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StarDate 241501.23: Joint log Part I, Commanding Officer & Executive Officer/Chief of Security and Tactical with appearances from various N.P.C.s

Posted on Fri Jan 23rd, 2015 @ 7:04pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

906 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Innovindil sat in her office with both elbows resting on her desk and her hands holding the sides of her head as she stared at the report that scrolled across the computer screen. She had heard Commander McKeon complaining about the sheer number of reports during their daily meetings, and recently she had decided to help relieve the commander's aggravation over the reports by rerouting nearly half of the reports to her. It hadn't taken long before she realized that there was a reason her Commanding Officer had been complaining. The sheer number of reports was staggering, and the majority of the reports were minor things that normally wouldn't have been worthy of a separate report.

Giving an aggravated sigh of frustration, Innovindil slowly slid her head down until her forehead touched the top of her desk. After two hours, she felt as if she would rather rip out her eyes rather than read another line. Picking her head up, Innovindil sat back in her chair and shook her head before she deleted the engineering report that had been displayed and tapped her comm.-badge.

"Valenar to Vaughn."

"Vaughn here, go ahead Commander," the chief engineer's angry voice replied.

"Mister Vaughn, I'd like to request that from now on all engineering related reports are to be submitted to you and compiled into a single report before being filed and sent to me or the Commanding Officer," Innovindil said as she skimmed through the next message on her list, which was an update from Operations.

"Commander, I'm a very busy engineer, so you'll have to deal with the separate reports or send a yeoman to my office to deal with it," Vaughn's voice buzzed through the comm.-badge.

Innovindil closed her eyes halfway through reading a sentence and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as she imagined several different ways that the so called chief engineer could just so happen to have an accident that doubled as a lesson in manners. After several seconds, she cleared her mind and set her teeth before speaking.

"Lieutenant Commander Vaughn, It isn't a request, it's an order. Compile the reports from now on or else you will be brought up on formal charges for insubordination," Innovindil snapped.

"Fine! Vaughn out!"

Innovindil clenched her fists tightly for a brief moment before she forced herself to take a deep breath and shake her head. How that arrogant ass had become a senior officer in Starfleet was beyond her, but she knew that she would cheerfully sign his transfer papers when the day came that he would be leaving the Endeavour. After a few minutes of staring at her computer monitor and thinking, she finally sighed and turned it off.

"Computer, where is Commander McKeon?"

"Commander McKeon is currently in the Forward Observation Lounge on Deck Nine."

Standing, Innovindil smoothed her uniform jacket and stepped towards the door. She had never visited the forward lounge during her off duty hours, since she was working two different positions and sometimes on duty for twelve hours at a time there hadn't been much personal time left for her and the majority of that she spent with her daughter. She had made one official visit to the lounge, and now she was about to make another. The trip didn't take very long, and within five minutes she was walking through the doors into the lounge. Spotting Commander McKeon by the bar, Innovindil stepped over and clasped her hands behind her back as she stood.

"Commander, may I have a moment of your time?"

Alistar took a quick drink from the bottle of replicated Smirnoff he had been drinking before he turned. He had made it a point to hang out in the lounge every day because it was the one place that he wouldn't disturbed unless Valenar had an issue, like now for example. There were some officers that were simply too efficient and she was one of them. He had been warned that Innovindil was an outstanding officer but a serious workaholic and completely devoted to her duty. All of those were qualities that a good CO looked for in an XO but Valenar had proven that she was a little overqualified for the job of XO. She was one of the few officers who had no fear of bugging her CO until her job was done, and that was both good and bad.

"Have a seat commander," he said as he took another drink and winced. Synthohol had most of the flavor and bite of real alcohol but none of the side effects, but there was also a watered down flavor. Looking over at Rhiana he slid the bottle over. "I think I need my one a day drink now."

"What will you have, commander?" the blonde Romulan asked as she threw the bottle away.

"Three measures of Bacardi gold, two measures of orange juice and a drop of vanilla extract, stirred," Alistar said. Looking over at Valenar, he waved his hand to indicate that she should drink.

Innovindil raised an eyebrow and frowned, thinking seriously of refusing, but there was no clear way for her to explain her refusal. Technically, her duty shift had ended several hours before and the ship's Executive Officer was always on call and on duty. She finally nodded and turned towards the bartender.

"I'll have a glass of green apple vodka, straight up," she said.

To be continued ...


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