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Unexpected Arrival, Part II

Posted on Sun Jan 1st, 2017 @ 6:43am by Captain Alistar McKeon

1,406 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Transitions

When she received confirmation that it was indeed a Starfleet ship from another time, she opened a comm channel. "Endeavour, this is the Tepes."

"Sir, we're being hailed. Comms are still somewhat limited, but I can get you visual," the operations officer reported.

"Open a channel," Alistar said, absently straightening his torn and tattered uniform jacket. The view screen came to life with the image of an attractive woman wearing a Starfleet uniform. "This is Captain Alistar McKeon of the Federation star ship Endeavour. I'm declaring a Priority Five emergency. We require any and all assistance available from any Starfleet personnel." He said the words with difficulty, no captain liked to declare a priority five request. It simply meant one thing, that the ship issuing the request was heavily damaged and near total power loss and the crew would not survive without assistance.

[USS Arthurian]

The holographic image of an old man, dressed in a long blue robe and pointed hat appeared next to Darius. "According to the Starfleet Scrolls, there is no ship by the registration or designation. She is as mysterious as she is curious, My King."

Darious rolled his eyes slightly, shaking his head a bit as he did so. "I asked you several times not to call me that." He said as he looked over to the Op's station and continued. "Open a channel to the shuttle. Last thing we need is this thing getting complicated due to temporal mechanics."

"Aye sir. Opening a channel to the Tepes." The Ops officer said as he tapped onto the console. "Channel is opened, Captain."

"Arthurian to Tepes. I am asking you nicely to hold position. We'll join you shortly. According to our records, that ship doesn't exist. Now by doesn't exist I don't mean in an Intel kind of way." Darius said softly as he walked back to his chair and sat down. "We will be able to help you with much more detailed scans, even getting any injured on board to treat. Can I trust you not to do anything stupid without me? I've gotten used to the fact of having someone to do something stupid with so I am not the only one getting in trouble.."

"I never get in trouble," Raven countered. It was true. Generally, if she wanted to get into trouble, she'd use Morticia. She needed to talk to Darius about her before much more time passed. "Edgar and I found some information on this Endeavour," she said. "It's from the past, but not our past. The amount of tachyons is enough to investigate. However, we also have data we were able to pull from the ship itself. They're Starfleet and need our help." She looked at her speed and location, then at the Arthurian. "Actually, I don't need to slow down. You'll rendezvous with me before I get in visual range, so I can guarantee that I won't be getting in any trouble before you catch up."

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki, sat behind the Arthurian's tactical console. "So, a random old ship turned up and we're all going to touch it and give the crew a 'welcome to the sector' hug. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bloody bad idea?" she said rather bluntly. "And, you're not even letting me use these brand new fancy phasers of yours!"

"Plus..." Aria said. "Whats so special about an Intrepid Class showing up? Its not exactly the Starship Voyager bursting out of a Borg Sphere is it? It could at least make some sort of fancy entrance. Where was the fire works?"

Darius turned around to face the tactical console. "Hey." He said firmly. "You're here as a courtesy. Don't back seat commentate. If you're not satisfied with the situation, you can always hand the station back over to my Gorn. He get's very irritable when someone is touching his station.

The Gorn let out a deep groan before looking over to Darius. "She smells funny."

"Just deal with it for a while, Chaka." Darius said as he looked back toward the view screen. He paused slightly before throwing his hand up and concluding. "And try not to bite this one. I don't need to go through that paperwork all over again."

"I can't make that promise." Chaka replied with a grunt.

Aria simply rolled her eyes before tapping on the tactical console reprogramming all the buttons so that the next time that the Gorn would log on, instead of beeping it would say "eh-oh" from an Ancient Television show known as the Teletubbies.


"I'm Raven Adams, Intelligence Officer from Starbase Typhon. Commander Rhodes from Athena Shipyards is on her way. Do you require a tow?"

Alistar frowned as he listened to the transmission. Glancing over towards operations, and then to security and tactical, he rubbed the day old stubble on his chin and turned back to the view screen. To his knowledge, there wasn't a Starbase Typhon or an Athena shipyards. "Confirmed, Tepis. We're running on emergency power only, minimal systems are online," he replied. "If I can ask, Tepis, I don't suppose you can give me our coordinates?"

Raven chuckled. "From my understanding, Endeavour, you wouldn't have us in your system as we do not have you in ours." She sent him the coordinates for both Typhon and the shipyards. "Commander Rhodes is the one in the pink shuttle. She can effect repairs to your ship."

"Commander Adams?" Darius's voice came across the com system. "Stand down and prepare to be beamed aboard out bridge." He looked over to the operations officer and gave him a quick nod before looking back to the main view screen. "Endeavour. My name is Captain Darius Cayne of the USS Arthruian. Before you do anything, I am going to ask you to please stand down and maintain your position. As you know, this is a walking on thin ice situation and we must follow certain protocol before continuing. With your cooperation we can make this as quick as possible and get you and your people settled in as well as deal with any injured you have on board."

"As we don't have any power to the majority of our shipboard systems, going anywhere or offering any hostile resistance would be impossible. What crew I still have alive are almost all in need of medical attention. So, I would like to hear your proposal, Captain," Alistar said, trying to keep a growl out of his voice as he spoke.

"Captain Cayne, I'm flying a shuttle and do not wish to be beamed aboard at this time. Commander Rhodes is in the shuttle next to me and is ready to take on the repair work while we deal with any...temporal causalities," Raven said.

Billy Jo was listening in on the conversations and decided now wa a good time to join the conversation. "Hi there, Captains. I'm Billy Jo Rhodes. If Captain Cayne will be so kind, I have a bay at the shipyards that will accommodate your ship just fine and a crew that has been cleared by Starfleet Command for just such a little bitty problem as we have here," she said in a soft Tennessee drawl.

"I love how everyone, including my girlfriend, assumes that the one armed man is also heartless." Darius stated underhis breath before clearing his throat and continuing. "Ladies. First off, I am not implying you abandon your shuttles, only place them in my shuttlebay so we can all deal with this situation together. Second, this ship isn't also new but it also comes complete with its own Engineering response team led by my Chief Engineer Oshroth Th'zaonihr. Oz is good at what he does and has already been establishing an attack plan to initiate when on board that will help the Endeavour hold its own power long enough to move it to the shipyards. I also have an emergency Medical team that will be beaming aboard with my engineers. Please keep in mind that, under my orders, they have been preparing under the sole purpose of treating this as as nothing more but an emergency situation to help fellow officers. Now we can argue, again, or we can come together and deal with this situation here and now. You decide. I don't have time to have a pissing contest while a Starfleet Ship and her crew are in need of a help."



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