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Expanding One's Limits

Posted on Tue Jul 28th, 2020 @ 1:18am by Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant James 'Jim' Faraday

735 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores

Isabella had tried to make an effort to make her way to every science lab on the Endeavour and speak with as many members of the science department as she could each week. Granted, there were some people who naturally fell through the cracks in her efforts due to the shift rotation and of course the natural order of holding a dual position of both department head and executive officer. Today, however, Isabella felt the need to visit one of the labs she seldom visited on deck nine, and hopefully in doing so would visit some of the science staff she normally didn't get to see. Today, as she entered one of the labs, she smiled towards an officer she wasn't overly familiar with. "Good morning, Lieutenant," she said.

Jim had reported for his shift like he normally did every day, coffee in hand and work on his mind. He normally had his particular science lab all to himself, which he was fine with since it gave him more privacy and most importantly complete quiet. He was hard at work going through a complex computer algorithm equation when a voice broke his concentration and he looked up. He recognized the face, what guy on the Endeavour wouldn't. Beautiful Italian woman who was just about Hobbit sized. "Commander Silvisi," he said as he jumped to his feet.

"I must confess that I honestly don't recall your name at this moment, so I'm embarrassed to have to ask for it," Isabella admitted with an apologetic smile.

"Lieutenant James Faraday, Ma'am. Although I prefer Jim," he answered.

"Oh, yes, you're one of the newly assigned officers," Isabella said, her mind racing to place the name. He was indeed newly arrived, but with the distraction of the recent incident involving senior officers from the Endeavour on Inti, she hadn't taken much time to go through all of the paperwork that was accumulating on her desk completely. "I'm sorry, I haven't had time to study the roster changes fully. What is your specialty, if I may ask?"

"Well, my primary is in formal sciences, and I've been mostly a researcher throughout my time in Starfleet, but I have training in natural science as well," Jim answered. "If I can ask, what's your training in?"

"I have several degrees, to be quite honest. In addition to my Bachelor of Medicine, I have Bachelor’s Degrees in Astronomy and Stellar Science, Life Science, and a focused Bachelor’s Degree in Planetology," Isabella replied as she tilted her head to the side. "If I remember correctly, formal sciences relates to studying formal language disciplines and logical structure. Certainly an odd discipline to go into and be assigned to an exploration star-ship."

"Well, I did have some training in other fields, and I recently asked for a field assignment so I can learn new things," Jim said. "Kinda gets boring sitting in an office shifting through data all day for several years."

"I can certainly imagine that it would," Isabella said as she nodded to show her understanding. "Well, since you're currently the highest ranking officer in science after me, I'm going to assign you to the bridge. I can't imagine a better place to begin gaining experience in the field, other than an away mission of course."

"The bridge and away teams? Sounds like a fun change of pace," Jim said. "So when would I start?"

"You can report to the bridge first thing tomorrow morning," Isabella replied. "If you wish, you can split your time between the bridge and the labs."

"With your permission, I'd like to experiment with my schedule. But I think I'll stay on the bridge for a while, since that will help me to start getting some bridge time under my belt," Jim said.

"I believe that sounds like an agreeable arrangement for now," Isabella said with a nod and a smile. "I look forward to seeing you on the bridge in the morning, then."

"Until then commander, I best get back to my work," Jim said as he indicated the project that was still displayed on the computer terminal.

"I'll let you get back to your work, then," Isabella said with a smile. Giving the science officer a parting nod of her head, she turned and headed out of the science lab.

Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant James 'Jim' Faraday
Science Officer


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