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241608.08 Joint Post. EO, COps, SecO

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2016 @ 6:29am by Ensign Matt Connor & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant T'lon

577 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shoreleave: Interlude

"Ugh, my head," Kev groaned as he woke up and felt an instant searing pain that stabbed through his head. It felt as if someone was stabbing sharp hot daggers into his skull from the inside after someone else had best him up with a cast iron frying pan. Sitting up, he instantly regretted it but as he looked around he was just a bit confused. He was in the middle of a park with T'lon and a security officer he couldn’t name sitting nearby. "What the fucking hell did I do last night?" he asked.

"Um, sir, I think you got extremely drunk and are currently suffering from a major hangover," Matt said. He felt odd sitting in a park waiting for another officer to wake up. He hadn't slept much but he didn't think the chief ops officer had slept at all. Granted Vulcan’s were strange but this one seemed to be a bit odder than normal.

"The ensign is correct mister Walker," T'lon said. "You drank several bottles of vodka at the party in Las Vegas last night and are currently in central park in New York City. I am unsure of what happened in the two hours that you disappeared but Ensign Connor and I found you a few hours ago. You seemed intact so we agreed to let you wake on your own."

"So generous of you. How did I go from Vegas to new York in two hours?" Kev asked.

"Actually sir, you disappeared for about half an hour in Vegas before you used the planetary transporter net to beam to New York. After that I was able to get help from the NYPD in locating you," Matt said.

"Ok, no more alcohol," Matt said as he tried to stand up. He pulled himself up to his knees then rocked forward and threw up all over the grass in front of him. Once he was finished, he groaned. "Ok, you guys want to go do anything for shore leave?"

"I will refer to the ensign from now on. He has agreed to join us since you apparently need an additional keeper," T'lon said with one of those smug Vulcan looks.

"Anyone up for a vacation package that's available from the personnel office?" Matt asked. "I was thinking about a cruise. They have a few that go around the world."

"That actually sounds like a better idea than anything else we've come up with. Think we could get anyone else to join us?" Kev asked.

"What about asking some people from science or medical?" Matt said, thinking of the Caitian who had helped out during the last mission’s firefight that had consumed desk eight.

"I will attempt to locate those personnel. Mister Connor, will you be willing to escort Mister Walker back to his assigned apartment so he can take a bath?" T'lon said.

"Sure," Matt said.

"Please be sure to keep both eyes on the engineer, just in case he decides to enjoy his vacation again," T'lon said before he stood and started off towards the transporter station nearby.

"Vulcans," Kev grumbled as he stood up. "Well, let's go find some breakfast," he said before leading the other officer off. Their first order of business would be to find some breakfast and finish recovering from last night before they did anything else.

Lieutenant JG Kev Walker
Engineering Officer

Ensign Matt Connor
Security Officer

Lieutenant T'lon
Chief operations NPC


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