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Sd 241502.11 CMO Duty Log. Lt dei`Silvisi, Ens Eidan NPC, EMH NPC

Posted on Wed Feb 11th, 2015 @ 9:16pm by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant JG Abigail Eidan & EMH

600 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Isabella finished reading the latest fleet wide update report from Starfleet Medical and sighed. It wasn't enough for the emergency medical hologram to be installed aboard all Starfleet medical facilities, now the program had a weekly minimum usage requirement that was to be reported. In theory and apparently on someone's office report the idea was to augment medical staffs throughout Starfleet with the hologram and help relieve any medical department that was understaffed. Unfortunately, the pros of the idea were outshines by the one major con that the program had.

When the Mark One EMH had been released, the one major complaint had been the hologram's bedside manner and the sheer limit availability. The Mark Two had seen some improvements, but the attitude had needed some adjusting. The Endeavour was one of the ships that had been installed with the brand new Mark Three EMH. Along with a new model, there had been a new personality matrix installed. Instead of a better, friendlier bedside manner, however, the Mark Three had suffered a bit of a setback as far as attitude.

Standing, Isabella Walked from her office and into the main room of sickbay, where her senior assistant took one look at her department head's expression and muttered "Oh, no." before walking over.

"What happened, Ma'am?" Abbigail asked.

"We've been informed that a new requirement of all Starfleet medical facilities is to activate and use the EMH for no less than eight hours a day," Isabella said.

Ensign Abbigail Eidan's expression went from her usual peppy and cheerful expression to shock and from there to horror. Like Isabella, she had had an encounter with the new Mark Three EMH program and she hated it more than Isabella did. "No, please no," Abbi said. "This is a bad joke, right?"

"I wish it was," Isabella said before she took a deep breath. "Computer, activate the EMH."

The hologram shimmered to life and instantly gave Isabella and Abbi an expression of "Why was I turned on?". "State the nature of the medical emergency," the hologram said.

"There's no emergency," Isabella said. "We've been required to activate your program every day for several hours."

"I'm an emergency supplement program for the medical department, not a member of the crew you can just shuffle around from shift to shift," the program said.

"Tell that to Starfleet Medical," Isabella said. "I'm going to have you activated to help out with Gamma Shift. It's the most understaffed and so far it's the least busy shift."

"Oh, sounds just swell," the EMH said. "Do you want me to hold their hands while I keep them company?"

"Just find something to do during the shift!" Isabella snapped. "Computer, end program!"

As the EMH vanished, Abbi giggled, although she was trying hard not to show that she was laughing. "I really think this is going to be a bad idea," the medical officer said.

"I agree," Isabella said. Indeed, she had a bad feeling that the next few days were going to less enjoyable than normal, and she wasn't looking forward to it. As she started back to her office, Isabella wondered briefly what would happen if she tried to take a week off and let someone else deal with the fallout. The idea was banished quickly as she realized that she would still have to deal with it. Sitting down at her desk, Isabella groaned as she started typing up a notice and silently prayed that this wouldn't cause too many problems.

Lt Isabella dei`Silvisi
Chief Medical Officer

Ens Abbigail Eidan
Medical Officer NPC

Emergency Medical Hologram, NPC


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