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The Battle at Science Station D5, Part III

Posted on Wed Feb 28th, 2018 @ 5:03am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer & Ensign Matt Connor

1,442 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: USS Endeavour, D-5

-- Previously, on the USS Endeavour --

~~ USS Endeavour ~~

Sparks flew from a rear console as another Volley of weapons fire Slammed into the energy shield. It was as though they weren't even there, but they knew better than to think that way. If they weren't there... their thoughts would have only been a fragment of lost souls vaporized into nothing. Gripping onto the small mounted console before him, Jordan tried his best to insure that he wasn't going flying anytime soon. At least for now. His small monitor quickly started flickering and blinking as reports came in. "Captain, that last attack caused some damage to the port side. Nothing major, but if I'm reading this right, we have a possible weak point in the shields. None the less, we are starting to have injuries reporting in. Sending this data to Sick Bay."

"Reroute auxiliary power to shields, rotate the matrix on a constant rotation. Helm, bring us around and standby to re engage. Tactical, ready a full volley of quantum torpedoes," Alistar ordered.

~~ Science Station D5 ~~

Another volley slammed into the station shields and the power matrix finally overloaded. With a sigh, Jera pulled her type 1 hand phaser out of her engineering kit and tapped her commbadge. "Ros to all personnel on board D5, the shields just went down. Security, stand by to take defensive positions," she said.

Matt hated star bases and he hated civilian ones even more so. As he jogged down the corridor from the air lock that the Endeavour had just phasered away he armed his phaser rifle and tried to get a decent mental image of the station as he came to the intersection where the four main docking port corridors met. The secondary ports wouldn't support a starfleet ship docking port, so he knew that one of these corridors would be a vital choke point to repel boarders. The problem with civilian structures was there were simple in design and not drawn out with easy defense in mind. Glancing down the three corridors that he and his team had to cover, Matt wondered if they should try to request help from the civilians. Most of the security force had abandoned their positions at the first sign of trouble, so he doubted it. "Ok guys. Set up a defensive position and we'll have to adjust from there," he said.

-- Continuation --

~~ D5 ~~

Jera hurried down the access corridor as quickly as she could. The last place she really wanted to be was in a stations power containment compartment when there was a high chance of the fusion reactors being targeted or blowing up. She could do just as much good from a central or auxiliary control station and be in less danger, if that was such a thing at the moment. Jogging out of the access corridor and into the main central corridors, Jera glanced around and spotted one of the security officers from the Endeavour setting up a defensive barricade. Heading over, she nodded. "Anything yet?" she asked. 

"Not yet ma am," Matt answered, not pausing in his scanning the different corridors for hostiles. There weren't any yet.

"Do what you can, but don't try to be a hero. If you have to, fall back to a more defensible position. I'm going to go find a control panel somewhere and see what I can do to slow them down," Jera said. With that, she nodded and continued on her way, hoping that the rest of the Endeavour crew would be alright. 

Matt watched the engineering lieutenant as she headed away. It made for a nice view but it also was a distraction. He turned his attention back to searching for enemies.

~~ USS Endeavour ~~

Alistar glared at the image of the Raptor on the view screen as the Endeavour came about and prepared to re engage the enemy ship. He wasn't sure of the logic of taking the war bird on, but he knew that he could if not take her at least severely damage her. Endeavour had a faster speed, maneuverability and tactical capability ratio compared to a Raptor, all he had to do was out think her commander. His side display blinked with new information and he spared a moment to take a look. The shields protecting D5 had finally gone down, leaving the station defenseless. The Defiant class ship had forced a hard dock to one of the station's primary docking ports while the other three pirate ships harassed the civilian ships in the area. He turned his eyes back to the view screen and felt them narrow. "Helm, engage attack pattern alpha, stand by to change to omega four on my mark. Tactical, standby," he ordered.

"Tactical ready on your command," Akira reported as her hands flew over her console. Silently, she smiled to herself, happy that she had had the foresight to go ahead and arm all of the Endeavour's weapons. She wasn't sure how they were going to be able to defeat a Raptor class cruiser, especially since she had brought up what the computer library files had contained on the class. Class for class, the Intrepid class ships like Endeavour had a number of advantages, but the Raptors were still nasty customers and one mistake could easily turn the battle into favoring the enemy. Silently, she hoped that the captain could pull this off.

"Ma'am, the bridge is reporting that we're starting to get casualties," one of the nurses reported. Isabella nodded silently and sighed inwardly as she made a quick walk through sickbay, making sure everything was as close to being in order as it could be. She had made a mental note to speak to the captain afterwards, mostly because she had long grown tired of always being shuffled to medical during a crisis situation. In a way, it was her own doing, but it didn't make her any less upset about it. Shaking her head, she pushed her personal feelings aside as the doors to sickbay opened and the first of the wounded started drifting in.

On the bridge, Jordan took in a deep breath as he kept up with the items going on. As more sparks flew and the ship shook, he ignored the battles going on and grabbed an enlisted crew man. " Take charge here and make sure medical staff know what's coming their way. Once secondary areas are prepped for casualties, divert all minor injures that way. I'll be in Sick Bay."

With that, he started for the turbo lift. It would take a couple minutes, but forget filling in slots. His skills would be more useful where he was more capable of. At least... he had hoped. Being in the marines, he was more willing to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. This was no different.

"Engage!" Alistar snapped. Instantly, the Endeavour surged forward, racing at her top rated impulse speed. The warbird's commander reacted quicker than expected, and the Raptor banked away as Endeavour screamed towards it firing her forward weapons. She scored several direct hits, punching through the shields of the stolen Romulan ship and slicing into the armored hull itself. Alistar nodded in satisfaction, and then frowned as the warbird continued its slow turn, bringing its forward weapons to bear on Endeavour's backside as the Starfleet ship flew past. "Hard to port!" he barked, hoping he had caught the enemy's maneuver quick enough. The warbird's commander was a second or two quicker, having planned the move. As Endeavour started to bank away from danger, the Raptor fired at near point blank range.

The Endeavour took the hits directly her her backside. The plasma torpedoes buckled the aft shields and allowed the warbird's disruptors to slice at the lighter ship's hull. The shock wave of the explosions boiled out and hit the Raptor as well, it's already weakened shields giving out and exposing its hull to share some of the Endeavour's damage. Alarms rang out as Endeavour took the hits, some were the same general alarms, but a few were the bone chilling alarms that every Starfleet officer dreaded. The Endeavour staggered out of the fray and drifted onwards, her opponent banking away. Both ships staggered away from each other, both heavily damaged.

On the bridge, Alistar picked himself up from the deck. He could feel blood oozing from a gash somewhere along his hair line, but he ignored it. Moving forward, he grabbed Petty Officer Ellija and shook her, rousing her back to the helm before he turned and took in the sight of the bridge. "Status report," he managed to call out.

to be continued.....


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