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sd 241607.09 Joint Log: engineering officer and operations officer

Posted on Sat Jul 9th, 2016 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant T'lon & Lieutenant Kev Walker

443 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

Kev groaned as he opened his eyes and they were attacked by the bright light of the sun blaring through the window. His hangover was like any other, complete with headache and the urge to go right back to sleep. Kev started to do this, but was stopped when he realized that someone else was in the apartment.

"Good morning, Lieutenant," T'lon said as the Vulcan set a cup of hot coffee next to the bed. "I trust that you are enjoying the rewards of a long night of consuming alcohol?"

"Not really, what the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" Kev asked.

"I have no desire to return to Vulcan for the duration of our shore leave and I must confess that I was concerned about your well after last night," T'lon said.

"It couldn't have been that bad," Kev said as he sat up and started sipping the coffee.

"Lieutenant, you tried to take an admiral's wife home with you while we were leaving the reception last night," T'lon said.

"Was she hot?" Kev asked.

"It was Admiral Weber's wife," T'lon said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh god, you've got to be kidding me!" Kev groaned.

"This led me to decide that it would be both wise and logical to accompany you during our shore leave. I shall do my best to keep you out of trouble and you could perhaps help me to understand some of the peculiarities of humans," T'lon said.

"Sounds fun to me. Could you get out of my bedroom and let me dress?" Kev growled. After T'lon left, Kev finished his coffee and thought about the Vulcan's proposal. It wasn't a bad idea. It would give him something to do and besides, everyone knew that Vulcans could be very entertaining and helpful. Getting dressed, he walked out into the living room of his assigned apartment and grinned at T'lon.

"So, what trouble can we get into today?" he asked.

"I would suggest that we attempt to remain out of trouble, however the decision is yours so long as there is a logical explanation," T'lon said.

"Well, I was planning on starting off by spending a day or two in Vegas," Kev said.

"You are referring to Las Vegas, commonly a destination for vacationers and gamblers alike. I must admit that I would like to observe humans gambling to see if I can understand the attraction to the event," T'lon said.

Kev grinned. "We're going to have some fun, aren't we?" he said as he started for the door.

"Indeed," T'lon said as he followed, a feeling of dread nagging at the back of his mind.


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