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Posted on Sun Nov 27th, 2022 @ 8:44pm by Captain Alistar McKeon & Lieutenant Jera'turak Ros

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Return

Alistar couldn't help but feel in some sort of awe as he walked into engineering. While the Intrepid class Endeavour had held a streamlined warp core and been controlled by a modest engineering control room, the new Sovereign class engineering bay was like everything else on the ship, and in a single word it was impressive. The largest and most powerful warp core developed and built by Starfleet hummed in the center of the bay, even at the Endeavour's current reduced power setting the thing just sat there and hummed. After a moment, Alistar pulled his attention away from the core and turned it towards the engineer he needed to talk to. Walking over, he managed a smile. "So, everything up to your standards?"

"It's a brand new ship, with completely new systems and upgraded equipment. Some of the newer systems I've never even seen or heard of before," Jera answered without looking up. She had known that the captain would sooner or later come check in with her. "But I think once we get down a routine we should be able to keep her running perfectly."

"Of that I'm certain," Alistar said as he frowned slightly and regarded her. "Jera, are you alright? You seem just a little different in terms of your attitude. I mean, you've normally griped twice and threatened me at least once by now."

"Well, I've decided to turn over a new leaf and try being a bit less bitchy," Jera said as she finally looked up at McKeon. "I've had a lot of time to think and discuss over some things with the shrinks. We're pretty much back where we started with the old Endeavour as far as starting out and starting over. I've decided that this time, I intend to do better."

"Well that's something I'd never expected to hear from you, that's for certain," Alistar said, hiding his complete surprise. "But I'm glad to hear it. Really. So, you think we'll get everything right this time around? Or will there be evil aliens hiding out there with notorious plots waiting to strike us down if we're not careful?"

"There's always something out there ready to put scratches on the hull and if there's a captain who will find it that captain will be you," Jera said. "But at least Starfleet gave you a ship that stands a better chance of surviving anything you decide needs to be shoved over and poked with a stick. Oh, and we still don't have a chief, so I'm not sure how you intend to operate engineering."

"I'm glad you brought that up," Alistar said. "I wanted you to take over engineering, however Starfleet had some concerns, mostly your lack of experience with these types of warp cores and the newer systems the Endeavour has. They're sending us an engineer to take over engineering for a time. Someone who can train you and the others in getting more familiar with the newer systems."

"I'll admit that nearly half of the systems on this ship are new and I've been afraid to touch too many consoles out of fear that I'll break something," Jera admitted. "So who is this almighty knowledgeable engineer and when are they going to show up? Half of the engineering crew look like cadets on their first field trip and that makes me nervous."

"Uhm, Jera, you do realize that over half of the Endeavour crew are ensigns who just graduated from the Academy, so technically you're not far off from your assessment. However," he held up his hand before she could explode in one of her outbursts. "They are trained on the majority of the systems that you and I have to get caught up on. So no eating the baby officers. I know that it's tradition for engineers to eat their young, but this time you need to hold off. As for our acting chief, I haven't been informed of who is being sent to us. My guess is we'll find out when they get here."

"Engineers don't eat their young," Jera snorted. "We torture them. But fine, I won't frighten the children. Much. You do know that I'm eventually going to have to at least maim one or two of them, just so they all know to leave me alone."

"Jera, I'm trying to make you chief engineer one day," Alistar said with a sigh. "Could you try to give me a bone to throw at Starfleet Command so they don't reject you when I make my recommendation?"

"I thought starship captains had final say over their senior staff," Jera said as she raised her eyebrows. "But if you insist. I'll make sure they can't blame me for any accidents that might happen to any baby engineers. But," she shook her finger at the captain to make sure he understood her point "I'm not going to be blamed for any wounded egos that may occur."

"I think I can agree to that, but try to be nice," Alistar said as he finally nodded. Dealing with any engineer could be a headache, but dealing with Jera Ros could be a migraine. "I'll let you know when that new chief engineer comes on board, in the meantime I need my ship to be ready. Final orders are coming down from Starfleet tomorrow and I want to be ready to depart."

"We'll be ready," Jera said with a nod before she glanced around the engineering bay. "One way or another," she added with a low growl.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Alistar said before he nodded and turned away. Shaking his head a little he headed out of engineering. Whatever was in store for the Endeavour, it was certain that things would be interesting one way or another.


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