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Meeting a link of the Command Gang

Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2019 @ 7:59pm by Lieutenant Quint & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: XO Office


Quint had on his uniform that he had pressed to impress; that and it was in storage so no reason to be wrinkled. He sport his shades while in the corridors and lounge. He thought it best tot introduce himself to the Executive Officer; after-all that is part of procedure. The office was not intimidating; he took off the shades and placed them in the lining pocket before he hit the chime to be granted entrance.

Isabella paused in her reading, marking the spot where she left off, and looked up towards the door with just a slight frown. She didn't recall any appointments, but of course a schedule meant little for a member of a star-ship's command staff. Leaning forward in her chair, she pushed the desktop monitor to the side. "Enter," she called.

Quint entered the Office and stood before the Commander.

Lieutenant Quint; your new Chief Helmsman reporting aboard ma'am." He offered the PADD with his orders. "Thank you for seeing me on short notice."

"It's part of my job," Isabella said with a smile as she leaned forward in her chair. "Please have a seat, Lieutenant. I trust you've been able to settle into your quarters by now?"

Quint accepted the offered seat.

"Yes Commander, OPS had my things in my quarters before I even got there myself." He nod to her. "They even managed to get me the hangars I require for my many photographs I display in my quarters." He added. "I have a lot of research put into the collection and it is fun to display it."He shrugged. "So I can report my readiness to take on my Duties as Chief Helmsman whenever you approve."

"If you've gotten settled, I'd like for you to assume your duties as soon as possible," Isabella said. "We have several new crew members coming on board, and we'd like for everyone to get used to working together as quickly and efficiently as possible. With the ship undergoing repairs, this is the best possible time for such an undertaking."

"I have plans to meet with the Primary Helm Bridge Officer and then with the other Flight Control Staff while we have the time." Quint agreed. "It is a more profitable way to use the down time; I believe efficiency come from team cohesion and I am going to learn the crew I have ot work with." He nod. "Helm and flight control will not take up brain space of you having to be concerned about the Operations. At least my goal is to make it so you can concentrate on other departments that will require attention."

"I don't think that the helm has really been a problem department for us, other than the fact that it's been severely short-staffed," Isabella said as she studied the helm officer carefully. She had rarely had dealings with Ferengi, and based on those encounters, in addition to what she had learned throughout her career, this Quint seemed to be the odd duck out of water when compared to others of his species. She finally dismissed her curiosity for the moment, although she made a mental note to speak to the captain at a later time. "We have one or two good helmsmen assigned already, plus several other officers and enlisted ratings that will be coming aboard soon, so you'll have your hands full trying to get everything and everyone settled."

"I look forward to the setting up of a new department; it is easier than trying to alter one that is well established." Quint pointed out. "Like opening under new management is always harder than a new business. I will be able to unite the people and help guide them into cohesive department of individuals as a team. with the influx that task is easier."

Isabella raised her eyebrows and did her best to hide an expression of surprise. If nothing else, it seemed that their new chief helm officer at least knew how he wanted to go about his duties, and clearly had the drive to see it through. It seemed that the Endeavour was getting an influx of competent officers and crewmen, and it was a nice and welcomed change. "Well, Lieutenant, it seems you certainly know what you want to do with your department," she finally said. "If you have any problems of any kind, I want to hear about them."

"Naturally anything that requires your attention will be brought to you both directly but also with efficiency." Quint told. "Though if you do not take offense I would rather just see you on duty and staff meetings as I do not want to be a bother upon your time."

"If it is a matter that involves this ship and any of its crew, then it's not a bother on me or a waste of my time, it's my job," Isabella countered. The tone of her voice was a little firm, yet quiet and polite at the same time. "Your department and its personnel are your responsibility, just as it's your responsibility to inform command of any issues that might be counter-productive of the capabilities of the entire crew. The entire crew is my responsibility. I trust you to handle the duties that come with being a department head, and I expect you to handle the personnel issues within that department, but I also expect to know of any potential problems as well. I'm not going to ride on your shoulder and tell you how to handle your department, but I do expect to remain informed."

"Like in business, paperwork in a timely report does wonders, keeping my reports up to date will keep you apprised of the progress and operations of the Helm Department Ma'am." Quint agreed. "I do not foresee my being a problem child of a department. And I will be sure you are aware of any hick-ups in the road." He nod. "We are all a team as a crew, correct?"

Isabella nodded and schooled her expression to not show her continued surprise at the officer sitting across from her. Whatever else Quint may be, he clearly desired to do his duty as a Starfleet officer. "Well, Lieutenant, I think you may very well fit in here," she said. To herself, she added that he certainly seemed odd enough to fit in on the Endeavour. "If there's anything you need, please feel free to ask," she said.

"Thank you Commander." Quint nod to her. "I will keep that in mind." He bow slightly as is proper. "If there is nothing else ; with respects, I should get to those new crew and start putting the team into some resemblance of order."

"Then I will let you get to it. Carry on, Lieutenant Quint," Isabella said with a smile as she stood. "I look forward to seeing how your team comes together."

*That will make two of us.* Quint thought to himself as he gave a polite bow and departed.


Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Quint
Chief Helmsman


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