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Great, More Geeks

Posted on Thu Aug 13th, 2020 @ 4:56am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Grace Winters PhD

920 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Distant Shores

Alistar glared as he stalked through the corridors on his way to transporter room three. He was sure that some of the others were already waiting for him, but he had waited until the last possible minute. Diplomacy wasn't one of his strong points, but as captain he at least tried to make an effort which was why he was making a point to meet the scientists who were coming aboard. Some of them anyway. He had no doubt that some of the scientists would want a tour de Endeavour and he hoped he could escape before the meet and greet got that far. As he arrived at transporter room three Alistar paused and took a deep breath before he entered.

Two humanoid brown-haired females were waiting for him. One had the distinctive black eyes of a Betazoid. She gave a half-bow when she saw him. "Hello, Captain McKeon. I'm Ayrie Xerax, Chief Archaeologist on Inti Colony. This is my associate, Marina Vala."

Isabella had been busy checking in on the science labs when she was informed that the first of the guests from Inti were arriving. She had finished as quickly as she could, however that still took several minutes. It took even more time for her to make her way from deck eight to deck four, where the civilian scientists had been beamed aboard via transporter. Arriving at the transporter room, Isabella noticed that the only other person to arrive before her was the captain, and she could easily tell that he seemed aggravated. Stepping up to stand beside McKeon, she offered a welcoming smile towards the two guests.

"Hello," Ayrie said to the new arrival. "I'm Ayrie Xerax."

Marina inclined her head. "And I'm Marina Vala. We're from Inti."

"Hello, and welcome to the Star-ship Endeavour," Isabella said. "I'm Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi, first officer and chief science officer aboard the Endeavour. I'll also be in command of the survey mission to the nebula."

"Excellent. We'd love to hear what you have planned," Ayrie said. "And help out as you see fit."

"Well, the commander has had the crew make a number of improvements and modifications throughout the ship for this mission, and she's possibly one of the biggest science geeks we have on board," Alistar said. "But, I think we can view most of the changes on the bridge, if you want to make a quick visit."

"Sure. I look forward to seeing these modifications," Ayrie said.

Marina was busy looking around, happy to let Ayrie take the lead.

"Right this way then," Alistar said as he waved towards the door. It was a short trip from the transporter room to the bridge and fortunately they didn't ask too many questions along the way. They finally arrived at the bridge, which was lightly manned at the moment since the Endeavour wasn't due to break orbit for a while. Alistar led the scientists towards the science station, passing by the security and tactical station. Alistar nodded towards Katan as they passed. A science officer Alistar hadn't met before was at the science station.

"This is the bridge science station, but I believe the majority of the work will be done on the forward observation lounge. We'll have access to all of the data from both locations," Alistar said.

Ayrie nodded. She knew that the bridge station was mostly for working with the shared sensors and coordinating with the others on the bridge. But a forward observation lounge to work with science would be incredible. "I look forward to seeing what you've set up."

"The forward observation lounge on deck nine has been modified to be used as an observatory, but yes all of the data will be accessible here on the bridge as well as the data terminals we've installed there," Isabella said. "Lieutenant Rios and her staff have done a wonderful job in setting things up for this mission, and of course you will have full access to the observation lounge and a majority of the science labs."

Ayrie nodded. "Thank you."

"Well commander, why don't you take our guests down to the forward lounge and let them take a look. We've got a few more preparations to make here before we depart," Alistar said.

"Very well, Captain," Isabella said with a knowing smile towards her commanding officer. Turning towards their guests, she gave them a friendly smile before speaking. "If you'll come with me, we'll head down to the forward observation lounge. If possible, I'd like to ask Lieutenant Rios to join us; since she was in charge of installing the observation equipment, she's a better choice to answer any questions about its functions than I am."

The other two women nodded.

"I think we can get by without the lieutenant for a bit," Alistar said. Turning to the chief ops officer, he nodded. "Rios, would you go with the commander and help her get our guests settled in?"

"Yes, sir." Melodia transferred her station to another officer and followed the others off the bridge.

Alistar watched the group leave the bridge before he shook his head and sighed. He wasn't against science types, but too many was in his experience sometimes a dangerous gathering. "Great, just great," he muttered to himself as he sat down and waited for the final departure preps to be completed. "Just great. More geeks," he finished, hoping his voice was low enough to not carry across the bridge. Louder, he called out. "All hands, prepare for departure," he ordered.


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