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24150119 CO Duty Log

Posted on Mon Jan 19th, 2015 @ 7:38pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

451 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Alistar yawned as he skimmed through a report that had been submitted by engineering. If there was one thing he was tired of it was reading reports and it was Because there was always a blasted report to read. If someone came into sickbay and sneezed there was a report. If someone in engineering opened an access panel there was a report. If anything happened anywhere on the ship, there was more than likely a report about it. And every single report seemed to be filed separately and marked urgent.

Halfway trough the report Alistar tossed the padd back on top of his desk and rubbed his eyes. The Endeavour was a brand new Intrepid class ship that hadn't left port yet and he was neck deep in reports, most of them were mundane or everyday things that should be consolidated with the daily department report. Normally the ships XO or command yeoman would catch some of this, but Valenar was still relatively new to the ship and covering her duties as XO as well as overseeing security and tactical and there still hadn't been a command staff yeoman assigned yet.

"Computer, how many reports are pending my attention?" Alistar asked.

"There are currently 105 reports currently pending your attention. You have 17 reports from medical, 8 reports from flight control, 25 reports from science, 30 reports from engineering, 20 reports from operations, 3 reports from security and tactical and 2 reports from Starfleet Command."

"what do the reports from SFC contain?" Alistar asked.

"Unknown. Reports are encrypted."

Alistar shook his head and covered half of his face with his hand. For all of the Federation's technical advances, the LCARS computer system was sometimes the most idiotic system around. "Decrypt reports from SFC and display on desktop monitor," He ordered. It took several seconds before the computer monitor flashed to life with the transmitted reports. Skimming through the first report, Alistar rolled his eyes as he discovered that it was nothing more than a fleet wide announcement on the upcoming appointment of a new Starfleet official Alistar had never heard of to a position he didn't care about. Hitting the delete key he skipped to the next report, which was the new fleet wide deployment schedule. The Endeavour was listed as being assigned to independent exploration operations, a category that was rarely assigned to starships anymore because of the near unlimited freedom it granted. It was still welcomed news.

"Computer, forward a copy of this on to the XO and the DS5 fleet office," Alistar said before he closed the monitor down and stood. News like this deserved a little celebration, so he headed out of his ready room and towards the lounge.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


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