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Executive Exchanges

Posted on Sat Mar 26th, 2022 @ 9:05pm by Commander Inara Valérian & Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi

1,184 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Return

Isabella had elected to arrive on board the new Endeavour via shuttle-craft; it was more due to the fact that she had simply wanted to enjoy a nice flight rather than lazily make use of the transporters. It had also given her the chance to view the new ship since the shuttle route had included a close fly-by that had allowed everyone on board the chance to take in the sleek lines of the Endeavour. For Isabella, she had to admit that if they were to give up the Endeavour’s predecessor star-ship, then she had been replaced by a star-ship that seemed more than capable of matching the expectations that would be demanded by the crew that were no doubt busily settling in and getting familiar with the new ship. While the shuttle docked in the primary shuttle-bay, Isabella settled into her seat and mentally prepared herself for everything that she needed to take care of as soon as she was aboard. As soon as everyone else had disembarked from the shuttle, Isabella stood and gathered her carry-on luggage before stepping out of the shuttle and onto the flight deck of the Endeavour. She made a quick visual scan of the shuttle-bay before she noticed a woman wearing a red uniform and the rank of a full commander. The woman could only be the executive officer, and Isabella pressed her lips together as she walked over to the woman.

“Commander Isabella dei`Silvisi, reporting for duty as chief science officer,” Isabella said as she stood before the other woman.

“Commander, I’m Commander Inara Valérian,” Inara replied, giving the science officer a friendly smile. She knew that the commander had served as the former Endeavour’s Executive Officer, and as such there could be tensions that she hoped to avoid if at all possible. “I’ve been assigned to the Endeavour to serve as Executive Officer.”

“I understand,” Isabella said as she quickly took in as much as she could about the other woman in a brief moment. She seemed professional, and her auburn red hair stood out in contrast to her complexion, which made her somewhat striking if nothing else. “I take it our brave captain has already taken command?” she finally asked, if for nothing else than to break the silent tension.

“Yes, he beamed on board the other day and assumed command,” Inara replied. “He and I spoke briefly, but with all of the preparations I’ve been taking care of in order to get the ship ready for departure, I haven’t had time to really sit down and get to know him better. I had hoped to talk to you, however, if it wouldn’t be a bother to you.”

“It would of course depend entirely on what you wanted to speak to me about and discuss,” Isabella said as she shifted her luggage. “However, I would like to ask if it would be possible for me to at least drop my things off at my quarters.”

“Of course! Please forgive me, I honestly wasn’t aware that you would be carrying any luggage. I must admit that I assumed that everyone would be sending all of their belongings through the yeoman’s office,” Inara said as she waved her hand for Isabella to join her as she stepped towards the shuttlebay doors.

“I have a few personal items that I like to keep with me, mostly because of the sentimental value,” Isabella said as she fell in step with the first officer.

“I can understand that,” Inara said with a nod as they stepped out of the shuttlebay and out into the corridors of the ship. “I understand that you requested to step down as first officer after the position was offered to you. I wondered if I could ask you why?”

Isabella tensed slightly at the question, mostly because she knew that the answer could be taken in any manner and possibly not favorably. She had already decided to simply be honest with the commander and hope for the best. “As much as I enjoyed the challenges of being in a command position, I found that I enjoyed the challenges of being a science officer more. The ability to study the universe we live in has always been a challenge and desire I enjoyed, and I had to choose between the two. I simply found that at the moment, I like science more than command.”

Inara was quiet for a moment as they arrived at the turbo-lift and waited. She finally nodded. “I can understand that and I respect it,” she said. “I was simply curious. I don’t suppose you could give me any advice on working with the captain, could you?”

Isabella paused again, mostly because she wasn’t sure how to answer that question. After a long moment of thought, she shrugged. “Be honest and try your best,” she finally replied. “Alistar isn’t that difficult of a commanding officer, as far as captains go. As long as his officers perform their duties to the best of their abilities, he’s pretty fair and relaxed. He can be eclectic and difficult sometimes, but he’s a good man and capable commander.”

“It sounds like he’s a far step up from my previous captain,” Inara said as she reflected on the science officer’s words.

“Was your previous commanding officer truly so bad?” Isabella asked.

“To be frank, and bluntly honest, yes,” Inara answered. “He was abusive, mostly verbally, but he also was known to physically strike those under his command.”

“And none of these officers brought any charges against him?” Isabella asked, shocked. Starfleet officers were supposed to be held to high standards as far as behavior and manners were concerned. Command rank officers were held to even higher standards due to their positions of leadership, and to hear of such a breach was a shock to Isabella.

“Several tried, unfortunately none of the charges ever held. Some officers were forced to withdraw their charges, and of course such an action marks officers and not in a positive light,” Inara said.

“I’m sorry you had to endure such an ordeal, however Captain McKeon isn’t such a captain,” Isabella said. “He’s firm, but not abusive. In time, you’ll get used to him.”

“I certainly hope so,” Inara said as the turbo lift doors finally opened. As if on cue, her comm.-badge beeped.

“Commander Valérian, there’s a problem in the library. They requested a command officer to deal with it,” the voice of one of the duty officers said.

Inara sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I need to go put out one more brush fire,” she said to Isabella.

“Think nothing of it,” Isabella said with a knowing smile. “I can find my way here. If you want to talk later on, I’ll be available.”

“Thank you, I’m pretty sure I’m going to need a strong drink and friendly ear later,” Inara said as she started towards the library.


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