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Unexpected Arrival, Part III

Posted on Sun Jan 1st, 2017 @ 6:44am by Captain Alistar McKeon

1,247 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Transitions

"I love how everyone, including my girlfriend, assumes that the one armed man is also heartless." Darius stated underhis breath before clearing his throat and continuing. "Ladies. First off, I am not implying you abandon your shuttles, only place them in my shuttlebay so we can all deal with this situation together. Second, this ship isn't also new but it also comes complete with its own Engineering response team led by my Chief Engineer Oshroth Th'zaonihr. Oz is good at what he does and has already been establishing an attack plan to initiate when on board that will help the Endeavour hold its own power long enough to move it to the shipyards. I also have an emergency Medical team that will be beaming aboard with my engineers. Please keep in mind that, under my orders, they have been preparing under the sole purpose of treating this as as nothing more but an emergency situation to help fellow officers. Now we can argue, again, or we can come together and deal with this situation here and now. You decide. I don't have time to have a pissing contest while a Starfleet Ship and her crew are in need of a help."

"Honey," Billy Jo said, "If you can give it a tow back to my little ol' shipyards, I'd appreciate it. If not, then by all means get it running long enough for it to fly by its own power."

Raven had no idea where Darius got that idea. She hadn't implied that he was heartless. She was here dealing with a situation that required getting the Endeavour back to the shipyards where it would be out of sight. The way she saw it, the fewer ships that saw the Endeavour and asked questions, the better.

Alistar listened in on the open channel with a raised eyebrow. So apparently, everyone in Starfleet no matter what timeline you were in had problems with authority in some manner. He was far from perfect, after all he had flown a Defiant class starship in an inverted flyby of an admiral's stateroom on Starbase 1 just to prove a point, but that had been a long time ago and the fact that he had nearly been kicked out of Starfleet over it had also made him realize that at some points of time, one had to simply learn how to adjust to the situation. "If I can add my two cents in. From what I've been told, both of our warp cores and the related power lines need to be replaced. At least one of our fusion reactors is currently being repaired along with our impulse drive. My primary concern is for my crew. Most of them need medical attention, and seeing as how we only have minimal power, some food and water would be welcomed as well. But I must ask that all personnel beaming over either be unarmed, which I know is against regulations, or be placed under supervision by one of my officers while they are on board. Additionally, at this time I'm not sure if we're stuck here in this timeline or not, but I'd like to find out the answer to that ASAP," he said, knowing that there might an argument stemming from everything he had just said.

"Captain Cayne, if you can take care of the immediate needs," Raven said, "As to whether we can get you home or not, Captain McKeon, we'll need to do some investigating. But there will be time for that while we help repair your ship and crew. Captan Cayne, Commander Rhodes, do you concur?"

"I sure do," Billy Jo said.

"I am sure this wont be the last time you hear me say this." Darius replied before clearing his throat and concluding with. "Yes dear."

"Why, thank you, Sugar," Billy Jo said cheekily.

Raven had to mute the comm because she was laughing -- which was good, because she wanted to smack Cayne for that yes, dear.

Alistar nodded, not sure if the pickup was working or not. "Very well, then," he said, giving a sigh of both relief and defeat. "I'll have non mission critical members of my crew assemble in our main lounge, along with our wounded. I'll also agree to having the ship towed to the shipyards. I'll have a full ship wide schematic breakdown ready for review by the shipyard commander when she comes on board. I'm assuming Miss Rhodes is intending to board as soon as she arrives?"

"As long as you're willin'," Billy Jo replied. "Or I can talk to you when we get you safely to the shipyards. I don't give no never mind as to which one I do."

"The only problem I can think of is if we have the room in our shuttlebay for you to dock your shuttle there. Plus, I'm not sure if you want to risk the transporters until we can determine if there are any dangerous particles that may react badly to the transporter beams," Alistar said as he glanced towards the ops specialist, who simply shrugged. Big help there, the Endeavour's captain thought.

"I can dock the Pussycat on the Arthurian and use the transproters there," Billy Jo replied. "That's how the Arthurian can send over more engineers to help you get back to the spacedock if you need it." She glanced at her chronometer. "It won't take too long to get there as we're within sensor range, but I don't know if your girl there is up to it."

"If you're referring to the Endeavour, she's capable of handling just about anything," Alistar said. Mentally, he added an exception for his XO commanding a spacial anomaly investigation. "If we can get at least one of the impulse drives and a fusion reactor going, we'll be capable of getting underway to your shipyards."

"Captain Cayne," Billy Jo said, "Can your team handle that?"

"Can I handle that?" Darius repeated in an almost insulted tone as he looked over to this XO who just shrugged. "As I said, my Chief Engineer and his team has already highlighted key points to begin working. The objected isn't to complete the repairs here, just to make sure you don't blow up here and are strong enough to get to the Shipyards."

"Of course," Raven said, her tone conciliatory. "Now that we know for sure what we're up against, I have some groundwork I need to do. Darius, if you're not too busy, Edgar and I can do it from the Arthurian. Otherwise, I can head back to Typhon and start it there." She would love to work with Darius, but with his engineers repairing the Endeavour, she didn't want to be a bother.

"I'm also all up for you guys giving us a tow to the shipyards and then getting started on repairs. That would actually be faster, and it would reduce the potential for us being discovered," Alistar suggested off hand.

"Well, sure, honey," Billy Jo replied. "We can definitely do that. Captain Cayne can do that. If he needs help, I have some little ol' ships can that be here before you can whistle Dixie."

"There is no need for whistle's or Dixies." Darius replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I can assure you the Arthurian will be able to tow the Endeavour if my teams can't get here moving on her own accord.

"Well then, I'm glad that's settled," Billy Jo said cheerfully.


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