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The Battle at Science Station D5, Part II

Posted on Thu Feb 15th, 2018 @ 2:28pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant JG Zoe Ellija & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Kev Walker & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer & Ensign Matt Connor & Civilian Specialist Kaylyn Wolfe & Brex

1,502 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: USS Endeavour, D-5

-- Previously, on the USS Endeavour --

"Minimal damage to shields; holding at ninety nine percent," Akira reported over the alarms. "According to my readings, it doesn't look like they've upgraded the weapons on the Miranda class ships recently. I'm estimating that they're equipped with Type Seven or Eight class phasers. The Bird of Prey I'm still running an analysis on."

Alistar nodded. Even before the modifications from the Starbase Typhoon shipyards, the Endeavour could easily handle taking hits from a Type seven or eight phaser array. He guessed that the pirates, for lack of better term at the moment, mostly used the Miranda class ships against civilians. "Helm, stand by to switch to attack pattern Beta three. Tactical, standby to attack all targets at will," he ordered. Maybe, he added silently, this wouldn't be as bad as it had seemed at first.

-- Continuation --

~~ Nearby ~~

Brex watched and fumed silently as the Intrepid class ship held his forces back from his prize. They had identified the ship as the Endeavour, and while they were still trying to narrow down the ship's captain, Brex could tell that this one Starfleet commander was easily a match for his lieutenants. This was clearly a warrior minded officer, and one who would be a major problem. Such a problem could only be dealt with in one way, and that was by using a bigger club. Looking across the command deck of his flagship, he sighed. "Stand by to bring us into the fight. Target that ship and fire when ready," Brex ordered.

~~ USS Endeavour ~~

The Endeavour banked between the two Miranda class ships and fired as she dashed past the slower ships. On the bridge, Alistar was trying to figure out the best way to disable the two ships in a way that would leave them salvageable later on. While old and mostly outdated, they were still good prizes, and if nothing else the Federation Civil Defense Forces would be more than happy to add them to their rather undersized fleet. The B'rel and the Defiant class ships would be another story, but he wanted to put that off until later. As he watched, the Endeavour swept about as Petty Officer Ellija prepared to switch tactics. He opened his mouth to give the order and paused as a new set of alarms rang out. He quickly frowned and turned towards tactical, confused.

Akira frowned as she poured over the readouts on her screens. "Sensors are detecting a subspace disruption nearby," she reported as she scanned the area with one of the tactical sensors. The computer analyzed the readings and as new data flashed across her screen, she felt her eyes widened in alarm. "Nanite kotoda! Romulan Raptor class warbird decloaking less than twenty thousand kilometers away. They're targeting us! I'm reading a buildup of their primary disruptor banks and plasma torpedoes," she cried out.

Alistar cursed under his breath at Sato's report. Even without the other ships harassing the Endeavour a Raptor would have given her a challenge. He had never seen one in action, but he had heard first hand accounts from officers that had. He had a second long thought of respect for the other commander from a tactical officer's point of view. He had waited long enough to strike when the Endeavour was in the perfect position for the Raptor to attack and the Endeavour simply couldn't avoid the strike. "Helm, emergency evasive maneuvers. Divert all power to shields. All hands brace for impact!" he barked, instinctively gripping the sides of his command chair.

Engineering was a bustle of activity and in the middle Kev was doing the best he could to keep everything from going the wrong way. Managing power was technically the area of operations but he had been doing it anyway, mostly because T'lon had often asked engineering to help with that responsibility. He was managing, so far. As long as nothing extremely bad happened, he would be able to hold engineering together. Which was why the captains call to brace for impact had such an negative effect on the engineering crew. "Oh great, here we go," Kev muttered as he set his feet and gripped the sides of the master console.

Isabella had to admit that she had expected the captain to make such an announcement earlier into the battle, given just how quickly any conflict the Endeavour usually found itself in escalated. From the sound of it, things either had just done exactly that. So far, medical hadn't had anyone arrive with any type of injuries, which was slightly unusual but the fight had only recently started and the Endeavour was one of the most technically advanced ships in the fleet, easily a match for three older ships. Briefly, Isabella wondered just what was happening before she grabbed a free standing cart and made sure there was nothing out that could fly across the room and cause injury. Throughout sickbay, everyone else was doing the same. Silently, she hoped that this would be resolved quickly.

Kaylyn gripped the sides of her console and silently watched her screens. There was little she could do at the moment, but she had a feeling that that would about to change and quickly.

The Endeavour pulled out of her banking turn and made a mad climb in an effort to escape the volley from the Raptor. The slow moving plasma torpedoes were easily avoided, but the lightning quick disruptor beams weren't. Thin angry beams hit the Endeavour's shields. On the bridge, Alistar watched as his ship managed to escape the worst of the volley but the Raptor fired it's disruptors again and again. "Evasive pattern Lambda," he called. Lambda was a simple manuever, taking the Endeavour away from her deadliest enemy in an effort to regroup. Fortunately, Endeavour was quicker and managed to outpace the Raptor, although it still managed to score several more hits.

Sparks flew from a rear console as another Volley of weapons fire Slammed into the energy shield. It was as though they weren't even there, but they knew better than to think that way. If they weren't there... their thoughts would have only been a fragment of lost souls vaporized into nothing. Gripping onto the small mounted console before him, Jordan tried his best to insure that he wasn't going flying anytime soon. At least for now. His small monitor quickly started flickering and blinking as reports came in. "Captain, that last attack caused some damage to the port side. Nothing major, but if I'm reading this right, we have a possible weak point in the shields. None the less, we are starting to have injuries reporting in. Sending this data to Sick Bay."

"Reroute auxiliary power to shields, rotate the matrix on a constant rotation. Helm, bring us around and standby to re engage. Tactical, ready a full volley of quantum torpedoes," Alistar ordered.

~~ Station D5 ~~

Jera slammed the access panel to the secondary power line control relays and silently prayed that the power reroute she had just finished would work. The jury rigged power lines were overloading left and right with each volley the station shields were taking and Jera was just about out of ideas. Had the original schematics been in place, then she might be able to pull a rabbit or two out of her engineering kit. As it was she was hard pressed to keep power both online and running to the systems that needed it. She knew that sooner or later, the pirates would board. At least they had several members of the Endeavour security force on board, at least someone on the station knew how to fight. 

Another volley slammed into the station shields and the power matrix finally overloaded. With a sigh, Jera pulled her type 1 hand phaser out of her engineering kit and tapped her commbadge. "Ros to all personnel on board D5, the shields just went down. Security, stand by to take defensive positions," she said. 

Matt hated star bases and he hated civilian ones even more so. As he jogged down the corridor from the air lock that the Endeavour had just phasered away he armed his phaser rifle and tried to get a decent mental image of the station as he came to the intersection where the four main docking port corridors met. The secondary ports wouldn't support a starfleet ship docking port, so he knew that one of these corridors would be a vital choke point to repel boarders. The problem with civilian structures was there were simple in design and not drawn out with easy defense in mind. Glancing down the three corridors that he and his team had to cover, Matt wondered if they should try to request help from the civilians. Most of the security force had abandoned their positions at the first sign of trouble, so he doubted it. "Ok guys. Set up a defensive position and we'll have to adjust from there," he said. 

To be continued


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