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Getting Underway Again

Posted on Fri Sep 18th, 2020 @ 4:34am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Lieutenant Jason McBain & Lieutenant Quint & Grace Winters PhD

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Wiracocha Nebula

In the few short moments since the Endeavour's captain had called for departure, the bridge had come to life as the crew went about preparing the ship to get underway. Alistar knew he had most likely rushed the departure, but he wanted to get underway. Sitting around and waiting hadn't always been one of his strong points when he was ready and had nothing else to do. Fortunately, it took very little to get the Endeavour underway from orbit. "Helm, prepare to break orbit. Set a course to the The Wiracocha Nebula at full impulse, stand by warp speed," he said as he leaned back in his seat.

The two scientists from Inti were in the observation lounge where they could watch what was going on and stay out of the way.

Melodia sat at the ops console. Everything looked good and they had permission to depart.

Quint had his hands moving across the controls like pianist with his smooth skill and knowledge. "Full impulse..." He noted and checked his panel. "Warp Speed answering the ready Captain." He had on his shades, every pilot; according to Humons, needs a slick pair."

Isabella stood in the forward observation lounge with the two scientists from Inti Colony. By usual protocol, as first officer she would have usually been on the bridge during a departure; however, her presence on the bridge wasn't required and she had also wanted to continue to make their guests feel welcomed. While some would feel that she was most likely abandoning or at the very least hiding from her duties as first officer, Isabella knew that the captain most likely wouldn't have minded either way and she felt that the Endeavour's guests had a right to not feel abandoned by their hosts. As the ship swung away from the planet and towards deep space, she had to admit that the view from the observation lounge view port was impressive, more than any view she would see from the bridge.

McBain stood at the Console in Engineering console, the Core thrumming in the background as he monitored the energy levels. The ship had the impulse on line; the Warp Drive at the ready and all the power network flowing normally.

Alistar checked the console at his side and double checked the readouts just to be sure. "Helm, break orbit and engage impulse. Engage warp drive at warp 6 when ready," he ordered.

"Taking us out at Impulse." Quint acknowledged as he was pressing the controls to head out of the gravitational restrictions, once in a safe place he keyed the Helm controls. "Warp six Aye Captain." He entered the warp on the course set at speed.

"Very well," Alistar said as he stood. The Endeavour being underway once more was a good feeling. He had to actually remind himself that the Endeavour was playing host as well so there were certain things to take care of. Tapping his commbadge, he opened a ship wide channel. "All off duty personnel are invited to attend a reception welcoming our guests in the main lounge at 1600 hours. Dress uniforms are not required," he said. Turning, he glanced around the bridge before he decided who would man the chair for a while. "Lieutenant Rios you have the bridge. Katan, have security on hand for the reception," he said. The time would give everyone almost an hour to get ready and attend the reception and let him get ready to be diplomatic.

Melodia nodded and logged out of her station.

"Try to not damage my ship please Lieutenant," Alistar said with a chuckle as he walked past the chief ops officer and on to the turbolift.

"Where's the fun in that, sir?" she teased. She waited for him to pass before going to the center chair and logging in.


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