed towards the entrance to the social hall.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," Alistar said as he turned and led his first officer into the jaws of another type of hell.

Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer


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