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StarDate 241501.04 - Joint Log: CO and XO

Posted on Sun Jan 4th, 2015 @ 10:10pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

972 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

Another day done and his afternoon walk through the ship complete found Alistar sitting in the forward lounge drinking a replicated Smirnoff and thinking seriously of calling it a day. The launch date was drawing closer, and so far everything was checked out and ready. Other than a few minor problems from engineering the Endeavour seemed to ready. There were still a few problems that were being worked on, mostly double checking labels on systems controls and a few other minor things that were being taken care of. All in all, everything seemed to be ready.

Innovindil frowned as she paused outside the forward observation lounge. It was truly the one refuge on the entire ship from the everyday worries that came with one's duty as an Officer or enlisted crewman assigned to a Starfleet vessel, but she also knew that some things were best handled before a problematic situation got out of control. Stepping into the lounge, Innovindil took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the darkened room while she searched for Commander McKeon. Seeing him sitting alone at the bar, quickly stepped over to where he was sitting.

"Commander, may I sit down," Innovindil asked.

Alistar looked up and offered a smile at his XO before he waved at the seat next to him. "By all means, commander, have a seat. You know this is an informal lounge."

"I'm afraid I'm here on formal ship's business," Innovindil said. She glanced at the offered seat, but decided to remain standing. "I believe we may have a problem with our Chief Engineer."

"Vaughn? What's that asshole done now?" Alistar growled as he finished his Smirnoff.

Innovindil blinked as she made an effort to hide her surprise at the fact that she had just heard her Commanding Officer openly slam one of the Officers under his command. The fact that it was a Senior Officer was even more surprising.

"Sir, is there something as the Endeavour's Executive Officer that I should know about Commander Vaughn?" Innovindil asked carefully.

"Have you met him yet?" Alistar asked.

"Unfortunately, I must say that I have," Innovindil replied.

"Then I'm pretty sure you already know that the guy is a complete jerk with no thought of anyone else and an ego that a Galaxy class ship couldn't pull," Alistar said.

"I didn't have enough time to get to know him quite that well, Sir, but I must admit that it sounds like that would be a fairly accurate description of the Lieutenant Commander who was in my office earlier," Innovindil said quietly with a nod.

Alistar blinked as he thought for a moment. "Why was he in your office?"

"He wanted to formally punish the two engineers who were indirectly responsible for the hot water system being off line. Once they explained the situation, I ordered our outstanding Chief Engineer to personally see to it that the issue that was the cause for the problem was corrected and to look into the system controls ship-wide just to make sure we won't have another problem similar to this happen again," Innovindil said in a tightly controlled tone that could melt iron.

"Ok, what else happened?" Alistar asked since he could tell that there was a little more to the story.

"He insulted my daughter and spoke to her in a manner that is unacceptable for someone wearing the uniform, much less a senior ranking Starfleet Officer, should speak to anyone, especially a civilian," Innovindil said angrily.

Alistar nodded and turned to the bartender. Since Rhiana was out, an off duty yeoman was handling things in the lounge. "Large coffee, black, extra sugar," Alistar ordered. Turning back to his XO, he nodded. "I'm sure you didn't read his entire service record to know that Vaughn was demoted from full commander twice before for attitude problems. He wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for the fact that we needed a CEO and the Nightingale got the only other qualified officer a day before Vaughn was recommended."

"You sound as if you knew about him and his attitude problem before he was assigned to the Endeavour," Innovindil said as she caught the attention of the yeoman and quickly ordered a drink.

"I've served with Mark Vaughn before," Alistar said simply as his coffee arrived. "He and his brother were both senior officers on the same ship before the war. Both of them are stuck up morons, and the only reason Vaughn is still in Starfleet is because he's a really good engineer. He's lazy has an attitude a Klingon targ would envy and has an ego the whole fleet couldn't push into a black hole, but he's also a really good engineer when he has to be. And he's our problem until we can get a replacement CEO."

Innovindil stared at her Commanding Officer for a long moment before she finally nodded. She didn't like it, but there was always something that one had to simply endure while wearing the uniform. It was a simple fact that everyone in Starfleet overcame every day, and this was no different. Still, there were some things that she wouldn't tolerate.

"Sir, there is the matter of his attitude towards the civilians on board," Innovindil said quietly.

Alistar finished his coffee and nodded. "Yep and I'm going to go talk to him about that. If you hear of any further problems from him, I want to hear about it."

"Yes, Sir," Innovindil said as she stepped towards the doors leading out of the lounge. There wasn't much else she could do, other than wait and pray that Vaughn didn't become a further problem for her, or anyone, to deal with.

Cmdr Alistar McKeon
CO, USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security and Tactical
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


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