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SD 241502.11 EngSpec Duty/Personal Log PO1 Jera Ros

Posted on Wed Feb 11th, 2015 @ 10:03pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

738 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Jera had decided that it was best to avoid any trouble by going straight to work following her last encounter with the CEO. She also found that by downloading the shift roster from her quarters and heading straight to her assignments for the day, she also managed to avoid Ensign Walker. While the academy minded puppy meant well, he also slowed her progress by insisting that everything be done with every single regulation Starfleet had on anything, and it often meant that she pulled ten to twelve hour shifts instead of her usual eight or nine.

Today was a rare day, since the only thing she had been assigned to do was checking the calibration on the secondary hull lateral sensors. Since there weren't that many and they could all be checked from the systems maintenance access terminals on deck 9-B, Jera was looking forward to finishing her work and getting off duty early. The first three sensors hadn't web a problem, but the rest had given her trouble. There was no way to easily calibrate the settings while the ship was in operation, so she had been forced to align the settings by remote from the terminals. It was just as tedious and difficult as the preferred method but there was no easy way to check the settings that would guarantee a perfect setting.

Halfway through calibrating the last sensor pallet which turned out to be the most difficult to set, Jera's jacket came off and she was forced to climb in a Jefferies tube in order to finish calibrating the settings. After twenty minutes of hanging upside down halfway into an access hatch, Jera finished calibrating the last sensor and crawled out of the Jefferies tubes. Checking the time, she rolled her eyes when she noticed that it had taken her nearly seven hours to finish the sensors. Grabbing the engineering PADD from her tool kit, she logged her assignment as completed and logged herself off duty. Picking her kit and jacket up, Jera headed to her quarters on deck 7.

Reaching her quarters, Jera tossed her jacket onto her bunk and her tool kit into the chair that was for her side of the room. Her roommate, an Orion woman named Lliandria who served in medical, had apparently rested up from the night shift and was wide awake. Jera didn't mind her roommate too much, except when Lliandria decided that she wanted to talk or insisted that Jera have a more active sex life. Talking wasn't Jera's strong point, and she had almost given up trying to fight off the Orion's attempts to get her a date.

"So there's this guy in security who is hot!" Lliandria started as soon as Jera walked into their quarters.

"There usually is," Jera said as she fell down on her bunk. "Li, please, not tonight. I just finished working on half of the lateral sensors on the ship."

"So you wouldn't be up for an all night date? That's ok. There's this one guy who works in tactical. He's always up for a quick date...."

"Li!" Jera snapped.

"Oh come on. Live a little," the Orion woman poured a little.

"I'm tired and cranky. Go away," Jera grumbled.

"Spoilsport," Li said before she walked over and poked Jera in the ribs. "One of the days I'm going to get you a boyfriend."

"There's more to life than sleeping with every attractive guy you run in to," Jera said as she slapped Lliandria's hand away.

"Like what? Drinking Romulan ale and being a grouchy workaholic?" the Orion asked.

"There's nothing wrong with being a grouchy workaholic and Romulan ale is illegal," Jera said.

"Alright, have it your way," Lliandria said. "But if you change your mind, we'll be in holodeck two all night. I think we'll try the new scenic date program....."

"Lliandria!" Jera growled before she covered her head with a pillow. She heard her roommate's muffled laughter and then blessed quiet. After several minutes, Jera removed the pillow and checked to see if Li had left. Not seeing the Orion woman, Jera stood and walked over to the door controls. Locking the door, she stripped off her uniform and headed towards the bathroom. Let the social crewmen have their date on the holodeck. Her plans for the rest of the day included a hot shower and some well earned rest.

Petty Officer 1 Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist
USS Endeavour


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