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The Nebula (Arrival)

Posted on Sun Aug 29th, 2021 @ 9:22am by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant James 'Jim' Faraday & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi & Lieutenant Melodia Rios & Lieutenant Katan & Lieutenant Jason McBain & Grace Winters PhD

2,437 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Wiracocha Nebula
Location: Near the Wiracocha Nebula

"Captain, we're arriving at our destination in three minutes," the helmsman call out.

Sitting in his command chair reading a padd on the developing situation across the quadrant near the Cardassian Federation DMZ, Alistar paused and glanced up. Even at warp, the nebula stood out on the forward view screen. It reeked of a nice, boring scientific survey and nothing dangerous or exciting. And the Endeavour's commanding officer couldn't wait. "Drop us out of warp, slow to one third," he ordered. "Bring us to one AU away from the perimeter of the nebula and let's get started."

At Ops, Melodia paused to look at the viewscreen. She never tired of looking at nebulae, and this one was impressive.

Isabella stood at the auxiliary station located behind the command seats. She had assigned a science officer to man the bridge science station and could use the auxiliary station on the bridge to confer with the observation team in the forward lounge easily enough. Her position also allowed her to keep informed of everything that happened and she would know almost instantly when something did happen. It was a unique vantage point that Isabella had thought would be an ideal position for her for the duration of the mission. "Activate the ODN link to the observation team and begin three dimensional mapping and recording," she said.

Sitting at the bridge science station Jim kept an eye on the sensor readings as well as the mapping scans. He hadn't thought that charting would be so boring and fun at the same time, but then his specialty wasn't in the hands on area of science, but he was starting to think that he might want to change paths. "Refocusing MDA calibrations for maximum sensor output," he said as he typed in a series of commands. "That should help with the resolution."

McBain sat in the Bridge Console for Engineering; the Power grid was flowing smoothly; he was prepared for the conversion from Warp Drive; switching the power from the Warp Nacelles to the Impulse Drives. This also allowed for the Core power to be distributed as Operations saw fit. The grid was now acceptant of the new demands as the Warp Drive demands upon the Power Grid left a vast Power reserve that the Sensory systems and SHielding could utilize as needed.

"Impulse Engines at the ready, Warp Drives neatly being put to Stand -By." McBain reported. "All power conversions to Sensory and other support system at the ready Sir." He reported.

Katan stood at the tactical console, arms crossed of his chest, face stern and eyes focused. While their mission did not call for a tactical edge, he still felt the need to be ready all the same.

[Observation Lounge]

Melodia was in the observation lounge with the guests. "Looks good from here," she reported to the bridge as the image cleared up.


Alistar nodded absently from the command chair. He wasn't a science officer by trade or training, and while he was glad the the Endeavour was settling in on a boring science mission he silently wished for something to break the dull routine. "All right. Helm, take us in closer. Let's make sure we get a good image of this quiet cloud of interstellar stuff," he said, trying not to sound bored.

[Observation Lounge]

This was Ayrie's first close look at the nebula, even though she'd been on Inti for a while. She felt like a kid in a candy shop as she watched the viewscreen.

Jim started to lean back in his seat and relax for a bit when he noticed something strange on the sensor readings. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. He focused the sensors he had control of to the source of his curiosity and frowned. "Captain, I'm picking up on an energy buildup from inside the nebula," he reported.

Alistar blinked and sat upright. He was bored, but for once he was enjoying being bored. His command of the Endeavour had been anything but quiet, and he was going to have a few things to say if the blasted nebula of all things was going to screw up his quiet boring day. "Is it from something inside the nebula or a generalized energy storm throughout the nebula?" he asked.

Isabella frowned slightly as she focused her attention on the readout screens before her. The data feeding from the sensors to her console screens wasn't making complete sense, but it was truly too early to start forming any creditable theories. What she was seeing, however, was no mere energy ripple or a stellar storm. "Captain, the energy buildup is increasing at a steady rate," she reported. "But it's forming and moving at the same time."

[Observation Lounge]

Ayrie watched the viewscreen, going between the image and the scrolling data running down the side. "That movement seems far too deliberate for it to be accidental." she said. "is it natural or man made?"

"Too soon to tell," Melodia said. "But it is concerning."


Alistar watched the displays with a growing concern. Whatever was approaching the ship he didn't know what it was but he wasn't about to take any chances. "Well, whatever it is let's be prepared. Yellow alert, raise shields," he said.

Melodia came onto the bridge to take over ops. As much as she enjoyed the conversation on the observation deck, she needed to be here if there was a problem.

Jim watched in alarm as the energy buildup quickly reached a critical threshold, almost in seconds and almost too fast for him to keep up. He opened his mouth to report but before he could the readings cleared and went to normal. He paused and frowned at the computer screen.

Almost instantly, a flash of light filled the bridge and in its place stood a tall woman with short dark hair. She smiled towards the shocked Starfleet officers. "Well, hello there little ones," she said.

Little ones? Melodia thought. She scanned the intruder to see if she could ascertain what sort of being could beam herself onto the bridge through the shields. She had a sinking feeling she already knew.

Alistar was out of his command chair instantly. "Intruder alert! Security to the bridge!" he snapped.

Katan let out a growl as he vaulted over the section where the Tactical station was located. As if driven by a mixture of duty and fear, he drew his phaser, saying under his breath. "'ach loDnI'wI' vIyajchu'meH" (I will not lose another brother) As he positioned himself by Alistar, his phaser trained on the woman, eyes narrowed and determine to fight for the crew if necessary.

