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Two Lieutenants, One Helm

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2019 @ 4:04am by Lieutenant Quint & Ensign T'Lara

994 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Bridge.
Timeline: Alpha Shift

T'Lara smoothed her uniform down as she stepped out onto the bridge and took in the sights. She was still somewhat unnerved at the fact that her department head was a Ferengi. The fact that a Ferengi in Starfleet was a helm officer and her new boss was at best illogical and at worse improbable. As she looked across the bridge, T'Lara easily noticed the chief helm officer. He was the only Ferengi on the bridge, perhaps the entire ship. Stepping over, she tilted her head and looked down at him. "I am Lieutenant T'Lara, assigned as helm officer to this ship," she said formally.

"A helm Officer." Quint added. "There are three of us ; so logically you are not 'The' helm but one of a team that constitutes the Helm officers."He grinned. "I am Lt. Quint your new Chief."

"Forgive me. I was not aware that you would be a presence on this ship when I received my orders. I only heard about your posting once I came on board. Naturally, I am . . . unsettled," T'Lara said.

"Is it because I am a Ferengi that yuo have trepidation as to my ... Ability to do the job that is making you 'Unsettled?" Quint asked with a tilt to his head to observe her reactions.

"If I may be blunt, Sir, it is in part because you are a Ferengi and I only know of your species what is rumored, and also in part because I was not expecting you to be here and I do not like unexpected changes. I am quite sure that you are capable of performing your duty, otherwise you would not be here. I am also quite sure that I have given you offense, and while I will not apologize for it, I will ask that you understand my point of view," T'Lara said, in a typical Vulcan-like monotone.

"I can grasp your logic." Quint nod his head. "And the lack of flaw from your vantage point is just as the Vulcan reputation." Quint continued. "But I do not have to deal with your logic being hindered to my Command structure. Your flaw in Logic is rating an individual by the racial reputation; my logic is based upon the fact you have knowingly offended and that is not a good trait for team building. As that is the goal of a section is to work together welcome to Gamma Shift."

T'Lara angled her head towards the Ferengi and regarded him with a typical cold, calculating Vulcan stare for a long moment, then nodded simply. "As you are the department head, and as such my superior, that is logically your decision. I will abide by your decision, even if it seems illogical," she said.

"As I am among the Emotional Based races I do not have to follow Logic." Quint said and put up a index finger. "Though I pose you a Logical Question; you admit to knowingly be insulting; which is an emotional choice to be so and is that Logical?"

"As you stated, Sir, you are an emotional being, and therefore as an emotional being you are easily offended, even by offending statements issued out of logic. Therefore, I am quite certain that you have been offended by any number of things that I have said. As I speak out of logic and abide by such logic, I will not apologize for being a being bound by logic," T'Lara said.

"I asked for no apology." Quint chuckled. "I merely point out that being part of the team is the logical objective; that is the goal is to have cohesion among a department logically as that would make a better and more efficient department." Quint explained. "You came in here with an attitude of superiority; presuming you can not be wrong as that alone is illogical to presume one self perfect and beyond reproach. Good manners are logical for interaction with other being, your logic is flawed as you do not seem to respect anyone but your own point of view which in this case is both flawed and illogical. Knowingly insulting a Superior is considered insubordination by Fleet regulations. You have admitted to the logic of ou being insulting so do you therefore support insubordination as Logical?" Quint continued. "You have stated I am your Department head and you give insult to me; thus not respecting my position as Chief yuo are being insubordinate on more than one statement and I would ; by regulations be able to put ou on report for disciplinary action." He put up a hand to stop her before she started. "Get this through your Logical mind; we are a team and if you do not respect the fact I am chief you will be on report as insubordinate. Regulation are on my side if I choose to press it. So, decide if you want to get a long or face the discipline of your words and actions?"

"I never said that that would not get along with you or any of the rest of the crew; in fact I am willing to work with you as well as everyone else, and I will perform my duties as instructed. As such, you have decided to place me on gamma shift, and I will obey and accept my position and role on board this ship. As such, I request to be dismissed so that I can be prepared for my shift at the helm," T'Lara said.

'i look forward to your organizing the Gamma Shift flight control." Quint said with a nod. "Please have good meditations and time of introspective on your time before Duty Lt. T'Lara."

T'Lara gave Quint a blank, typical Vulcan-style stare for a brief moment before she offered a slight nod of her head and turned to leave.

'Why do Vulcan Female have to be such pretty pains in the neck?" Quint thought.

Lieutenant T'Lara
Helm Officer

Lt Quint
Chief Helm Officer


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