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SD 241501.12 Joint log: Ros, Walker, DeiSilvisi

Posted on Mon Jan 12th, 2015 @ 11:37pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

1,926 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Jera'turak Ros couldn't help but smile and hum softly as she walked into engineering. The time since chief engineer Vaughn had been literately handed his head by the first officer had been mostly good for everyone in the engineering department. Vaughn still went off on his little tirades every once in a while but it was mostly now just a ten or twenty minute griping About how none of the engineers assigned to the Endeavour were actually engineers. The rest of the time was actually enjoyable, for Jera at any rate. She still had her favorite engineering officer to pick on, and even though she found Ensign Walker to be a complete moron, she admitted that she actually enjoyed working with him. That was a good thing too, since they had been assigned together as a team. Seeing Walker, Jera walked over and gave him a greeting punch to the arm.

Kev looked up from the morning schedule as someone tapped him in the arm and saw PO Ros. He smiled a little and handed the Nco a cup of fresh replicated coffee. Despite the fact that Ros was temperamental and often a complete grouch to work with Kev had discovered that she was an accomplished engineer and he often he let her take charge on the maintenance calls they dealt with. His own training and experience in starship engineering had been for starships that weren't quite as advanced as the Endeavour was. The latest in Intrepid class ship technology, which was already cutting edge tech, had been installed aboard the Endeavour, which meant that some of the new tech and systems were completely new to the ship’s crew because none of them had encountered some of the newer systems yet. "I hope you got plenty of sleep last night Ros, we got selected to do a visual inspection of the gel packs."

"Just great," Jera muttered as she took the coffee Walker offered and took a drink. She made a face, simply because replicated coffee just didn't have the same flavor and kick that actual fresh brewed coffee did. But it would do for now. "I'm not qualified to inspect gel packs," she added after she had drunk half of the cup.

"No one in engineering is," Kev said. "I've already checked everyone's qualifications. And I checked on the qualification requirements for what it would take to be qualified to work with the gel packs; it's a three week course at Starfleet academy. And you have to have the intro to medical engineering sciences course, which is another two weeks."

"The ship is scheduled to launch in less than a week, we don't have the time for that," Jera said as she finished off her coffee.

"I was thinking about asking someone from the medical department for help," Kev said as he set the padd with the schedule down and stepped out of the way as another team came up to check the daily roster.

"Good idea," Jera said as she peeked into a box that someone had set on a side console. Seeing an assortment of breakfast foods, she dug through the box until she found a breakfast croissant sandwich with sausage, egg, cheese and bacon. Unwrapping it, she took a bite, nodded in approval and finished the sandwich in three bites. "Ok, let's go grab a medical officer and get started."

Kev shook his head at the Nco and chuckled as he headed towards the entrance to engineering. The blast doors were locked open now, which was standard for normal cruise operational modes on most starships. He paused at the equipment locker just inside the entrance and grabbed a basic tool belt, engineering padd, and a tricorder before leading the way to sickbay. The trip didn't take long; Intrepid class starships weren't large or confusing in their general layout. It didn't hurt that every engineer on the Endeavour could walk the ship from one end to the other in their sleep by now. Arriving at sickbay, Kev walked through the doors and paused in the doorway as he looked for a medical officer.

Isabella had been helping with doing a final count on the ships medical supply inventory. While the majority of equipment and some medicines could be easily replicated, there were some things that couldn't. The majority of standard medicines or other medical items were still kept in a secured storage room attached to the medical department and distributed by the authorization of the chief medical officer. Isa knew what was supposed to be present according to the manifest, but she had been putting off the actual physical checks until the very last minute, and she had only done that because she wanted to wait until the final supply shipment had been made. Now, Isabella was wishing that she hadn't of waited. She had scheduled the inventory checks, and the majority of the day shift staff had requested personal time off on the same day, which left Isabella and one other medical officer on duty. The other officer, Ensign Abbigail Eidan, a recent graduate from Starfleet academy, was trying to help, but she was just a little slower at checking the inventory than Isa. With Abbi Helping, the inventory was at least progressing a little, so Isabella was just a little upset when the doors to sickbay opened and two engineers walked in.

"Can I help you?" Isabella asked as she paused in counting a stack of antibiotics.

"We were wondering if we could get a medical officer to help us with an inspection of the gel packs," Kev answered.

