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StarDate 241412.26 - Joint Log, Part III: Executive Officer, Engineering Officer, Engineering Specialist, Various N.P.C.s

Posted on Sat Dec 27th, 2014 @ 3:21am by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Ensign Elanawen Valenar
Edited on on Sat Dec 27th, 2014 @ 3:25am

710 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue: The Gathering

'Well, there goes that plan,' Jera thought. Bracing to attention, she cleared her throat and spoke quickly. "Ma'am, several of the ODN control clusters were mislabeled by the shipyard crew. Ensign Walker and I had no idea which control circuits were which, so we had to disable one in order to run a diagnostic and identify it. This caused the hot water system to be offline for some time, which we apologize for. We were going to file a complete report after we finished relabeling the control circuits and our shift ended."

Vaughn shifted and started to speak, but a dark glare from Innovindil made him think better. She turned back to the two engineers and nodded after a brief moment. "Very well. Commander Vaughn will have the two of you assigned to Alpha Shift as a lead team tomorrow. I want both of you to file a report on the incident and take the rest of the day off. Commander Vaughn, you will lead a team and finish relabeling the ODN conduits. After you're finished with that, I want you to personally double check every single ODN conduit control panel on this ship. I'll expect your full report when you're finished. That is all, you're dismissed."

Vaughn turned several shades of red before he stiffened to attention and angrily marched from the office. It was clear to everyone that he wasn't used to being treated like any other engineer, and the fact that the XO had just sliced him apart like warm bread wasn't something that he liked.

Innovindil turned towards Walker and Ros and offered them a slight nod ad a knowing smile. "Dismissed, and if you have any other problems in Engineering, I want to know as quickly as possible," she said.

"Yes, Ma'am," Kev said quickly. He came to attention and hurried out of the Xo's office as quickly as protocol would allow.

Jera braced to attention and, being enlisted, she snapped a salute before she spun about and marched out of the office. Outside, she grinned at Walker and started laughing.

Kev stared at the Nco for a moment, wondering if she had lost her senses. He didn't dare do anything that involved physically touching her, since she might haul off and slap him, but he had to wonder if Ros was just a little nuts. "Are you crazy?" he finally asked.

"Maybe," Jera said, snorting in laughter. "Because it was all worth it to see that asshole get put in his place. And, we're now a lead team on Alpha Shift. It was so totally worth it!"

Kev had to think about it for a long bit of time, but after he had he came to the same conclusion as Ros. It HAD been worth it. And when that thought crossed his mind, he started to laugh too. "You know, maybe I should have pulled that circuit earlier," he said.

"You're still a moron," Jera said with a laugh before she started off down the corridor.

Once the doors had slid closed behind Walker and Ros, Innovindil sat down and shook her head as Elanawen sat back down across from her.

"I'm sorry, Mother…" Elanawen started, but Innovindil cut her off short.

"You did nothing wrong, so you have nothing to apologize for," Innovindil told her daughter. "Do you understand?"

Elanawen nodded, and Innovindil smiled as she picked her fork up again. Silently, she prayed that no one else would try to ruin her lunch, because while paperwork along was enough to get under her skin, paperwork and having to deal with Lieutenant Commander Mark Vaughn over an interrupted meal was enough to put anyone in a bad mood, especially Innovindil. At that thought, she added a second unspoken prayer that nothing else would go wrong for a few days, if for no other reason than the fact that the Endeavour and her crew needed a quiet, boring day every once in a while.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Chief of Security and Tactical
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour

Ensign Kev Walker
Engineering Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour

Petty Officer First Class Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist
U.S.S. Endeavour


Lieutenant Commander Mark Vaughn
Chief Engineer

Elanawen Valenar


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