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SD 241502.26 EngSpec Duty Log PO1 Jera Ros

Posted on Thu Feb 26th, 2015 @ 10:17pm by Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

285 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Shakedown: Taking Flight

Jera grumbled as she sat at a console in engineering and stared at the monitor screens. There was a price to pay for having a competent engineering crew, and that was being bored and sitting in engineering for an entire day watching the systems management station. For Jera Ros it was a day of pure hell. She preferred to be doing something, but the Endeavour was currently running perfectly without a single problem. There were often days like this, and she hated them.

"Hey Ros, have the replicator systems been checked?" one of the other engineers asked from the station next to hers.

"Yes," Jera said. Before he could ask, she sighed and continued. "So have the drive systems for the impulse and warp drives, the injector systems, ODN network systems, the bio neural gel packs, the hot water system, the fusion reactors, the sensors, the deflector dishes, all of the tactical systems we have access to, and the damned holo decks."

"What about the lighting fixtures?"

"You're really trying to hunt something to do down, aren't you?" Jera asked sarcastically. She didn't look, so she couldn't see the other engineer as he nodded eagerly. "Huxley is already doing that," Jera said.

Settling back in her chair, Jera was about to prop her feet up and consider a nap when the engineer spoke again. "What about maintenance on the shuttles?"

Jera's eyes brightened eagerly as she vaulted out of her chair. "I've got that!" she said as she charged across engineering to her toolkit. Grabbing her kit and ignoring the half startled half confused looks from everyone else, Jera charged out of engineering and towards the shuttle bay.

PO1 Jera'turak Ros
Engineering Specialist
USS Endeavour


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