The woman laughed, a carefree and mostly entertained sound more than anything and the tone of the laugh caused Alistar to pause. He held his arm out in front of Katan, knowing that the Klingon would pounce and attack at the first indication of danger. He also could tell that it would be a short one sided fight and that his blood brother would most likely not win. "yIjot, loDnI'wI'," (Calm, brother) he said. "I'm Captain Alistar McKeon of the Federation starship Endeavour. Identify yourself," he said to the woman.

The Klingon kept his eyes trained on the woman, his weapon still raised, as two other security officers entered the bridge who were answering the Captain's call. However, upon hearing Alistair's order to calm, Katan raised his hand to the entering officers. Both security officers lowered their weapons, but stood on high alert, just in case.

"Circe, of the Q Continuum," the woman said.

Katan lowered his weapon but remained at the Captain's side. What he learned of people from this Q Continuum, which was part of list of alien species Starfleet were to be cautious of, was that they were powerful and dangerous. They toyed with those they encountered and often forcing them into scenarios to test their metal of just for their amusements. These beings had no honor and could never be trusted. Whatever dangers she would have for the crew would certainly push them. Katan had to endure. He had to help the crew endure.

Grace walked onto the bridge to see the nebula, and to find out what the yellow alert was all about. She exited the turbolift just after the woman appeared. She'd never met a Q before and was curious to learn why she chose to come onto the Endeavour.

Alistar groaned silently as he braced to attention. "Red alert," he growled, making sure he followed Starfleet guidelines to the letter. Knowing that Katan would remain by his side and not wanting to place the Klingon in any more danger than he had to, Alistar glanced sideways as Grace walked out onto the bridge then back to their guest. "Ok, Circe. Q. Whatever. What do you want?" he asked.

"Well captain, I think I can do something for you," Circe said as smiled towards the captain. "This is a ship and a crew out of place and out of time. I like balance. I'd like to restore you to yours."

"Not everyone on this ship is out of time," Grace said, knowing that speaking out was likely the wrong thing to do. "We also have guests from Inti Colony. They don't even belong on this ship."

Katan looked to Grace. He gave to her a mixed look. One of caution and one of curiosity. If this Q, Circe, was dedicated to restoring balance then it did set fight for him. Who was she to decide what the right balance was? Whose to say this out of place and time crew wasn't meant to be where they were now? Whose to say it wasn't fate? Who was she to speak for all and decided what was needed to restore her balance. The more he thought about it the more angry he got, growling softly, before calming himself to avoid incident. He clenched his fist and finally spoke up, holding back his anger as best he could, trying to hide it by just him being that way merely for being Klingon "And what will this restoration cost us?"

The Q Circe shrugged and moved to sit on the helm console. "My help wouldn't cost you anything," she said. "I'm not like the majority of my kind, and I'm not going to expect you to believe me. As for those who belong in this timeline, they would have the offer and chance to remain here or join you in your time. But I understand if you need to think this over. I can give you two days to consider my offer."

That, at least, was fair, Grace thought.

Alistar nodded slowly before he spoke. "We'll take the time to consider your offer," he said finally. "If you give us your word you won't interfere with us while we consider this."

"Very well," Circe said. "I'll be back in two days." With a flash, she was gone, leaving the bridge crew staring at an empty space.

"Pass the word along to all hands," Alistar said. "Everyone has a decision to make." Turning, he offered Katan a nod as he headed towards his ready room.

Katan, still clenching his fists, nodded to the Captain. He was conflicted, but not for the Q's offer, but for something else entirely. Klingon's are said not to believe in fate, or destiny, but they do believe in luck and overcoming challenges. When Katan was left as the sole survivor of the Suvwl' kajunpak't, dishonored and banished from his home. He was encouraged to allow one of his older siblings to help regain his honor by performing Mauk-to'Vor, a form of Klingon ritual suicide, in order to regain his honor and end up in Sto-vo-Kor with his crewmates, but he refused. Katan saw his future as a new challenge and to overcome his dishonor on his own. His life was thrown out of balance and where was this woman then. Maybe his life wasn't important enough. Maybe it only applied to those thrown out of time, but Katan was placed here, and he was determined to face the challenge head on. He found friends here. Possibly a new family. A new house. The House of Endeavour and he vowed to protect it. Made an oath of blood with the Captain and he was determined to honor it.

The way Katan saw it, those brought here were place her for a reason, so who was this Circe to decide where they belonged? Because she had the abilities of a Q she felt it was her job to keep this balance? Why was she the one who decided that balance? Things happened in life, every day for one reason or another, and who was she to decide it was out of balance? Katan found himself getting angry again, growling slightly, as he walked back to his console. He tapped it in an almost furious fashion before stopping himself from breaking it entirely. He gripped onto the console, from the top, and looked down as he closed his eyes. Attempting to remain calm and contain his inner most desire to lash out in anger and frustration.

Grace wanted to go over to Katan and talk to him, see if she could help him. She understood his anger, and he had a point. But she also understood how some of the crew would want to go back home to their own timeline. It was...complicated. She wasn't sure if she would stay or go herself, as she was from this current timeline.

Isabella's mind raced as she finally glanced down at her console and signed out of the duty station. She had remained quiet throughout the entire encounter, mostly because she had been too surprised by the encounter of a member of the Q Continuum. She had also felt that it would have been best for fewer people to be involved with this Q; the fewer people who interacted with her could mean that there would be fewer problems that could arise later. But now, she had a feeling that the captain of the Endeavour needed not only a first officer, but a friend. Crossing the bridge, she tapped the ready room door control panel and entered.

When both the Captain and First Officer had left, Grace walked over to Katan. "Can I help or just buy you a drink?" she asked quietly.


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