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House Call

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 3:02am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Jordan Spencer

1,197 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

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Alistar rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair to take a break from reading through the mountain of information he had been going over for the past several hours. Nothing concrete had been found yet to give the Endeavour a target location, but if her captain was anything he was persistent. And determined. Thumbing the PADD controls, he scrolled to the next report, hoping to find some trace of the ships that attacked the science station. Unfortunately, the pirates had used surplus Starfleet ships, and it made tracking them that much harder, even more so since the ships IFFs had been deactivated during the battle. Alistar finally closed his eyes and took a deep breath, thinking seriously about taking a break.

"Honestly, Captain," Jordan Spencer spoke up as he stood in front of the Captain on the bridge. He was the senior officer on the bridge, and all those around them were busy going through their own hand full of work. The ship's klaxon was flashing yellow for now and allowed for normal lighting. That still didn't change the atmosphere around them. This was the reason for Spencer. "Have you even taken a break whatsoever to eat?"

"I'll eat and take a break when the shift is over," Alistar replied without looking up. He knew the new doctor was hovering, just like he knew that the captain didn't really have a set duty shift. But, he would rather be sitting on the bridge rather than in his ready room. At least on the bridge he would be able to jump onto any new situation that might arise.

"I see," Jordan took in the information as he sighed slightly before shrugging and sitting in the executive officer chair. "I hope ya don't mind, sir." He started as he looking over the controls around him before crossing his arms over his chest and sighed again taking in the surrounding area. "Still no update, thus far?"

"Well technically it's Isabella's seat, so that will be between the two of you," Alistar said with an amused grin. He doubted that the commander would mind, but one could never tell. "As for an update, we have a little information to go on, but nothing concrete. I want to gather as much hard data as possible before we make our next move. Hopefully, something from that warbird will pay off."

"So no response, yet, from the warbird?" the doctor asked as he relaxed resting one leg onto the other and arms crossed over his chest. The chair was surely comfy, and he could get used to.

"Not yet, but I guessed that it would take some time," Alistar said with a shrug. "Romulan encryption are among the best out there, and it the people who had that ship knew what they were doing, it could take quite a while before we uncover anything. There's also the fact that I want to proceed carefully, since we don't know really what we're getting in to."

"Is Starfleet Command going to send some help here or is it only us tackling this?" Jordan asked as he raised an eye brow.

"Unknown at this time, at least that's the answer I'm getting from Starfleet," Alistar growled as his eyes narrowed a bit. He was hoping that the Endeavour wouldn't be alone in her hunt for her missing crew, but at the same time he knew that it was a possibility. "Either way, I want to procee with extreme caution. But I'm fairly certain that at some time, we'll get some backup."

"Either case, we have to do something. Otherwise, we are as bad as those that take their time," Jordan spoke out loud as he thought out loud. "But you seem ready to take off after them right away. Anything you need from me, Captain?"

"At the moment, I really can't think of anything from medical, unless you want to try to help identify some of the pirate bodies we collected from our little encounter with them," Alistar said. "I think at last count we had close to thirty bodies, and as morbid as it sounds, if we can use them to help us find our crew, I'm willing to consider it. Of course, I won't order you to do it."

"Not sure why you wouldn't ask or order me. It is part of my responsibility to assist where I can. This is no difference. I'll got my team together and head down to the morgue. I'll need access to Starfleet's Intelligence database to run what we find," the doc informed as he looked at the captain.

"Well, I try not to be a complete ass as a commanding officer, unless it's absolutely necessary, plus I try not to ask my officers and crew to do things that I wouldn't do. Cutting open and playing around inside a dead man's body isn't something I'm keen on doing myself, so it's not something I would easily ask someone else to do," Alistar explained with a small shrug. "As for the SFI database access, I'll get Commander Sato or Silvisi to be present, that should be good enough for the clearance requirements."

"Fair enough. But I shouldn't have to have to complete autopsy to get identify them. If it comes down to it, I know I have your prior approval to do that deep," Jordan noted as he sighed before standing up. "I won't waste any more time. I'll see what I can find out and get you the results as soon as we find something."

"Thank you, doctor," Alistar said with a nod. Having never dealt in the field of medical other than first aid training that was required of all Starfleet personnel, he didn't know much of medical. If the truth was to be told, he really wasn't sure if he wanted to. "I'd suggest grabbing the XO. She's got both the clearance and background to help you out," he suggested.

"I know she does. She seems very capable and I'll reach out to her to see if she wants to help. But if I am to be your chief, its ultimately, its my responsibility and job. Plus, she has been running ragid, like everyone else around here. Its only fair I do my part as well," the Doctor stated as he straightened his uniform out and rested his hands behind his back. "I promise not to let you down, Captain. When are you having the next briefing?"

"It'll probably when we get some information, and when that will be I'm not sure. I'll be sure to give everyone some advanced warning," Alistar said with a thoughtful nod. He was hoping that they would get something soon, if for nothing else than because he hated just sitting around waiting when he was already literally chomping at the bit to go. "I'd guess it'll be a few hours at least."

"I will get on it, with your permission, of course," Jordan nodded respectfully.

"Granted. Let me know if you find anything," Alistar said with a nod.

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Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour


(P) Lieutenant Jordan Spencer
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


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