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Spencer and Sato

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 5:17pm by Lieutenant Jordan Spencer & Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato

1,471 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori
Location: U.S.S. Endeavour

/// ON ///

Akira felt the transporter beam die away as it released her and sighed as she stepped off of the transporter pad. The majority of the team was still over on the warbird, but she needed to make a few requests before they could proceed further and she always felt that it was best to ask certain things in person. Shoulder her phaser rifle as she made her way out into the corridor, the short Japanese woman sighed as she started towards the bridge. After the confusion of the warbird and its Romulan architecture, it felt good to be back on board the Endeavour and roaming the comfortable and familiar corridors of her home. It was halfway through the afternoon, which meant that the corridors were mostly empty, other than the officer or crewman here and there running errands. Making a turn, Akira stepped onto the turbo-lift and tiredly leaned against the wall. "Deck one," she told the computer.

Walking up to the turbolift with a padd in his hand, Jordan Spencer came up and tapped the entry. Moments later, the turbolift door slipped open to Asian woman and couldn't help but look her over before smirking and went back to his Padd as he stepped into the turbolift. "Deck One." he commanded, allowing the transport to engage once again. "So, how was the trip over at the warbird, Commander?"

"Completely and totally insane," Akira replied without thinking. "After we're completely through with this part of the mission, I'm going to drink the memory of that ship out of my mind." She paused, and then twitched as if she suddenly realized what she had said out loud. "Please don't repeat any of that to anyone, Lieutenant," she added.

"Repeat what?" He looked at her from the corner of his eye with a slight blink and looked forward at the sliding door. "For what its worth," Jordan continued as he relived some of the memories he had fought so hard to forget, only to do the very same thing she suggested. "It only numbs the pain, the memories never go away. Just tortures you if you don't find a way to act on it to prevent it from happening again... At least from my personal experience. Then there are those that just... well fade away."

"It's not quite that bad," Akira said, shaking her head. "There are bodies, but for the most part it's nothing as bad as some of the missions I've had to deal with before. What's totally mind numbing is the endless searching and trying to decrypt an alien computer system when I can barely recall the language. The bodies are just . . . I don't know, additional emotional stress factors would be my term," she broke off and grew quiet with a slight shrug. There truly were no words that came to her, and it was just as well.

"Sounds overwhelming. Are you going to be ok?" The doctor asked as he looked over at her to see her facial expresion and body language. He knew all to well that even the most experienced person could get rattled.

"I'll be fine, I just don't like some aspects of my job is all," Akira said as she shook her head. "I sometimes wonder if I should have gone into operations or science, though. Security and Tactical can be overwhelmingly stressful at times."

"Yeah, that is an understatement," Spencer nodded as he took in the thought of all the details that associated with her department. It wasn't as though he didn't himself, but his own time in such areas of his past was a way to understand just bits and pieces of her stress levels. "At least you know how to release that stress and get your focus back on what really matters, I presume."

"Oh, definitely. This ship has a wonderful gym and, with the new upgrades we received from the last refit, a decent rec-room. Not to mention all of the corridors that are great for a little run as well," Akira said with a small, half crooked smile. "And I guess there's always the holo-decks as well, but I usually don't bother with those."

"Yes, who would ever want to mess with lights and force fields," he nodded as he looked forward once again. "At least they can't hurt you unless you let them too... and you are supposed to be able to control them. Unlike other things in life these days."

"That's true, but I'm just not a big fan of holo-decks. I've never really liked them, ever since I was little," Akira said with a faint shrug. Turning towards Spencer, she frowned. "So, how are you liking the Endeavour so far?"

This was a question he had been expecting to answer, but he had not really thought in how he would answer. "She and her crew seems more than capable. I never really was one for being stationed on one. I always have been used to working in a hospital, or out in the field in my old days. But a starship..." He shrugged and looked at her. Even though she was a security officer, she was still a beautiful woman and seemed like the type to never hold back. "What about yourself. You like being assigned to her?"

"To the Endeavour? I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said I've never had my doubts. It's certainly been exiting enough, but I'd be thankful if I could be bored to death for just one mission. Ever since I joined the crew it's been a nonstop ride from one dangerous mission to the next. At least if it's going to be exciting and dangerous, I'm one one of the most capable starships out there," Akira said with a thin, almost faint smile. The Endeavour had indeed proven itself as a capable starship, and she had grown fond of the ship. The new design for the Intrepid class ships had gained favor and were quickly becoming one of the most desired classes from what Akira had heard.

"So you feel that Endeavour has a history of finding problems?" Jordan questioned as he wasn't completely sure how to take this information, but then again, he had never been assigned on a starship before.

"Definitely," Akira replied with a tired nod. "Or perhaps it just seems that way. I haven't been on board quite that long, but we've been through quite a bit since I first stepped through the air-lock and reported in."

"Then that is truly saying a lot if you feel so strongly about this ship and her crew," he noted out loud as he looked at the woman beside him. "So family?"

"My mother and brother were both Starfleet officers, my father was a historian and college professor in Kyoto. I had two sisters, but we didn't communicate much. I guess I should have taken the time to do so," Akira said sadly as she remembered that the Endeavour and her original crew had lost more than just their home timeline. In truth, Akira had made it a point that she would avoid ever going back to Earth, simply because there would be reminders at every turn.

"What's past is in the past," Spencer spoke up as he tried to cheer her up. "You may not be able to change the past... legally, but at least you have the here and now, people that depend on you. Can't say that's a bad thing."

"That's why I consider the Endeavour my home," Akira said. "It's really all some of us have left. Which, when you think about it, has a lot of pros and cons. But, there's no way to change what's happened, at least that's what the shrinks at Starbase Typhoon kept telling us for the two months we were there," she finished by rolling her eyes upwards at the thought of spending time in a mandatory psychiatric session.

"Well I wouldn't worry about having to see those shrinks. I double as one," He shrugged as he smirked slightly. The turbolift started to slow down and come to a stop. The door slid opened to show the bridge. The two stepped out and Jordan looked at the Commander. "I am always around if ya want to chat, professionally or off the books. Don't worry, I won't charge this time around."

"It's the phaser rifle, isn't it?" Akira asked, smiling a little to highlight the joke. "Alright, I'll try to leave it behind the next time. But, on a serious note, thank you," she said. Giving the chief medical officer a nod, she stepped towards the commanding officer's ready room.

"Any time, I look forward to it."

/// OFF ///

Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


(P) Lieutenant Jordan Spencor
Chief Medical Officer
U.S.S. Endeavour


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