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Welcoming Party Part One

Posted on Mon Apr 5th, 2021 @ 4:30am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Lieutenant Katan & Lieutenant Jason McBain & Grace Winters PhD & Aura Vera
Edited on on Mon Apr 5th, 2021 @ 4:31am

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Wiracocha Nebula

Alistar preferred to host receptions in the forward observation lounge mostly because it was better suited for such social gatherings and because the crew lounge was a place for the crew to unwind, but the lounge on deck 9 was currently in use and there most likely wouldn't be that large of a crowd. Unless he was mistaken. Fortunately, Alistar had ordered dress uniforms to not be mandatory, and although he could practically hear Ms Winters scolding him for the lost opportunity for practice in diplomatic settings, he was pretty sure he would live. Entering the crew lounge he tried to not look uncomfortable.

Isabella arrived at the crew lounge and smiled as she noticed Captain McKeon as soon as she entered. In the entire time she had served on the Endeavour, she had never known him to enjoy social gatherings. They were necessary, and while she wasn't much of a fan of such events herself she at least understood the importance of them and tried to play her part. It was still early, but a few people were already arriving. For her part, Isabella was glad that the Endeavour's original reputation for having a crew of "hard core die hard party animals" had faded. The crew was entitled to have fun, but at least the crew now on board the Endeavour were professional enough to keep the majority of the side events down to a minimum. Making her way to the captain, Isabella smiled, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "I'm surprised someone didn't have to twist your arm in order to get you to set this up," she said.

"Just because I'm not very diplomatic myself doesn't mean I as a Starfleet officer and captain don't understand the basis principles of diplomacy," Alistar said. "In fact diplomacy doesn't bother me. Politics do."

Melodia was glad she only had to set up this event. That meant that, unless something broke, she could watch everyone and hopefully go home early. She smiled and nodded to both the captain and commander.

Grace entered a moment later. She chose a midnight blue dress that was formal without being ostentatious. "Hello, Captain, Commander, she said, pausing by the two. "How are you both this evening?"

Isabella smiled towards the Endeavour's resident diplomat. "Good evening, Miss Winters. I believe I am well, at least I will be as long as this evening goes smoothly," she said.

The silver-haired woman laughed. "I believe everything but human error has been accounted for. So, as long as no one starts trouble, it should go well."

"That's the problem sometimes," Alistar said grumpily. "Fortunately we're just here to celebrate having a nice quiet mission and to welcome out guests on board."

"I believe what the captain means is that we're hoping that everyone behaves and the human error you mentioned doesn't factor in to the evening's events," Isabella said with a small laugh. "We've unfortunately had some bad experiences in the past."

Aura arrived in a black evening dress that was somewhere in between formal and casual. She felt more than just a little uncomfortable wearing the dress, but she doubted that her everyday wear would be as acceptable. Pausing by the captain and first officer, she smiled. "Good evening, Captain. Commander," she said.

"Ms Vera. Good evening," Alistar said a little more stiffly than he meant to.

Aura caught the captain's unease and she smiled, mostly to herself rather than to anyone else. She was glad that someone else other than her seemed to be as equally uncomfortable at the moment.

Alistar winced and tried to recover with a formal nod and an attempt at a smile. "I'm sorry Ms Vera, these diplomatic events are a little stressful for me," he said.

"It's alright, Captain," Aura said with a smile and a slight wink of her left eye.

"Just relax," Grace said, smiling at the two. "The evening will be over soon enough."

"You underestimate the number of things that can go wrong in a short amount of time, and the evening technically just started," Alistar said as he tried not to sigh. "I guess I've gotten used to expecting the worse possible outcome all the time."

"Expect the best, prepare for the worst," Grace replied. "Sometimes your attitude makes a difference."

"I couldn't agree with a statement more, Miss Winters," Isabella said, offering the diplomatic officer a smile. "I believe that we should make the captain enjoy more out of the evening than he is prepared to face, just so that he can become better accustomed to the relaxing environment of a casual reception."

"Definitely. He's out of practice."

"Now just wait one minute now," Alistar said, his gaze going from one to the other. He knew he was about to be set up, just as he knew he was also outnumbered.

Grace smiled sweetly at the captain. "Every starship captain must have some training in diplomacy. Even you."

"Ive had training in diplomacy. I just didn't do very well," Alistar said.

Melodia didn't dare say anything, but she was enjoying the captain's discomfiture.

Isabella smiled towards the captain. Like everyone else, she was enjoying his discomfort, and she was enjoying it even more since he couldn't do anything about the situation that she had managed to entrap him in. "If you don't handle diplomacy very well, then perhaps it's a good thing that Starfleet Command has seen it fitting to assign a diplomacy officer to the Endeavour to ensure that you don't cause a diplomatic incident and to ensure that you are properly trained in the art," she said.

Alistar tried not to glare at his first officer but failed. "Alright. So I'm not a very social person and even less diplomatic," he growled. "And just how do you expect me to correct that small problem?"

"Well, I think I can help with the sociable part, Captain," Aura said as she took a step closer to the captain and grabbed his arm. Snaking her own arm around his, she gave the other two women a mischievous smile as she started to drag the captain away and into the crowded lounge.

Grace couldn't help smiling as she watched the Captain's face. Then she turned to see who she should greet next.

Alistar started to protest but decided that since it wouldn't do anything to help his situation then it was best to not even start. It took him a few seconds to hide the shocked expression on his face and he finally decided that it was best to just go with it. Besides, he thought as the beautiful Trill woman led him through the crowd, it could always be worse.

McBain was still trying to get that extra height above the collar; he hated the dang thing but it was mandatory; he could not even have a white work vest to give him some comfort. Truth is his last girlfriend said he clean up nicely; he just hoped that is still holding true?

Coming into the area McBain saw he had been a little more than Fashionably late; that was okay as no one seemed to notice. He took a drink off a passing tray and sough an area of wall near the portals to gaze out among the stars, something the Engineer did not see often as his main station was not on the bridge but in the bowels of the ship providing power and thrust to the ship to keep her moving. For the moment he liked the view above decks.

Grace walked over to the engineer. "As lovely as the site is, you should probably mingle a bit."

"I do not get to see the star much in Engineering." McBain turned to the Nice lady next to him. "Jason McBain, resident Engineer who does not get out much?" He offered a handshake.

"Grace Winters. I'm the resident diplomat," she said, shaking her head.

"I have nothing against Diplomats." He grinned. "The two I have met were down right friendly." Glancing her way. "At least so far the second one seems nice."

Grace smiled and inclined her head. "I haven't bitten anyone yet."

"That is good to know." McBain grinned. "I am not sure if the Doctor has kept me up on my inoculations."

The doors to the lounge opened just before a slightly uncomfortable Katan walked in. Dressed in Starfleet Dress Whites, donned with his Klingon baldric with the symbol of his former house and the Honor of the Bat'leth award, while his hair remained tired back into a tail. He reached up and tugged slightly on his collar. This was one of the times he wished he was at a Klingon celebration. He would feel far more comfortable, and not just because of the uniform, but because he would feel less alien. Surrounded by other Klingons, drinking and singing songs of their victories, shoving each other before laughing hysterically. Either from too much Bloodwine or just from the sheer absurdity of it all. Who was Katan kidding? It would mostly be just the Bloodwine.

To be continued.....


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