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Sd 241501.19 Duty/Personal Log: dei`Silvisi

Posted on Tue Jan 20th, 2015 @ 4:11am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

650 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Isabella gave a sigh of relief as she closed out the last report window on her desktop monitor and leaned back in her chair. Looking at the time, she groaned. The inspection of the bioneural gel packs had taken hours, which had put Isabella behind on the majority of her paperwork and a few of the prelaunch duties she had been taking care of, but what had upset her more was the fact that most of that time had been spent crawling through the Jefferies tubes, an experience that Isabella hadn't enjoyed. Part of every cadet's academy time included six months aboard a training ship, which had been fine for Isabella except for the week of training that involved the Jefferies tubes. Like everything else on the training cruise, it was required for graduation from Starfleet Academy, and she had barely passed. Isabella's claustrophobia wasn't something she spoke of very often or to just anyone. The cause was an incident that had been a traumatic enough experience and it had cost the lives of several of her friends. Even after nearly twenty years, she still had nightmares of the incident from time to time. It was also the reason why Isabella didn't do anything that involved going into a body of water or going underground.

Shaking her head in an effort to clear the memories that threatened to surface, Isabella blinked her eyes and glanced out of her office and into the main room in sickbay. The night shift staff, which currently was one ensign, a junior petty officer, and two crewmen who had just enlisted, were already on duty. There was very little for them to do, so Isabella had given them the task of finishing the job of inventorying the supplies. Abbi had done her best, but she had only been able to get a third of the inventory completed before her shift ended. It was actually late enough that the night shift were taking their first break, and to add to the fact that it was late, Isabella's stomach growled in protest to the fact that she hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"Computer, hold all calls for me until I return to my office tomorrow unless there are any emergencies," Isabella ordered the computer. She waited long enough for the computer to beep in acknowledgement of the command before standing and head out of sickbay, pausing only long enough to check in with the night shift staff on her way

Isabella almost decided that she would visit the forward observation lounge, having heard much about the Endeavour's primary relaxation spot, but instead, she decided to retire to her quarters which were only a short walk away from sickbay. One of the added benefits of being the chief medical officer on an Intrepid class starship was that your quarters were close to your department office, which had been the designer's intention when the Intrepid class had first been conceived. The theory was that the chief medical officer could respond quicker to emergency situations, but to Isabella it meant that she could retreat to her quarters quicker after her shift ended. She made the trip in record time, mostly due to the fact that there wasn't anyone in the corridors at such a late hour. As the doors closed behind her, Isabella stripped her uniform off and tossed it into the reclaimer unit before she took a quick shower and slid into her nightgown. Feeling much better, she argued with the computer for a few minutes before it finally produced a plate of chicken Alfredo to her liking. Eating quickly, she put the dishes into the reclaimer before sitting down on the couch. Picking up the latest book she had been reading, Isabella started to read the next chapter but her eyes closed and she fell asleep before she could open the cover.

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Medical Officer


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