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24150108 Joint Log, CO and CEO NPC

Posted on Thu Jan 8th, 2015 @ 7:16pm by Captain Alistar McKeon

831 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Alistar was back to roaming the ship, only this time he had something in mind. It was barely past 1700 hours, so he had decided to start his search for LtCmdr Mark Vaughn, the Endeavour CEO, in engineering. The blast doors that led into the room that housed engineering opened as he approached and the scene that Alistar saw made him pause for a moment before he continued in. Vaughn had a line of engineers stood up and was giving them a verbal lashing, everything from insulting them as engineers to insulting their intelligence levels. Alistar stood by until Vaughn had dismissed the line of engineers before he walked up to the CEO.

"Mister Vaughn, I'm glad I caught you before your shift ended," Alistar said.

Vaughn spun around and opened his mouth only to quickly close it when he noticed that he was face to face with his CO. He swallowed and stood rigidly at attention but he did it in a manner that openly showed a defiant attitude.

Alistar allowed a wolf like grin. "What's wrong, commander, run out of smart ass comments or did you learn your lesson from Utopia Planitia?"

"Go f*ck yourself, commander," Vaughn finally said. "The only reason you're still in uniform is because of your war time record, while I'm in uniform because I'm good at my job."

"I'm still in uniform because I do my duty as a Starfleet officer and I'm loyal to the Federation, not my bank account. I seem to recall your brother having a problem with that. How is he by the way?" Alistar tried hard not to smile. It was no small secret that Vaughn's brother had been dishonorably dismissed from Starfleet right before he had started a life sentence at the New Stelleron penal colony. One of the charges had included accepting bribes and letting goods slip past customs as well as smuggling.

It was almost too much for Vaughn. He started to swing at McKeon but he managed to hold back, keeping his fists tightly curled at his sides. "If you're here to make a point commander then make it. But don't expect me to pay much attention to you or anything you say. Just because you supposedly outrank me and are laughingly the CO of this ship doesn't mean I have to listen to you or your command staff. I've got time in service over everyone else on the Endeavour and I'll go about my day however I want to. You should be familiar with how I operate, since you served on the Avalon. If everyone stays out or my way then they won't have any problems."

"Clear the deck!" Alistar snapped. Instantly, everyone in engineering rushed towards the door. Once the blast doors slid shut Alistar grabbed Vaughn by the front of his uniform jacket and slammed him into the bulkhead.

"You listen to me you arrogant prick! This isn't the Avalon or any other ship where you can do anything you want and get away with it. Whether you like it or not, I'm your CO now, and you're going to adhere to Starfleet regulations. I'll be the first to admit that I don't like the fact that you're on my ship much less a senior officer. But you had damned well better get your act together or else."

"Or else what?" Vaughn snapped, trying to appear calm even though he wasn't.

"Or else I'll shove you out the airlock," Alistar answered.

"Your b*tch of an XO already threatened to put me in an EVA suit and throw me into the airlock."

"Mr. Vaughn, if I put you in the airlock, it'll be right after I charge you with conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet officer and gross violation of the SFUCMJ. And you won't be wearing an EVA suit," Alistar said with a low voice. "With your record and your history, and that of your brother's, how well do you think you'd stand up in a court Marshal?"

Vaughn's face paled as Alistar's words struck home. The CO had a point and they both knew it. He even quick trying to struggle free and nodded slowly as he realized that he might be pressing his luck and might want to change his attitude while he was on the Endeavour because this CO wasn't going to be a pushover.

"Straighten up your attitude and act like an officer, or else," Alistar growled. "If I hear of one more incident with you involved, I'll have you in a court room heading to a prison cell, and that's if I'm in a good mood. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir," Vaughn said. It was really all he could say, anything else might set the CO off again.

Alistar released Vaughn and took a step back. "Get back to work while you still can," he growled before he turned and walked out of engineering.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour

LtCmdr Mark Vaughn NPC
CEO USS Endeavour


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