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An Eye For an Eye

Posted on Tue Mar 20th, 2018 @ 10:14am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer

1,943 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: Sickbay - U.S.S. Endeavour

--- Sickbay - U.S.S. Endeavour ---

Isabella was glad that the ship had stopped rocking and shaking, mostly due to the fact that it made surgical procedures just a little easier. The lights had also stopped flickering, but they were dimmer than normal, which spelled battle damage and power loss. Unfortunately, Isabella couldn't take the time to be concerned about the condition of the ship, as her focus was entirely on the well being of her crew. She finished extracting a piece of shrapnel from an engineering petty officer and stepped back to let one of the surgical officers take over. Closing the wounds wasn't a major ordeal, and it was made easier by the equipment that they had. Glancing around sickbay, Isabella was just slightly surprised that there weren't overflowing with wounded, but then again she wasn't sure how many people had been routed to the secondary medical sites either.

"That's the last of the seriously wounded that we have, Ma'am," one of the nurses reported. Isabella breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, then tensed as the doors to sickbay opened.

"Twenty cc's of meperidine for this guy and prep the surgical bay!" Jordan Spencer ordered not caring about chain of command or protocols as he drug in a man by his shoulders while another carried his legs. "I've got a patient with second and third plasma burns to his right side of his upper torso. We need to act quick if we are going to save his arm. His eye is a no go, so we need to focus on that. Also, we need to flush his system and skin of any contaminates."

Isabella sprang into action before the wounded officer was halfway across the threshold of the door. Fortunately, the surgical bio-bed was already empty. "Nurse, ready a 20 cc mixture of Neurozine, Ambizine, and Rexlin. Ready a second hypo-spray of Lectrazine and Kelotane," she ordered as she moved towards the surgical bed. Activating the controls, she cleared out the system and readied the unit for immediate surgery.

They brought the crewman to the bed and laid him down as smooth as possible but quickly. Still the man was overwhelmed with pain as Jordan and the security officer that had assisted him, held the crewman down. A nurse ran over and Jordan nodded quickly. "Inject him," he ordered. The medical cocktail quickly kicked in and the man started to relax before completely going out cold. He looked up at the commander in red and went back to the patient. "Good call. I am used to just keeping the patient awake during these moments to know if there are other pains to be concerned about." He shrugged as he started to cut his uniform and undershirt off with a tool.

Isabella nodded as she studied the readouts on the surgical bio-beds overhead monitor. "We'll have to remove his eye so there won't risk of infection. His arm is shattered from the shoulder to the elbow, and there's bone fragments moving from the shoulder down into his torso. We'll have to go in and remove them and see if we can try to repair the shoulder and arm. As for his burns, we can mix up a gel and apply it to the burns." Glancing at the new officer, she raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to take over the surgery?" she asked.

"Ok..." Jordan responded as he wandered why the commander hadn't jumped on the chance to help her crewman but he quickly ignored the whole thing and started to grab a tool and started to look over his shoulder. The bone fragments were small but still detectable by the surgical bay's advanced surgical scanner. After tapping a couple codes into the machine, he found the pieces and sighed as he thought for a moment before starting to program the extractor with the proper details. "Alrighty..." He looked up at the Commander and nodded. "I' have programmed the extractor to lock on to his bone fragments and remove them. I'll need a nurse to take over extracting the fragments, and I'll start removing his eye. It shouldn't take to long. Can you get the osteo-generator, please." After 'ordering' the commander, he went to stabilizing around the eye socket.

Isabella had been watching closely as the new officer worked. He seemed very capable and able to carry through the operation without her hovering over his shoulder, and she nodded silently to herself as she watched. Abigail was a good enough medical officer, but she would never be ready to take over completely and this new officer seemed perfect for the role. He had stepped in immediately and known what to do almost right away and he had done it without turning to her every step of the way. Giving him a nod, she turned and found the requested surgical tool, turning back and handing it to him with an approving nod as she took a step to get a better view.

"Thank you, ma'am," Spencer replied as he kept his focus on the next step which was surgically removing the severely damaged eye from the eye socket. Even with all their advancements, there were still things out there that even they couldn't fully repair. This was surely going to be devastating but the eye was something that they had learned to replace with a highly advanced implant. Almost as though it was never removed. But everyone knew that that technology was like any other, needing maintained and repairs. But at least it was better than nothing at all. The old marine, now doctor, knew of how that some warrior type species would not replace lost limbs, but have patches or what not to show of their years of skill of beating the the odds.

