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The Beginning of 'The Game'

Posted on Mon Jul 9th, 2018 @ 12:01am by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer

1,612 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: Main Engineering - U.S.S. Endeavour

/// ON ///

Making his way around the corridors of the ship, Lieutenant Jordan Spencer made his way to what was Main Engineering and its thick Cargo Bay doors. He hadn't really been on many ships in his career except the occasional transport ship. As he came closer to the doors, the motion sensor picked up on his movement activating the open sequence. He strolled through the new accessed area and stood before the marvel of space travel. Before him was the glowing warp core, pulsating as the mechanical heart of the intrepid class starship. Surrounding the core was its consoles and other sections to work from for the hive of workers minding their own business continuing on without a beat. The repairs to the ship was on going, and so he kept a watchful eye of active movement around him so he wasn't in people's way. It was still good to get to know the work areas to know what possible issues may arise from future endeavor.

Jera grumbled and snarled a vicious Romulan curse as she threw her tool kit out of the Jefferies tube access hatch and crawled out after the kit, landing on the deck in a pile and snapping another lashing verbal tirade as she picked herself up off of the deck. Somewhere in the last several hours, she had lost her uniform jacket and tunic shirt, and her undershirt clung to her every curve. The temperature regulators across three decks were still acting up along with a few of the power relays and ODN lines, and trying to track them down when the ship sensors didn't realize that it was almost one hundred degrees Fahrenheit and no breeze blowing through the service tunnels made for an unpleasant experience. "Someone find Walker and have him track that relay line to the impulse engines down again, get Miss Wolfe back from wherever the hell she's been assigned and see if she can help. And then tell that green blooded hobgoblin from ops to get off his logical butt and fix the environmental systems!" she snapped as she stormed through engineering. The cooler air was starting to cool her off, but she didn't pay it any mind as she spotted someone who clearly wasn't from engineering standing to the side. Throwing her tool kit over her shoulder, she paused and speared the guy with a sharp glare. "And who are you?"

The lieutenant looked at her with a slight eye raise before he turned fully to face the Bajoran/Romulan hybrid. "That doctor that was at the same senior staff meeting you were... They just gave me the position of Medical Chief officially earlier. Jordan Spencer. I'm assuming you are the hot headed Chief Engineer?"

"Hot headed? Who called me hot headed?" Jera growled. She paused, finally took a deep breath, and shook her head. "Sorry. I've been crawling around the guts of the ship and hanging upside down for over four hours, and the damned temperature regulators are on strike again. I hope you're not here for some kind of official purpose."

"No, not really. Not unless someone needs me in an official capacity," Jordan offered a simple shrug as he crossed his arms across his chest and looked her over noticing her uniform a true testament to an Engineer. It was completely obvious that she was more worried about getting the job done and less worried about politics. She was the type of person he preferred to work with when it came to... well anything.

"Well, at the moment we don't need a doctor, but that's subject to change down here," Jera said as she wiped the cooling sweat from her face with the end of her shirt. "Injuries seem to happen in engineering more than anywhere else when we're doing repairs sometimes. So what exactly are you doing on the lower decks?"

"Just taking a stroll around the ol' ship to get a feel for her. Get to see the faces to the areas they are usually working in. It helps visually."

"And it helps to know your way around. Smart," Jera said with a nod. She was vaguely aware that her shirt was still hugging her every curve, and she was glad that wasn't one that was even slightly transparent. She shifted the weight of her tool kit on her shoulder and offered a small shrug. "There's not much down here really. It's mostly engineering and support systems compartments. Most of my staff are either here or out doing something related to the structural integrity or propulsion systems."

"That maybe true, but between your department and security department, yours is the most responsible for the higher injury percentage. Its not saying people careless or irresponsible but things do happen. Even if its not injury related, I'll be doing more medical check ups with your department due to the higher risks," he shrugged himself noticing her body and shook his head after as he blinked keeping himself focused on professionalizm. "Don't take what I am saying personally, just its usually what is seen on starahips on average. Nothing else."

"None taken, for now," Jera said as she used the sleeve of her undershirt to wipe her face off. "If the captain would stop getting the ship rattled from one end to the other and try to overload every single system on the ship, we might not have that many injuries. Just a fact, most of a ship's injuries happen during some form of conflict. But medical exams? When do you plan to start?"

"Wasn't planning any right now, unless you'd like one," Jordan shrugged as he rested his hands in his pockets, almost to unprofessional. "But it looks like you are just haven't a field day here as it stands. I wouldn't want to steal that time away from you over a simple medical examination."

"Well, unless I'm ordered to do so, I'm not good at going to have a medical exam," Jera said with a grumpy half shrug. "Besides, I'm the chief engineer. Everyone tries to time away from me."

"What of your personal life? You do take time for yourself, at least, don't ya?" the doctor countered as he shifted slightly as he allowed busy engineers to rush by him.

"No lately. Most of my time has been overseeing engineering, repair teams, and working on repairs. Most of my down time has been to eat, shower and sleep," Jera said. "But, I am used to it, it would be nice to have a few days of boring routine shifts and absolutely nothing exciting going on."

"Well, I could always force you on mandatory R&R?" Jordan smirked with a simple eye brow before shrugging.

"You could try," Jera said with a growl. "But you'd better come prepared to enforce that yourself if you do. When it comes to my job, no one gets in my way as long as there's something to be done."

He chuckle as he raised a hand. "Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'm not going to pull that card unless its a threat to others or yourself. I'll let you burn yourself out, and force yourself to rest and relax. It usually works better. If anything, I'll shoot you, and drag you to the sickbay behind a force field. What ever works for you."

Jera raised her eyebrows and gave the medical officer a wicked grin. "Careful lieutenant. I don't play fairly. In fact, I'm downright evil minded when it comes to making someone's life miserable."

"Oh I really am hoping so. It ain't any fun otherwise, ma'am," the doctor smirked slightly as he started to nod just ever so slightly. "Sounds like I am going to enjoy this slightly

"Oh, if you're going to give me permission then I certainly hope you're up to the challenge," Jera said, a smile creeping across her face. "The game's afoot then."

"Then I guess all that is left is to say... game is on, Lieutenant" Jordan smirked as he raised an eye brown and nodded with a grin. "Don't get hurt... Otherwise you are in my ball park."

"I can almost pity you because the entire ship is my playground," Jera said with a smirk. "I'll go easy on you though."

This caused Jordan to chuckle a little bit before he nodded and crossed his arms over his chest. "If that's how you are playing it, I guess I'll have to step up my game."

"Well, you do have the advantage of the fact that I'm distracted with repairs, but that alone can give me plenty of times to pull something on you. I'll figure something out," Jera said.

"Oh don't worry. Work first. I do not want you to make a mistake over messing with you," he reassured. "I'll let ya be. Do you need anything from me, Lieutenant?"

"Hm, that remains to be seen," Jera said as she looked Spencer up and down for a quick moment. She finally shook her head. "I'm actually going to take a break and grab a shower and some food. After that I'm going to try to get this ship repaired."

"Well, if you need a good ear or whatever, Just hit me up. I'm happy to listen to your craziness. You seem ok," Jordan smirked as he reached out to shake her hand.

"I seem ok?" Jera asked as she shook Spencer's hand. She nodded and gave the lieutenant a dangerous smile. "Just keep in mind that you said it. Be'dah," she finished, giving Spencer a traditional Romulan nod to go along with the farewell.

Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros
Chief Engineer

ALieutenant Jordan Spencer
Chief Medical


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