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StarDate 241501.23: Joint log Part II, Commanding Officer & Executive Officer/Chief of Security and Tactical with appearances from various N.P.C.s

Posted on Fri Jan 23rd, 2015 @ 7:05pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

"Green apple vodka?" Alistar asked as Rhiana set his sunspot down and started working on Valenar's vodka. Shrugging, he took a drink of his rum and orange juice and nodded. "Alright, who did what now?"

"A friend from the Academy introduced me to it. She said I had to be introduced to alcohol properly," Innovindil said as her own glass arrived. Taking a sip, she nodded.

"I wanted to inform you that I plan on sending out a notice that all Department Heads are to compile all daily reports from their departments into a single daily report. That should help with the number of reports that have been filed. I've already spoken with Mister Vaughn about it before I came down here. I had to make it an official direct order before he would even consider it."

"Ah yes, our great annoying CEO," Alistar said as he finished off his drink all at once. Just the mention of Vaughn made Alistar want to go punch the CEO in the face. Thinking back to his last encounter with the engineer, Alistar wondered what would have happened if Vaughn had shown any ounce of courageous stupidity. He shook his head. "If he doesn't do it, bring up formal charges for failure to carry out his duties as a senior officer."

Innovindil managed to keep her expression from changing but she couldn't help but notice the Commander's anger towards the ship's chief engineer. There was clearly something personal between them, and she had decided to investigate it on her own time. Taking another sip of her vodka, Innovindil decided to change the subject.

"Commander, would it be improper for me to invite you to have dinner with me and my daughter sometime?" she asked.

Alistar slid his glass towards Rhiana and watched as the attractive Romulan quickly washed it and set it under the counter. Turning towards Valenar, he frowned for a moment before he nodded. "It's not improper at all, half the time it's expected," he said. "I had almost forgotten your daughter was aboard. I thought she would be with your family back on your home world."

"My family and I aren't exactly on friendly terms," Innovindil said as she finished off her vodka and slid the glass towards the bartender. She grew quiet for a long moment before turning towards McKeon and giving a weak smile.

"My choice to enroll into Starfleet Academy wasn't supported by my parents, and when I got pregnant with Elanawen my father all but disowned me. My mother will still speak to me from time to time, but even then it may be years before she contacts me. In fact, the last time I heard from anyone was when I was severely injured aboard the Crazy Horse during the Dominion War."

"That was what, five years ago?" Alistar said, thinking over from what he remembered from the war. Most of his time during the Dominion War had been spent behind enemy lines and cut off from contact with Starfleet Command.

"Almost seven," Innovindil said with a nod. "The Horse was destroyed during the First Battle of Betazed."

Alistar stared at his XO for a moment before he shook his head. There were a few people in his family that he refused to speak to, but that was because they had earned it. Valenar faced a different situation, one that was much more difficult to face sometimes. "I'm sorry commander. I didn't mean to open up old wounds."

"You didn't know," Innovindil said. "Besides, I was so happy to leave my home world that I've never been back. There are times I think about visiting, but I've never taken the time to do so."

"Not friendly to tourist?" Alistar asked.

Innovindil managed a small laugh. To say that her home world wasn't friendly to tourist wasn't exactly the way that she would have worded it. People were allowed to visit, but if anyone ever broke a law, no matter how minor, they were treated the same by the planetary judicial system as anyone else, and the laws and court system were extremely strict. The same could be said for the everyday values and code of conduct for what was considered to be socially acceptable.

"Elvia is extremely … traditional, and strictly so. Very few people leave, and when they do they never return. It's difficult to explain the culture of my planet, simply because it's so complex, and I didn't exactly leave on the best of terms with my family when I joined Starfleet. Having a child without being married to her father didn't help, either. But I don't mind. I was always considered to be the rebellious black sheep of the family, and I was never close to the majority of my family to begin with."

"Sounds a lot like a few of the worlds I've visited before," Alistar said. "Well, I'm sorry I brought it up. But I'd love to have dinner with you and your daughter. Just give me a day and time and barring some emergency or another I'll be there."

"I'll do that. It'll most likely be after we launch, but I'll be sure to remind you," Innovindil said with a smile. Nodding, she stood and took a step towards the doors before she paused and turned back to McKeon.

"Did you want me to inform the other Department Heads about compiling their reports as well?" she asked.

"Oh! Yes definitely," Alistar said. "And reprimands go out to everyone involved in sending out extra reports from now on."

Innovindil smiled and nodded before she turned and continued on her way out of the lounge.

Commander Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

Guest Appearances by:

Lieutenant Commander Vaughn
Chief Engineer N.P.C.


Rhiana t`Valdran N.P.C.


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