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Sd 241607.11 Executive Officer's Personal Log: Commander dei`Silvisi

Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2016 @ 5:04pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

Isabella took a deep, steadying breath as she walked along the shoreline towards the villa that had been her parent's home for as long as she could remember. She had changed out of her dress uniform and into a slightly more formal duty uniform that displayed her service awards above her communication badge, hoping that it would be accepted more by her parents. While Isabella knew that her sister and aunt would be excited to see her, it was a different matter when it came to her parents. She had spoken to her mother a few times, but her father hadn't said a single word to her since she had defied his wished and gone to something other than medical school.

The villa was awash with light, both inside and out as Isabella arrived. Out of respect, she had not had the Starfleet shuttle land near her parent's home or used the planet-wide transporter system. Instead, she had walked, for both the exercise and to use the time to clear her head. Isabella wasn't truly looking forward to this homecoming. As she neared the villa, she could hear someone, her sister more than likely, excitedly announcing that someone was approaching the villa. Isabella had barely made it to the stone walkway that led to the front door when the door opened and her sister Valentina changed through it to tackle Isabella in a hug. Bracing herself, Isabella smiled and gave her sister a hug before she took a half step back.

"It's good to see you, too, Valentina," Isabella said, still smiling.

"Well, you never visit, you hardly write, and I get worried about my little sister," Valentina retorted with a grin. "It's really good to see you."

"Indeed it is!" a voice that could only belong to Isabella's aunt Liviana said as she stepped towards Isabella and gave her a hug. Holding Isabella at arm's length, Liviana studied Isabella carefully. "Well, I'm not familiar with Starfleet awards, but it seems that you're certainly doing well for yourself. And a full commander too. We're so proud of you, niece! Now, come inside and tell us everything."

"I really don't know where to start," Isabella said, trying to protest as she was practically pulled along the walkway and into the villa by her aunt. They were met at the doorway by her mother who gave Isabella a brief but close hug before they all managed to step inside the villa. Isabella was quickly taken to the dining room, where she was seated while her sister immediately went about setting the table. Taking a moment to glance around, Isabella noticed her father, Vasco, sitting at the head of the table, a dark unhappy expression on his face.

"Welcome home, daughter," he said his mouth tight as he spoke.

"Hello, father," Isabella said politely.

"I see that you decided to wear your uniform when you decided to finally visit your family," Vasco said, his tone anything other than friendly.

"I didn't have much warning that I would be on shore leave, and my belongings are still on my ship," Isabella said.

"Oh! Tell us about your ship. Are you still a science officer on board the Ravenna?" Liviana asked excitedly.

"No, I'm now the executive officer on the Endeavour," Isabella replied as her sister set a plate down in front of her. Knowing better than to simply start eating, she studied it quickly before turning her attention back to her aunt. "I was transferred earlier this year."

"First officer. How wonderful. Tell me how this benefits your family?" Vasco said as he started eating.

"I'm not serving in Starfleet for my family. I'm doing it because it's my choice, my decision," Isabella said, her tone polite but firm. She could see where this conversation was going, and she wasn't about to back down.

"Your place and your duty are with your family, and your family is here in Sicily, not some strange, exciting, exotic planet out there," Vasco said as he waved his fork. "You should return home and put your medical degree to use serving the community here."

"I'm not about to get into this with you, Father. I made my choice," Isabella said. From the corner of her eye, she could see her mother, sister, and aunt all tense as they backed away from the table, and the conversation.

"You made a terrible mistake in joining Starfleet. The military does nothing but expand aggression and hate," Vasco said.

"Just like you to attack something you know nothing about," Isabella said. She was somewhat surprised at how casually she was speaking, especially towards her father.

"And it's just like you to turn your back towards me and your family for some childish dream," Vasco snapped as he slammed his fist down on the table.

"I never turned my back on you. If you recall, you told me that I didn't deserve to be your daughter and you turned your back on me!" Isabella snarled with an angry rancor that almost surprised her. Standing, she leaned over the table, her eyes reflecting the furious anger that threatened to come forward. "I hope that one day you'll come around to understanding that you drove this family apart. I hope that one day; you'll come to your senses, realize that I am your daughter, and want to speak to me. And if and when that day comes, you'll find no welcome and no place in my life. I'm a Starfleet officer, and whether or not you understand or like my choice, I would have you know that I enjoy what I do. You don't have to like the fact that I joined Starfleet, but I damned well deserve your respect and until you can give me that, then I refuse to accept the fact that I'm your daughter."

Before her father or anyone else could say anything, Isabella angrily turned away from the table and stormed out of the villa. Walking to the end of the stone walkway, she tapped her communicator badge and wiped the tears from her eyes as she requested to be beamed back to San Francisco. The low hum of the transporter beam filled her ears as she was beamed away from Sicily, perhaps for good.


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