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241501.30 Plot log: CO Duty log

Posted on Sun Feb 1st, 2015 @ 4:01am by Captain Alistar McKeon

689 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Alistar had to admit that even while the Endeavour was floating in a space dock, the view from the CO ready room was nice. Add to that the fact that the ambient lighting and decorations was one of the best designed set ups along with the luxury quarters and tactical and scientific capabilities to match and rival any other ship class in the entire fleet, and he had to agree with the fact that command of an Intrepid class cruiser was worth the headaches that came with command. He now understood why command of the Intrepid class ships was such a desirable position, because while there had been more than a fair share of problems on the Endeavour, it had all been worth it. Starfleet Command was finally happy enough with the engineering and command status reports to give the green light on the Endeavour's launch, which meant that shortly the ship would launch and be free to roam unexplored space. After a mandatory shakedown cruise of course.

Fortunately, the shakedown cruise was a simple few weeks of exploratory patrols along the Alteran Expanse, a rather large nebula along the Federation/Romulan borders that had never been fully charted. The shakedown cruise would include a full week long orbital scan of a newly discovered planet that had been named Kokiri while the rest of the patrol cruise would be simple scanning and standard day to day operations. It was a simple formality designed to allow shipboard engineers the chance to run diagnostics on all ship wide systems and equipment while the ship was in full operational mode and find any last minute bugs that might need to be addressed before the ship went on to more important assignments.

The computer made a chiming noise, marking the time and alerting Alistar that the ship was due to launch. With a parting almost final glance at DS5, Alistar headed across the ready room and out onto the busy hustle and bustle of the bridge. LtCommander Valenar was manning Sec/Tac, while an officer Alistar didn't know yet manned operations along with a cadet who had been assigned from the Academy for her graduation tour in the last week. Petty officer John Killian, the senior helmsman, was sitting at the helm looking both bored and somewhat pissed off, an expression that seemed to be the guy's normal expression. The large displays at the back of the bridge, unlike previous Intrepid class ships, displayed sensor readouts and scanner data instead of a large ship wide MSD. The new display system was designed more for displaying data and information relating to the ships mission and was supposed to be more helpful than the previous display system. Alistar had to admit that it looked somewhat better.

Taking a step down to the command level of the bridge, Alistar nodded to various officers before he stopped at the command chair and sat down. "Commander Valenar, inform all decks to prepare for departure and inform star dock flight control. Ops bring us to internal power and rig the ship for departure. Helmsman, bring thrusters to full power and prepare to take us out."

"Flight control has cleared us for departure. Deflector screens and structural integrity fields online and at full power, all decks ready and standing by for departure," Valenar reported.

"All power reactors are online and at full power. We've secured to internal power. All docking moorings are retracted, boarding hatches sealed, we're free to depart at your command," the ops officer added.

"Thrusters to full power, ship alignment set to match station keeping, course to outbound traffic buoy 095725 set, waiting for your command to engage," Killian said from the helm.

"Engage," Alistar said. "Switch view screen to forward view."

The Endeavour slid forward out of the star dock and into open space. Once free of the floating structures, the Intrepid class ship went to full impulse power and picked up speed as she headed towards open space. Once far enough away from the starbase structures, the Endeavour set a course towards the Alteran Expanse and jumped to warp speed.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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