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241607.17 Joint Plot Log: The After Hours Party

Posted on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 6:41am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant JG Fe'cia Niatra & Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant T'lon
Edited on on Mon Jul 18th, 2016 @ 6:41am

1,536 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

The Bellagio in Las Vegas was full of Starfleet personnel, mostly Academy students and off duty personnel who were all in uniform. As much as she had wanted to spend some time alone following her recent fight with her father, Isabella had found herself there along with, much to her surprise, several other officers from the Endeavour. Still in her semi-formal duty uniform, Isabella was seated on one of the terraces outside where she could watch the Bellagio Fountains, which were currently in the middle of a performance. A glass and a bottle of blackberry merlot wine sat on her table as she watched the fountains.

Kev staggered out of the casino proper along with T'lon, who was more or less guiding the highly drunk engineering officer. Kev had lost most of his bank account from the past year in a downhill spiral of afternoon drinking and gambling, and he wasn't in the best of moods. T'lon, like any other Vulcan, simply assisted his shipmate towards a nearby area with chairs and tables.

"Lieutenant, you should learn to control your drinking and gambling problem," the Vulcan ops officer said.

"I don't have a problem," Kev argued as he sat down in a chair.

"I would argue your statement to be false, but logic and experience tells me that it would simply lead to an argument," T'lon said before he requested two glasses of ice cold water from a passing waiter.

Akira stepped out onto the open air terrace dressed in a traditional yet formal Japanese kimono. She had wanted to visit her family, but since they were all off planet, she had accepted an invitation to join the majority of the crew in an all expenses paid night out to the Bellagio in Vegas. Most of the people present were Starfleet, although she was sure a few other guests and maybe a few freeloaders were present as well. The main party was out on one of the terraces near the Fountains, where Akira easily spotted several of the Endeavour crew. Seeing one of her officers, she walked over.

"Ensign Connor, I understand that the rest of the security staff has officially welcomed you into the family," she said.

Matt turned and blinked as he saw his boss out of uniform. She looked good, but what she was wearing tonight only made her look better. He knew that she was referring to the celebration that some of the senior members of the Endeavour security team had thrown for him surviving his first mission since graduating from the academy. "Thank you, lieutenant, ma'am," he said. "If I may, you look good tonight," he said.

"The Lieutenant will allow it, and thank you, Ensign. Now, go have fun but don't get into any trouble" Akira said with a smile.

Fe'cia eased around the terrace where the Starfleet dominant party was being held carefully. It was too close to the fountain and the horrifying events of the Endeavour's last mission were still too fresh in her memory for her to be at ease around water. Instead of her uniform, she wore a dark colored Caitian robe which was loose and much more comfortable. As she walked around, she noticed a few of the crew she knew and stopped to talk to them.

Alistar arrived in uniform with Ea on his arm. She was dressed in a black knee length dress that clung to her every curve. He had been surprised about the invitation to the Starfleet party at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Half of the list of invited personnel were academy cadets and the rest were officers and enlisted personnel who were on extended leave like the Endeavour crew. It had started out as an invited only, but quickly developed into open to active duty Starfleet personnel only. As they walked along the edge of the terrace next to the Fountain, Alistar spotted his XO sitting alone and they walked over.

"Commander, I think this is the first time I've seen you try to not be sociable," he said.

"I had an unpleasant homecoming, and I didn't leave Sicily on the best speaking terms with my family," Isabella explained in a vague manner as she finished her glass of wine and stood. Seeing the woman standing beside Captain McKeon, Isabella turned and offered a smile. "So, are you going to introduce us?" she asked.

"Ea Von McGhee, Commander Isabella DeiSilvisi, my first officer on the Endeavour," Alistar said as he gave out introductions.

"A pleasure, Commander," Ea said.

"Likewise, Miss Von McGhee," Isabella said with a smile.

Seeing the captain and first officer standing over by the edge of the Fountain, Akira stepped over with a glass of traditional sake in her hand. The celebration seemed to have calmed down from the initial opening excitement.

"Captain, Commander, I'm glad you were both able to come," Akira said as she stepped up to the group that was gathering.

"Lieutenant Sato, a pleasure," Alistar said. "It's a little odd to see you out of uniform, though."

"I'm planning on heading back to Miyazu in a few hours, and my family is somewhat . . . traditional, shall we say. Besides, we're on an extended shore leave, so I thought that I could get away with not wearing my uniform for a while," Akira said with a light laugh.

"Ceptin!" Kev said drunkenly as he staggered over. "Ish great to see yoush!"

Following in behind the very intoxicated engineer, T'lon managed to grab Lieutenant Walker by the arm before he could drunkenly bump into anyone. "My apologies Captain, Lieutenant Walker has been very unwise and acted very illogical since arriving in Las Vegas earlier this afternoon. I have tried to keep him under my supervision; however he is sometimes unnerving and difficult to control."

"Spoken like a true Vulcan," Ea observed with a smile.

"It's no problem, Mister T'lon," Alistar said with a slightly forced smile. "But I think our engineer here has had enough of the party and needs to be escorted home."

"I can get someone from security to help," Akira offered before she turned and caught the attention of Ensign Connor.

"That might be both logical and wise," T'lon said.

Matt saw his lieutenant waving to catch his attention and he hurried over. He had a light alcoholic beverage in his hand, something called Mike's hard lemonade. It wasn't very strong and the taste wasn't very good, but he wanted to keep a mostly clear head about him. "How can I help Ma'am?" he asked as he walked up to the group.

"Mister Walker needs to be escorted back to his issued apartment and Lieutenant T'lon might need some help in watching him until he's sober. Can you help him out?" Akira asked.

"Yes ma'am," Matt said nodding. Seeing the drunken engineer, he set his drink down and walked over to assist the Vulcan officer.

"Your assistance is most welcome, Ensign," T'lon said with a nod. With the security officer helping, he started directing Lieutenant Walker towards the nearest planet wide transporter site.

"I'm guessing your officers like to have a really good time when they're not on duty?" Ea asked as she watched the three officers leave.

"Only when they're left unsupervised during an extended shore leave, although some of our officers have been known to get a little excessive now and then," Isabella replied as she poured the last of her wine into her glass and drank it down. "Captain, I think I want to remain on duty throughout the refit."

"I don't see where that's a problem, but I'll pass it along to the shipyard staff. I'll be in an out as well. Officially, senior officers have an office section at the dry dock shipyards of Utopia Planitia set aside for us. I'll be in and out during the refit, since I'll need to sign off on a few of the changes they'll be making," Alistar said.

"Very well. I'll report for duty tomorrow morning, then," Isabella said before she set her glass down on her table and slowly started off through the crowd.

"Lieutenant Sato, I want you to keep an eye on our security team and make sure they stay in shape. Everyone will be required to pass a full fitness exam and physical once the recall order has been issued," Alistar warned his security and tactical chief.

"Oh, hell, I'll have to go round my bunch of lunatics up and get them in line first thing next week then. I did promise them a full week off duty," Akira said with a soft groan.

Alistar smiled. "A week should be fine. Get with the XO on anything you need. I know we're officially on leave, but we're still Starfleet personnel and there are requirements we have to meet. Once this refit is complete, we're heading back out as quickly as they can get us out there. If you'll excuse us, there's a party to enjoy," he said as he escorted Ea off to a raised platform so they could watch the next water show. The events of the evening continued, with everyone enjoying themselves as much as they legally could. They had earned it after all.


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