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StarDate 24102.19 Duty Log: Executive Officer/Chief of Security and Tactical

Posted on Thu Feb 19th, 2015 @ 6:25pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

<< Various N.P.C.s are mentioned and used throughout this log. >>

Innovindil sat in her quarters and thought over the issues plaguing the Security department while she read the most recent department report and ate breakfast. There had been a change of attitude and an overall general improvement since the entire Security staff had been spending half of their off duty time attending classes or training sessions, although there were still a few bad apples as Lieutenant Heartly had described them. The majority of the problems seemed to be centered on three Petty Officers who happened to be the senior three N.C.O.s in Security as well as team leaders. While Innovindil had been happy to hear that the problems in Security weren't widespread, she had been troubled that her top three ranking N.C.O.s were responsible for the issues at hand.

Lieutenant Heartly had managed to do some digging as well as conducted an unofficial investigation and discovered that the three Petty Officers had been involved in troubling situations before. Petty Officer First Class Osmond Lane was clearly the most problematic of the three. The senior ranking of the trio, he also had a civilian criminal record that predated his entry into Starfleet. Petty Officers Logan Kane and Jason Dex were both Second Class Petty Officers who had only recently started their own criminal records, although they were making up for their late start by being involved in a number of serious offenses.

Setting the Padd down and leaning back in her chair as she finished eating, Innovindil thought over the different ways she could handle the three criminal Petty Officers. The easiest thing to do would be to bring the trio up on charges and sentence them to prison, but that was often thought of as a last resort in general by most Officers and even if they didn't go to prison the three N.C.O.s would be dismissed from service to Starfleet and the Endeavour would lose three experienced crewmen. Innovindil wanted to find another solution to the problem; the only problem was that there wasn't much of one available. The only one she could think of was the direct approach, which would either work or land all three problematic crewmen in the brig.

Deciding that she would simply do the only viable course of action left to her other than pressing charges, Innovindil stood and left her quarters. It was still early, and from Lieutenant Heartly's investigation Innovindil knew that all three Petty Officers would be in the same location until shift start. The trip from her quarters on Deck Three to the Auxiliary Storage area on Deck Nine-B was a quiet one, with the exception of the several minutes in which Innovindil stopped by Security and spoke to Lieutenant Heartly. Most of the crew were either in their quarters preparing to go on duty or at their stations hoping that their relief arrived early. At one of the storage rooms, Innovindil paused and took a deep breath before she entered an override code and opened the door. Stepping inside, she raised an eyebrow as she regarded the three surprised Petty Officers with shocked expressions.

Petty Officer Osmond Lane recovered first, stepping forward and turning a glare towards Innovindil.

"This is a private storage area, Commander, and these are personal belongings," Lane said.

"Indeed, and if you were a civilian that would be a valid argument," Innovindil said as she took a brief moment to investigate the still before she turned her full attention to the N.C.O.

"However, you are a Non-Commissioned Officer on a Starfleet vessel and that device is contraband aboard this ship. Even if you were a civilian, it's still illegal," Innovindil said.

"Well, I said it's private property and it's staying," Lane said as he grabbed Innovindil's uniform jacket.

"I'm going to ask you once to remove your hand," Innovindil said in a dangerous tone.

"I'm thinking you need a good lesson in manners, Commander," Lane said with an ugly sneer.

"You're out of line, Petty Officer," Innovindil warned.

"Yeah, well you're in for a bad start to the day, Ma'am," Petty Officer Kane chimed in as he stepped forward. His eyes ran over Innovindil before he smiled in an ugly, dangerous manner.

"Guys, let's just give her the still and call it even," Petty Officer Dex said from the back of the room.

"I told you he'd turn chicken," Lane growled at Kane.

In that brief moment in which the Petty Officer was distracted, Innovindil acted. Her left hand snapped up and she wrapped her fingers around Osmond's wrist, digging her nails deep into the inside of his wrist and twisting while her right hand shot out and curled seconds before it slammed into Lane's chest. His hand released its grip on her jacket as he staggered back a step. Innovindil spun towards Petty Officer Kane, who tried to swing at her head with his fist. Innovindil side-stepped easily and grabbed the inside of Kane's arm with one hand while the other seemed to slide down his arm and connected with the side of his head. Kane grunted from the blow and stumbled, but Innovindil kept a firm grip on his arm. He came to his senses and tried to lash out at her a second time, to which she simply countered by driving her knee into his stomach and followed through with a sharp, hard blow to the back of his head. Kane fell to the deck in a crumbled heap as Innovindil turned her attention back to Petty Officer Lane.

"Petty Officer Osmond Lane, you and Petty Officer Logan Kane are hereby charged with conduct unbecoming of a Starfleet Non-Commissioned Officer, extortion, possession of illegal items, assault on a Starfleet Officer, and sexual assault on a Starfleet Command Officer," Innovindil said before she tapped her comm.-badge twice. The door to the storage room opened, revealing Lieutenant Kyra Heartly and seven other Security crewmen, all who wore grim expressions. Innovindil stepped back and let the Security crewmen take the three Petty Officers into custody.

After most of the room had been cleared and the investigation Officer began inspecting the room, Innovindil stepped up beside Kyra and nodded.

"Thank you, Lieutenant," she said.

"It was my pleasure, Ma'am," Kyra said.

"Hopefully we won't have any more problems such as this in the future," Innovindil said as she waved her hand to indicate the room full of contraband.

"I should have caught it when they brought a still and the other manufacturing items on board," Kyra said.

"We'll wait for the investigation to wrap up before we blame ourselves. Some of the items might have already been aboard," Innovindil said.

Kyra nodded as she watched the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Services Officer carefully inspect the room. The S.F.C.I.S. Officer was assigned only temporarily to the Endeavour, but she was glad that he was aboard at the moment. His report would add some weight to the sentencing that would come after the impending court marshal.

"Will the Commander preside over the hearing?" Kyra asked.

"I'm not sure. Speaking of which, I need to go report this to him," Innovindil said.

"I'm sure he's going to love this," Kyra said with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Let's hope he's in a good mood when I give my initial report," Innovindil said with a tight smile. Leaving Lieutenant Heartly in charge, she decided to hurry up and get the impending report over with. Stepping out of the storage room, she took a deep breath and started off towards the Commanding Officer's Ready Room.

Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical
U.S.S. Endeavour


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