"Doctor, the bone fragments have been taken out," the nurse assigned to him informed him.

"Good, Commander, if you would like, you can do the bone repairs, otherwise, please pass the tool to the nurse," he, yet again, ordered the people around him as though he owned the atmosphere. Yet again, rank was only a title. Right now, it was the man before him. "I'm finishing up cleaning up the damaged tissue. I doubt there are any left over spare eye replacements ready for implant. So we will have to wait till after ..." He paused as the ship shook once again and he went back to his work after irritatingly sighing. "... they finish whatever they have going on out there. This crewman will need to be sedated and as you suggested, ointment placed on his burns until we can prep a burn chamber."

"I'm pretty sure we weren't given any optical replacement items when we we at Starbase Typhoon, so I'm afraid that will have to wait until we can transfer him to a medical facility" Isabella said as she grabbed the edge of the bio-bed to steady her balance. She sighed as she glanced upwards in the general direction of the bridge and wondered just how bad things were going. "Depending on how bad the damage is ship-wide, we may have to keep him here under heavy sedation. I'd recommend Melorazine injections every thirty six hours along with mild pain relievers and antibiotics, that way we avoid him becoming addicted to any of the medications."

"As you wish, Commander," Jordan didn't completely disagree, but at the same time, he hated to see the man have to be sedated for so long. Still it wasn't as though he had any better ideas. With the severe burns and loss of an eye, of course he was looking out a large amount of time recuperating. Not to mention the psychological aspect of all this. He stepped away for a moment and rolled his neck as it was starting to stiffen for a sec, before taking the injection prepped at the Commander's suggestion. "Thank you, Nurse. Can I also get 1800 mg of gabapentin. We will start with that, three times a day with the other painkillers he was given and work up to 3600 mgs, three times a day for the nerve pain, along with the antibiotics. for the next week, at least. Then we will work on reducing the dose after a couple weeks of treatments."

With that, he watched the nurse nod and head back to prep the injection. It almost seemed very smooth and efficient with the working order of things on the ship as he turned and injected the patient. "I assume you already know, ma'am. Gabapentin is an older medicine, but I find it still very effective when it comes to nerve pain. And with how bad this burns are, I'd prefer to use what I know is well effective. As a field medic for the marines, we used similar medications on the run as it was efficient and stayed in the body long term with centuries of usage. But if you prefer my order to be changed, I am fine with that, as you are one of this crewman's commanding officers."

Isabella nodded wordlessly for a moment as she rubbed her eyes quickly for a brief moment. Glancing at the wounded officer's vitals on the overhead monitors for a moment, she finally nodded in satisfaction that he would be able to pull through. Turning towards the medical officer, she nodded again, this time directly towards him. "We have plenty of gabapentin on board, and it does work. I don't see any reason to counter the prescription," she said as she stepped away from the bio bed and let the nurses take over completely. Stopping by one of the wash stations, she quickly scrubbed her hands, and once they were clean she turned towards the lieutenant. "I'm glad you brought him in. That was some good work you did on operating on him. I need to contact security and have them start ship-wide patrols to search for wounded throughout the ship. Would you mind taking over sickbay for a while?"

A slight sigh escaped Jordan's lips before he noticed that the commander was talking to him. He finished his last look over the monitor as well before turning to face her. He raised his eyebrow before cleaning up himself. He remembered that he had his own side arm holstered to his thigh as he had in the military. Though, he wasn't sure if that was fully allowed on the ship they were on now, he felt it wasn't a concern at the moment. Security patrols were part of what he had done in the past as an ogmentee, but to take charge of this ship's medical staff? He didn't have to much problem with it, it just caught him off guard ever so slightly. He nodded as he looked at the commander. "Whatever you need help with, Commander."

Giving a nod, Isabella turned and started towards the door, but she paused and turned back towards the officer, extending her hand as she did so. "I'm Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi, by the way," she said.

"Jordan Spencer, Lieutenant J.G. or Doctor. Whatever you prefer, Commander," he simply replied as he stepped closer to her and shook her hand. "Nice meeting ya, but we can always chat later. You have more important things to deal with."

Isabella gave Jordan a brief but welcoming smile and a quick nod as she shook his hand quickly before she took a step back. "Sickbay is yours, Lieutenant. Beware of the EMH, it's annoyingly arrogant," she said. With that, she headed out of sickbay and towards the bridge.

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Jordan Spencer
Medical Officer


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