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StarDate 241502.15 Joint Log: Executive Officer and Security/Tactical Officer N.P.C.

Posted on Sun Feb 15th, 2015 @ 7:57pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar

879 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil sighed as she read the last report of the day and shook her head. Of all the departments on the Endeavour, her own was probably the most eclectic group of Officers and crewmen. None of the enlisted personnel, not even the N.C.O.s had submitted a report that made sense, and the majority of her Officers were ensigns straight out of the Academy who were still in the rigid 'By the Book' mindset that made their reports look more like an outline rather than a report. There were also the complaints of security personnel either being unprofessional in their duties or, as one report had stated, 'too professional'. Innovindil shook her head a second time and leaned back in her chair. There were any number of ways to deal with this situation, the most common one being to start having the reports rewritten until they were to Starfleet regulations, but that didn't always work. Deciding that she needed to know if there was more than what she realized, Innovindil tapped her comm.-badge.

"Valenar to Heartly, report to my office," Innovindil said before she signed off.

Kyra paused in the middle of typing out a letter to her family and rolled her eyes towards the ceiling in disbelief. It hadn't taken her long to realize that she never wanted to be a department head because being the lead Officer was more than enough. She enjoyed her job, but there were times that she simply wanted to snap and go off on an intangible rant towards her superiors, and quite a few of her fellow shipmates as well, that would land her in the psych ward for a week. Right now was one of those times. She was dressed in a silk kimono with her hair down and a cup of freshly brewed coffee cooling down to a drinkable temperature on her desk, and the last thing she wanted to do was put on a uniform and drag herself up four decks for a meeting. However, she was an Officer, and being on call was simply part of being in Starfleet.

"I'll be right there," Kyra said before she saved the letter she had been typing and quickly dressed. She didn't bother with doing anything to her hair, since she hoped that the meeting would be quick. The trip to the Executive Officer's office didn't take long, and within fifteen minutes of receiving the call Kyra was standing at the office doors. She took a brief moment to compose herself before she reached out and tapped the door chime.

"Enter," Innovindil said without looking up. She had switched from reading ship reports to going over the latest sector reports that had been passed along from Deep Space Five. There wasn't much, so it was a mostly boring report.

Kyra stepped into the office and marched over to stop before the desk. Bracing to attention, she waited patiently.

"At ease, Lieutenant. Have a seat," Innovindil said as she turned her desktop monitor off and turned her attention towards her senior Security Officer.

"How has Security been since we launch?"

"I'll admit that we have a few bad apples and more than a few who don't really know what they're doing, Ma'am," Kyra replied as she sat down. "I've been on everyone to do better with their reports, but they seem to not care. I know there have been a few complaints about a few of the guys not acting according to the U.C.M.J. And basic Starfleet regulations and I've spoken to them about it."

"Yet we still have these complaints and issues with reports," Innovindil observed.

"Yes, Ma'am," Kyra said.

"Assign everyone who has a professional complaint against them to attend a two hour daily refresher course on professionalism of Starfleet personnel, and remind them that they will be required to attend classes until these complaints cease. As for the bad reports, reject them and have them rewritten until they meet the minimum satisfactory standards. In addition, all Security personnel are to undertake twenty hours a week of additional P.T. Training. We'll start tomorrow at 0500 in ground combat scenarios in full tactical gear on Holodeck One. I'll make the reservation this afternoon."

"Oh! That reminds me," Kyra said. "Your daughter needs a user access code assigned. We had a call from Operations this morning when she used to holodeck."

"If it's not one thing…“ Innovindil muttered. ”Alright, I assume you handled it?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Kyra replied. "I filed a report but I dated it for tomorrow so I could tell you about it first."

"Afraid of an overprotective mother hen reaction from me?" Innovindil asked with a wolf-like grin.

"Well, to be honest, you do have that reputation," Kyra said.

"I'll get with Operations and have the codes assigned. Thank you, Lieutenant. If that's all, you're dismissed," Innovindil said, shaking her head in amusement.

Kyra stood, braced to attention quickly and turned to leave. With luck, she would be able to finish relaxing before she had to go to bed, because she had a feeling that she was going to need a lot of rest.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical

Lieutenant Kyra Heartly
Security/Tactical N.P.C.


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