Isabella gave a thoughtful frown as she thought over the medical department roster. The majority of medical officers and crew assigned to the Endeavour were newly trained or had very little time in service, and she sighed as she realized that she was the only person in medical who had previous experience with the bioneural gel packs. "Abbi, I need to go help engineering for a while. Can you cover the inventory for a while?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Abbigail smiled and waved as Isabella set the manifest padd down and grabbed a medical tricorder. Turning her attention to the two engineers, she nodded.

"Alright, let's get to it," Isabella said.

"Yes ma'am," Kev said. Glancing at the engineering padd he had brought, he studied it for a moment. "I think we should start on deck fourteen. There are only four packs and we can go from there directly to the secondary ODN trunks on deck thirteen."

"Wait, do you mean we'll be going through the Jefferies tubes?" Isabella asked, clearly not liking the idea.

"Yes ma'am," Kev said. "The majority of the gel packs can be accessed from primary locations, but there are a few that require us to use the Jefferies tubes."

"And when you say a few exactly how many are you talking about?" Isabella asked.

"What he means is that roughly half of the gel packs can be accessed from a corridor access panel, the other half can only be reached by using the Jefferies tubes," Jera broke in, nudging Walker roughly in the ribs with her elbow as they walked towards the turbolift.

Isabella nodded and kept quiet, but silently she did not like the idea of crawling through the Jefferies tubes. Being petite, she didn't have any trouble moving through the narrow support tunnels, but she had a strong dislike of them and of being in them. If it wasn't for the fact that the bioneural gel packs fell into the area of responsibility for both engineering and medical, she would have refused to help, but she was the chief medical officer and it was part of her duty. It just happened to be a part she didn't like. So she remained quiet as she followed the engineers.

The trip to deck fourteen was a quiet one that ended at the secured access doors leading into the damage control command room. The DCCR was normally unmanned except during red alert or battle station conditions, and only engineering had unlimited access. The Jefferies tube access panel beside the door leading to the DCCR had the same security system in place, and Kev had to enter his access codes since he was the only engineering officer present. The hatch slid open, and Kev crawled in first, moving slowly since he was holding the engineering padd as he crawled.

Jera glanced at the medical officer and wondered if the other woman didn't like the tubes or just didn't want to go crawling around in them. Personally, Jera liked being in the Jefferies tubes, since most of the time it meant that she was working alone. Waving her hand towards the open access hatch, Jera tried to smile. "After you, lieutenant."

Isabella glanced at the engineering petty officer and back at the open hatch before she finally sighed, knelt down and crawled into the Jefferies tubes. Silently, she wished that she had tied her hair back that morning instead of wearing it loose because it instantly fell down around her face and made it difficult for her to see. There was more lighting than she had expected, which made the entire experience just a little less unpleasant. She paused to tuck her hair behind her ears before crawling forward, following Ensign Walker as he led them to the first set of gel packs.

Kev finally paused and adjusted himself into a sitting position as best he could. Reaching out with both hands, he removed the access cover plate on an ODN conduit, revealing a series of optical data cables and a pair of gel pack housings. Opening the housings, he stared at the gel packs for a moment before he nodded towards Dei’Silvisi. "You're up, doctor," he said.

Isabella crawled forward and took a few minutes to sit up, which was difficult at best in the cramped Jefferies tubes. Giving the gel packs a quick visual inspection, she opened the medical tricorder she had brought and scanned both of the gel packs before she examined the readings. "They're both fine," she said. "In fact, they both read as being brand new and in perfect condition."

"That's what we're here to check on," Kev said as he replaced the panel covering. Picking up the engineering padd, he smiled and said "Alright, only two more to go on this deck, so let's get going!" before he started crawling down to the next gel pack location. Since they had a bit further to go, Kev decided to kill the boredom by whistling a little tune.

Isabella closed her tricorder and glared at Ensign Walker before she turned to face the petty officer behind her. "Do you work with him often?" Isabella asked as she attached the tricorder to her belt.

"All the time," Jera answered as she double checked the access plate Walker had replaced. She had gotten into the habit of checking in behind him sometimes, if for no other reason than because he had already gotten her in trouble once, and she wasn't about to make it easy for him to do it again. "Most of the time I just try to ignore him. But just wait until he starts wanting to talk to you while he's working on something."

"It's going to be a long day," Isabella groaned as she started off down the Jefferies tube after Walker.

End log

Lieutenant Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Kev Walker
Engineering officer

Petty Officer 1st Class Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist


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