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Coming Aboard

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 @ 3:30am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Grayson Reid

946 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition


Lieutenant Reid had just stepped foot aboard the Endeavour and was in heaven; he thoroughly loved the Intrepid design and hoped to serve aboard one. Now, his dream was a reality. After determining the captain's location, Grayson pressed the door chime and awaited a signal for entrance.

Alistar sat in his ready room trying to ignore the continuous pain from his shoulder. He had finally given in and gone to sickbay to get a sling for his arm, since trying to remember that his should was still mending was extremely difficult. The sling had helped, but there was still pain. He was wondering if the EMH could be reprogrammed or if he should simply go ahead and try to raid the medical supplies himself. Knowing Silvisi, he wouldn't get away with it. Hearing the door chime ring, he tossed the PADD he had been trying to read down and looked up. "Enter," he called.

Straightening his posture and his uniform, Grayson took a breath. After composing himself, he walked through the ready room door. Lieutenant Reid came to attention and quickly stated, "Lieutenant Grayson Reid, reporting for duty sir!" The doctor new that, while he practiced medicine, he was aboard a starship and he must keep with the militaristic formalities.

"At ease, sit down even," Alistar said as he waved his hand. "I'd shake your hand, but..." he indicated his injured shoulder and the sling. "I read that you're coming aboard as our new chief medical officer. Where were you before being assigned here?"

"Ah. Yes, sir! I'll definitely need to have a look at that." Grayson stated as he gave the man's shoulder a quick glance. "I served aboard Starbase 210. I enjoyed my time there, and it'll definitely take a bit to readjust to starship life. However, serving aboard an Intrepid-II Class starship has always been a dream of mine. I loved reading all of the information regarding Voyager." The lieutenant then took a seat.

Alistar chuckled. He remembered when he had first served on an Intrepid, and he understood the appeal all too well. "Intrepid class ships are a beauty, aren't they?" he said. "Endeavour happens to have the privilege of being one of the first Series II variants, and we definitely see our fair share of adventures. Hopefully, we'll be heading on an exploration mission next."

"They are, in my opinion, one of the finest ships. I hope so, sir. Those types of missions are my favorite kind. Besides, I have plenty of crew physicals to do anyway. So, a nice and peaceful exploratory mission would be phenomenal." The young man snuck a few glances around the ready room to appreciate the beauty. "I'm not going to have any trouble getting you to your physical? Am I captain? I'm sure you know captains don't always find the time to see me."

"Well normally I try to avoid the entire medical ward like it's the plague, but fortunately for you I have a checkup on my shoulder later this week. So you have a whole week to plan how to ensnare me into doing a physical. I promise I won't put up much of a fight," Alistar said with a half hearted laugh.

"I'll hold you to that Captain! I don't mind if you avoid the medical ward as long as ya don't avoid me. I actually like to make friends." The doctor stated with a smile. "And as you know, people can't be friends if they never see or communicate with each other."

"That is very true," Alistar said with a nod. "You might want to stay away from engineering then. Our chief engineer is very unsociable, prickly, and loves her warp core more than anything else in the universe. But you'll probably see the XO more than me. She walks through the entire ship daily." He shook his head. "And she was once involved in the medical field before she moved to science."

"I will definitely have to keep that in mind. However, I like a challenge, so I might want to try to win her over. I'm sure I'll love the XO and cannot wait to meet her." Reid said with honest intentions. "Is there anything I need to know about regarding our current and future mission? I am anxious to get back to space after serving aboard a Starbase for some time."

"Well, we're undergoing repairs at the moment, getting our feet back under us, and then I'm hoping Starfleet agrees with my request and sends us on an exploration mission," Alistar said. "We've seen our fair share of combat lately, and the ship and crew got pretty banged up during our last mission. So for now, we're conducting repairs, getting the new crew settled and getting into a normal routine."

"Ah, yes sir. I can understand that. Well, I am on your side with this one Captain. I think exploration missions do crews good, especially after combat. It lets everyone take a breath and reminds them of why we do what we do. I'm definitely going to use the time to get to know everyone and work on getting crew physicals up to date." Grayson simply said with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"In that case, I'll let you get to it," Alistar said with a nod. "If you need anything, my door is always open. Welcome to the Endeavour, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir!" With that simple statement, Grayson got up and departed the ready room. He was eager to get back to setting up his quarters and his office.


Captain Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer
USS Endeavour


Lieutenant Grayson Reid
Chief Medical Officer
USS Endeavour


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