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Ferngi and Doctors

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2019 @ 10:16pm by Lieutenant Grayson Reid & Lieutenant Quint

732 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Acts of Contrition
Location: Sick Bay


Quint was not looking forward to the Poking and prodding that often came with a visit to the Sick Bay; he only needed to get his annual physical examination done so he could assume his position as the Chief Helmsman of the ship. It is a requirement and he would do as he is needed. Walking into the Sick Bay he let out a held breath before the next caught in his throat.

"How may I help you today?" The melodious voice of a Hue-Mon female danced to his lobes, her smile was welcoming and her figure in a tight uniform and skirted option was in her favor.

"I-I am Lieutenant Quint; the Chief Helm Officer , I need to check in."Quint answered.

"Well that is what we do here." Rix took his arm and laced hers in his. "Let me show you to a biobed and I will go and get the doctor>" She winked. "I am Jolloxa, Nurse around here, by the way."

"Hello Jolloxa." Quint got up on the Biobed while looking in her eyes.

"I will be right back." She turned and started to the back of the Sick Bay where the Doctor has a small office. "Dr Reid, I have the CHief Helm Officer, a Lt Quint to get a physical?"(Not sure how they will address one another)

"Thank you Nurse." Dr. Reid stated as he sat his padd down and begin to walk to the bio bed. "Well, hello, Lieutenant. I'm Doctor Grayson Reid." The man held out his hand. "What can I do for you? "

Quint took the handshake and gave a proper return before speaking.

"I am new to the ship and per procedure I am reporting for my Physical to assume my Duty Station Doc-tor." Quint smiled. "Your lovely nurse was kind enough to fit me into your schedule upon short notice.

Rix was in the background ready to answer the request of the Doctor but not intruding.

"You know Lieutenant, I love patients like you! I normally have to chase down officers to complete their physicals." Grayson stated with a smile. "Nurse, would you grab a tricorder for me? Mr. Quint, have a seat on biobed 1 for me and let's get this physical underway." As soon as he completed his sentence, the doctor began to walk toward biobed one with a hint of giddiness in his step.

Rix picked up a Tricorder from a near by Station and offered it to the Doctor.

Quint took off his jacket and hopped up upon the Biobed. "I rather like to take the regulations to heart as not doing so gets me into troiuble and no one profits from trouble I can assure you." Quint grinned. "Though with a staff such as yours maybe I should come with more injuries?" He almost chuckled. "Though it is hard for a Helm Officer to be injured sitting at his station."

"I do have a mighty fine staff." Grayson stated with a smile and a play on words. "No, I like preventing injuries. And you would be surprised. Some of the worst injuries I have seen come from exploding conduits or simply falling out of a seat during a battle."

"Was there an exploding panel involved with that falling from a seat?" Quint asked.

Rix stifled a laugh.

Grayson let out a simple chuckle. "You know, I do not recall. I'll have to be sure and ask next time." The doctor looked down at the tricorder which had been scanning his patient. "Well, everything seems to be checking out. Have you had any health issues recently that I should be aware of?"

"I have a broken heart, got anything that can help that?" He winked at the Nurse.

Rix saw the wink and tried not to sigh. *Not another Ferengi seeing me naked?* She thought to herself

"Not really. Unless you want a counselor referral. Other than that, time is the only healing for a broken heart." Reid said with a smile. "Well Lieutenant, I appreciate you reporting for your physical. I'm giving you a clean bill of health."

"I saw the Counselor." Quint informed. " And thanks for the clean bill doctor." He nod. "You were great Doc." He slipped down. "Good day Nurse Rix." Quint gave a wink and was ready to depart.


Lieutenant Quint
Chief Helm Officer


Lieutenant Grayson Reid
Chief Medical Officer


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