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Translator Needed

Posted on Wed Jul 25th, 2018 @ 11:06am by Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato & Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Memento Mori

Akira was glad that Intrepid class star-ships had more than one access way to the commanding officer's ready room, as she felt that it would more than a little odd for her to step out onto the bridge with a phaser rifle slung across her back. Stopping outside the ready room door in the corridor, she took a deep breath and slowly released it. She didn't like to admit that she had been defeated but she and her team, at this point, had hit a wall. Reaching out, she tapped the door chime and waited.

Isabella had started her day as any other: A quick run around the corridors followed by a shower and a light breakfast before reporting to the bridge. There hadn't been any changes to be reported, so she had spent some time in the science labs before heading to McKeon's ready room for their daily morning meeting. She had just arrived and sat down when the door chime rang out, which put a pause to their meeting before it even began.

Alistar almost growled at the sound of the door chime. Finding the time for his daily meetings with Silvisi was difficult at times already, but to be interrupted aggravated him completely. He quickly shrugged it off, knowing that interruptions were simply part of being the captain and he sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Offering an apologetic look to his first officer, he shrugged and called "Enter" as he tossed the PADD and stylus he had been holding onto his desk.

Akira stepped into the ready room and marched across the room to stop before the desk. She offered the executive officer a brief nod before she turned her attention to the captain. "We've searched as much of the Raptor as we have access to, but the ship appears to be on a lock-down and our access has been blocked by sealed hatches. Unfortunately, it also means that the ship's computer has been locked out as well. We've been trying to hack our way into it, but the entire system is in Romulan and I'm not very good at reading Romulan."

"That makes sense, since the ship was originally a Romulan military vessel. Whoever acquired it must have some knowledge of the Romulans, and by extension their language as well, since everything would be in Romulan," Isabella said.

"It also means we're dealing with some well connected criminals," Alistar said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "They had enough control of a Romulan assault cruiser and several Starfleet ships to conduct a well organized attack, although I don't think they were expecting us to be present when they attacked. At any rate, what do we need to finish the away mission?"

"What we need is someone who can read Romulan and is decent at hacking into computer systems," Akira said.

"If I may, our two top choices for such an assignment would be Lieutenant Jera Ros and Lieutenant T'lon," Isabella said.

"I agree," Alistar said. He made a pained expression for a brief moment as he thought over his options. Taking Ros and T'lon off of repairs in order to hack into a Romulan computer core could slow repairs, but hurry the Endeavour along to her next objective. He finally shrugged. "Get Ros and T'lon both over there and busy on that computer. We need the information as soon as possible," he finally said.

"What about the repairs?" Isabella asked, concern slowly drawing across her face. She understood the need to get the information they sought and as quickly as possible, but it was also possible that the ship and her crew would soon be facing another battle, and she would rather have the Endeavour fully prepared to meet any challenge thrown towards her.

"Lieutenant Walker should be able to carry on with repairs until they can get back. Any repairs that aren't finished by the time the away team completes their work can be completed while en route to our next objective," Alistar said. "Anything else?"

"There is one more thing," Akira said, hesitating to bring it up but knowing that it would be an issue that would need attention sooner or later. "Ensign Connor has become a concern. I'm afraid that he's losing it, or in dire need of a different assignment. I believe the stress is beginning to get to him." She quickly summarized his actions on the Romulan ship to her superiors and waited for their response.

Alistar frowned as he thought over the problem. Connor had been a decent officer when he had first boarded the Endeavour, but his actions of late had become an issue of concern. He sighed and leaned forward in his chair. "I'll see if I can find him a less stressful assignment to transfer him to. In the meantime, have him return to the ship and assigned to something mundane and not very demanding. I'll put it on my priority list and get a solution figured out ASAP."

"Thank you, Sir," Akira said, not happy that the problem had become bad enough to warrant bringing it to the captain but relived that something would now be done.

"If that's all, Commander?" Alistar said as he nodded towards Sato.

Akira nodded. "No, Sir, that should be all for now. Thank you, Captain, Commander," she said before she turned and headed out of the ready room. As she stepped towards the door, her mind started racing with what she needed to do. First, naturally, would be to collect a security officer or two along with Ros and T'lon before heading back to the Romulan ship. Then, the headache inducing work would begin. Mentally, she sighed and wished for one mission that would be boring and mundane.

Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Commander Akira-Ri Sato
Chief of Security and Tactical


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