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Welcoming Party Part Two

Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2021 @ 5:15am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Lieutenant Katan & Lieutenant Jason McBain & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros & Grace Winters PhD & Aura Vera

1,642 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Wiracocha Nebula

Previously, on the USS Endeavour

The doors to the lounge opened just before a slightly uncomfortable Katan walked in. Dressed in Starfleet Dress Whites, donned with his Klingon baldric with the symbol of his former house and the Honor of the Bat'leth award, while his hair remained tired back into a tail. He reached up and tugged slightly on his collar. This was one of the times he wished he was at a Klingon celebration. He would feel far more comfortable, and not just because of the uniform, but because he would feel less alien. Surrounded by other Klingons, drinking and singing songs of their victories, shoving each other before laughing hysterically. Either from too much Bloodwine or just from the sheer absurdity of it all. Who was Katan kidding? It would mostly be just the Bloodwine.


Grace turned to see who had entered hte room. She smiled when she saw the Klingon looking decidedly uncomfortable.

Isabella had managed to get to the bar by herself and grab herself a glass of red wine. Taking a sip, she turned back towards the lounge and scanned the crowd. Almost instantly, she noticed Lieutenant Katan; it was difficult to miss the only Klingon in the room just as it was equally difficult to miss him in his dress uniform. He stood out among the sea of black and gray duty uniforms. She made her way over towards him and nodded in greeting as she did. Other than her brief encounter with him on the bridge, Isabella hadn't interacted with the Klingon, so she wasn't quite sure what to make of him. "Lieutenant Katan, how are you this evening?" Isabella asked.

"Commander?!" Katan replied as he seemed to stand up straighter than earlier and even puff his chest out a bit. He cleared his throat before answering with slight hesitation. "Fine... thank you." He looked around a bit before focusing back on the Commander again. "This party is rather... tame to the ones I am accustomed to."

Isabella smiled as she took a sip of her wine before she spoke. "At a guess, I'd have to say that you're more familiar with Klingon parties rather than Federation diplomatic receptions, then," she said. "Do you mind if I ask you a question, Lieutenant?"

"The Klingon Defense Force is known for its parties and less for its diplomacy." Katan replied firmly before adding. "My people are said to begin drinking and singing songs for the smallest of reasons." He crossed his arms over his chest before nodding his head slightly. "You may ask what you wish, Commander."

"How long have you been in Starfleet?" Isabella asked, tilting her head slightly to the side as she stared up at the towering Klingon.

Katan raised a brow, looking down slightly at the Commander, with an odd look before answer. "Not very long. Possible a year or two. I spent more time in the Klingon Defense Force than in Starfleet. Practically my entire life until..." There was a pause, before he looked away slightly, before making eye contact with her again. His hesitant tone soon became confident. A slightly forced confidence but confidence none the less. "Starfleet has my allegiance now."

"I'm not questioning your allegiance or your loyalty, Lieutenant," Isabella said, giving the Klingon a disarming smile. "You've clearly spent nearly your entire life knowing only one way of life, and now your entire life has been changed. You're still adjusting to a new way of life, and what-ever forced that change clearly wasn't easy. But, here in Starfleet, everyone is here to help everyone else. You're not alone, you have people here who can help, or at least try to."

He stood there for a moment, pondering the words, before feeling uneasy again. "Klingons..." He said softly, as if discouraged by his own words. "Klingons are raised to seek help only in combat. To fight and rely on a fellow warrior to keep you alive. We do not seek help for anything other than that. It would be a great dishonor, and a show of weakness, to place one's secrets and feelings to another warrior." There was a pause as he through of Grace and her talk with him. The way the Captain took him in and treated him like a fellow warrior, even a brother, to alleviate the weight on the Klingon's shoulders. Even now, the Commander reached out to him, when she didn't have to, in order to make sure he was at ease. Offering words were a fellow Klingon would offer only a drink and a laugh to ease the tension.

His uneasiness began to lift as he continued. "I no longer believe that is true." Katan replied softly, yet in his deep tone, looking to the Commander with an almost conflicted look. "A warrior must show no fear, no uncertainty, in battle. But a Klingon shackled with burdens and fears is taught to push passed them, but they still exist. The weight of them still hold you down and, while the battle is over and blood has been spilt, that weight still returns. Pushing it aside does not solve the problem and make a better warrior. It only creates more problems and soon, those problems, will cost you in battle. Whether against an strong enemy or an even stronger enemy. That of Fate and Death." He paused for a moment, looking around at everyone there, before adding. "Being in Starfleet has taught me one thing. In that way of thinking... Klingons have it wrong." He gave a slight smile to her only for it to soon fade back into his stern and unflinching look. "I will do what I must to stay vigilant and keep the ship, and its crew, safe from that which threats our journey."

Isabella nodded silently as Katan finished speaking. She could understood his position in her own way, although she had to admit that she would never understand completely and only up to a certain point. She knew only a little of Klingon society and culture; just enough to know that it was more complex than most species realized. Without knowing Katan's full story, she could only offer him a shoulder and a listening ear. "As a member of the Endeavour's crew, I want you to know that I appreciate your vigilance," she said finally. "And as the first officer and a fellow officer of Starfleet, I'm here if you should ever need someone to talk to," she continued after taking a sip of her wine. A motion off to the side caught Isabella's attention, and she diverted her attention briefly before turning back to the lieutenant. "If you will excuse me, Lieutenant Katan. Please, enjoy the reception, and try to relax a little," she said before she moved away.

Katan nodded his head slightly as the corner of his mouth rose a bit. It could have been confused for a smile or it could be something else entirely, but his appreciation for Isabella's words were no confusion. Being on board, at first did make him uneasy, but the unexpected bond he shared with McKeon, and the knowledge that others onboard showed concern for him, brought an ease to his conflicted mind. His current situation may not be as difficult as he first thought. While Katan did long to be home and back among his people, honor intact, he didn't miss it as much as he did before.

Since Katan was talking to the commander, Grace got herself a glass of white wine and found a place where she could watch the room and see how everyone was interacting.

Jera slithered in and prowled along the edge of the room towards the bar. She had only heard about the social gathering when she had arrived at the lounge for her end of day drink before slithering back to her quarters, and since she was already there she had decided to simply endure it. Jera had been avoiding people since the incident on the planet, just as she had been avoiding the new chief engineer since his arrival. Right now, she only had eyes for the bottle of Romulan ale behind the bar and a glass that had her name on it.

Alistar paused in being kidnapped by the scientist who had dragged him away from the door (and his only means of escaping the entire ordeal) and made his way over to Jera Ros. He hadn't heard anything about her since the incident at Inti and he wanted to make sure that she was at least doing well. "Lieutenant Ros. I'm glad you could join us," he said.

Hearing the sound of the captain's voice, Jera paused and looked towards the captain while her hand continued over the edge of the bar and grabbed her liquid prize. "Captain, no offense but I'm not here to join in and socialize," she said bluntly as she poured a glass of ale. Replacing the bottle in its spot, she picked up the glass and turned to face McKeon. "I've got to get some sleep in before my next shift so I wasn't planning on staying long."

Alistar nodded. "As you wish," he said with a nod. "Have a good evening." He made a note to himself to speak to the chief engineer about Ros and her assignments. But for now, he had a reception that he had to get back to. From what he could tell, the evening was just beginning for most of the people present and knowing his crew they were going to use it as an excuse to pull an all night party. Thankfully, they were all contained to the ship. Unfortunately, they were all contained to the ship. "This is going to be great fun," Alistar muttered to himself.


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