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SD 241607.21 CEO's Personal Log: Lt Jera Ros

Posted on Thu Jul 21st, 2016 @ 4:26pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

679 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

The bright early morning light filtered through the blinds of the Starfleet issued apartment window and forced a groan from Jera. Rolling over, she buried her face into the pillow and pulled the covers over her head in an effort to resume her sleep. She had been able to acquire a bottle of Romulan ale the night before, and despite it being illegal and her being a fully commissioned officer in Starfleet now, Jera had enjoyed every last drop. Of course, Romulan ale had one small draw back in the fact that it left one with an amazing hangover, and Jera was starting to feel the full effects of it.

Jera had originally made plans to join the refit crew that was working on the Endeavour, since her request had been authorized and it made sense for some of the crew to be involved, but the late night of celebrating and the hangover that had followed was making her seriously reconsider. At least for the immediate future. The refit would take months, and she had plenty of time to enjoy her mandated shore leave. A knocking on the apartment door caused another groan and she threw the covers off of her head and sat up. Glancing at the clock, she rubbed her eyes and groaned again before she got out of bed and slipped a robe on as she walked to the door. Standing to the side so the bright sunlight wouldn't hit her fully in the face, she opened the door and was surprised by who was standing there.

"Jolan'tru brhon mnekha!" Jera's half sister, Jaeih tr'Rilmatrac, said with a wide smile. Without waiting for an invitation, Jaeih walked into the apartment, leaving Jera blinking before she shut the door.

"Jolan'tru, vahrrau thieura... what are you doing here?" Jera managed to say. Jaeih had already taken over the kitchen and was setting about making breakfast, which was odd to Jera since she had never seen her sister cook anything before. "You're not about to poison me with anything are you?"

Jaeih laughed as she started cooking. "No. I tried to send you a letter but I've been so busy lately that it slipped my mind. I got a job working for the Federation last year, so I moved to Earth."

"A job? What the hell was I drinking last night?" Jera muttered as she sat down at the bar and held her head in one hand.

"Romulan translator," Jaeih explained. "With the new treaty and relations between Earth and Romulus, both governments decided to hire translators. The Federation hired twelve of us, and I think the Fvillha hired twenty translators from around the Federation."

"So someone decided to let twelve Romulans sit around and become bored by translating stuff for the Federation. Sounds like something that the idiots in intelligence would come up with," Jera said.

"No, just me and another girl from Romulus. They divided us up into six groups. I was lucky enough to be sent here. The others were sent to Vulcan, Betazed, Bajor, Ka'tula, or Alpha Centauri. I heard that your ship was having a refit and you were on leave, so I decided to drop by and visit with my favorite sister," Jaeih said with a smile.

"I'm your only sister," Jera said.

"Exactly!" Jaeih laughed. "So, since I'm off today, I thought that we could catch up, maybe even go shopping."

"Yep, you're one that's not going back to the dull life of a Romulan citizen," Jera said.

"I do have to admit that human culture can be a complete shock at first. How Vulcans don't suffer from extreme stroke when they visit Earth is beyond me," Jaeih said as she finished cooking their breakfast and set the plates on the bar between them. Sitting down, she poured two glasses of cold water and smiled. "So, here's to the daughters of Tavik tr'Rilmatrac having a girl’s day out."

"You're driving," Jera said dryly before she started eating. She had a feeling that the day was going to be long and interesting.


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