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StarDate 241502.23 Joint Log: Commanding Officer and Executive Officer (Commander Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar)

Posted on Tue Feb 24th, 2015 @ 7:15pm by Captain Innovindil Valenar & Captain Alistar McKeon

895 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Innovindil had made a quick stop by Security to ensure that the three Non-Commissioned Officers that had been arrested had been processed and placed in a brig cell before she continued on to the Commanding Officer's Ready Room. She hadn't taken the time to write a report on the incident yet, since she had overseen the inspection of the storage room where the N.C.O.s had conducted their criminal activities. The room had contained more than just a still and a few articles of contraband, and Innovindil wasn't looking forward to reporting it. The trip from Security to the Ready Room doors was a quiet one, and once she arrived she had to take a deep breath before she tapped the door controls and waited.

Alistar was sitting in his ready room enjoying a late breakfast and reading the morning ship wide report. His feet were propped up on the corner of his desk as he read something he had started when he had been promoted to XO on the Defiance. A plate of biscuits sat on top of an already cleared plate that had once held a bacon and ham omelet that the replicator had screwed up and gotten right. Of course, since he had growled at engineering about the quality of food, the replicators had been tuned up and had been producing quality meals. This was why he was halfway in a good mood when the door chime rang. "Enter," Alistar called.

Innovindil stepped into the Ready Room and frowned as she noticed the plates and the fact that McKeon actually looked relaxed as he read a report, most likely the morning report that she had signed off on several hours before. Suppressing a sigh and hoping that she wasn't about to ruin her Commanding Officer's day, Innovindil stepped up to the desk and adopted a parade rest stance before speaking.

"Sir, I'm afraid I must report that I have made three arrests this morning," Innovindil said.

Alistar's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the verbal report as he turned his attention from the padd to his XO. Since there hadn't been anything reported about pending arrests, it had to be something that had developed quickly or kept quiet. "Who did you arrest?" he asked.

"Petty Officers Osmond Lane, Logan Kane, and Jason Dex," Innovindil replied. "All three were senior N.C.O.s in Security. Petty Officer Lane had prior criminal history but had no infractions for the past year of service before transferring to the Endeavour. Petty Officers Kane and Dex have no prior criminal records."

"And what did these three criminal masterminds do to warrant being arrested first thing in the morning?" Alistar asked.

"The leading charge against them is sexual assault and attempted rape of a senior Officer, but there are additional charges of smuggling, possession of illegal items aboard a Starfleet ship, manufacturing, possession, and selling of illegal substances, and illegal use of Starfleet property. I'll know if there are any additional charges when the Investigations Officer completes his investigation," Innovindil said, knowing full well that her Commanding Officer most likely wouldn't like the charges that were being pressed against three members of his crew.

Alistar sighed as his legs slid off of the desk and his feet hit the deck. Turning his chair so that he was sitting at the desk properly he half tossed half slammed the padd onto his desk before he waved for Valenar to sit. "I can only conduct a captain’s mast for minor charges, mostly the sexual assault and attempted rape and maybe the illegal use charges I can handle. The others are major felonies that only a licensed judge or a Starfleet JAG officer can handle. That means a trial in a court room. That means either a return trip to DS5 or I'll have to request a prisoner transfer somewhere."

"Sir, I do believe that Petty Officer Dex deserves some leniency. He did try to talk the other two out of the sexual assault. With some convincing, he may be willing to offer a statement against the others in return for a lesser sentence," Innovindil said.

"Alright. I'll consider it if the Officer who was assaulted requests a lessened sentence for Dex. Who was it, by the way?" Alistar asked.

"I am the Officer in question, and I do formally request that Petty Officer Dex be given a Captain's Mast and be shown leniency in his sentencing," Innovindil stated formally.

Alistar tried to hide his surprise and ended up shaking his head. He was surprised, given Valenar's record that the assault charge was even being brought up. Finally he nodded. "Alright. Inform the master at arms to present the prisoner to me at 0800 hours. I want a full report from you and at least one witness as well as a full and detailed report on the entire incident including video surveillance by 0730. Have the other two placed in brig 2 and placed on basic provisions. If that's all, you're dismissed commander."

Innovindil snapped to attention and gave McKeon a sharp salute before she turned and stepped towards the doors. Silently, she wondered just how lenient the Commander would be, considering his entire day had most likely just turned into a bad one.

Commander Alistar McKeon
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Commander Innovindil Valenar
Executive Officer
Chief of Security and Tactical


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